I went into my local Chinese takeaway last night and got talking to the owner.
'What you do for a riving, then?', he said.
'What do I do for a living, you mean?'
'I'm a comedian', I replied.
'Go on then, change colour', he chuckled.
'No! I'm not a chameleon, I'm a comedian'
'Oh right, tell me joke then. Make me raff', he said.
Just then in the kitchen, I noticed his wok was on fire with my meal in it.
'Wok! Wok!', I shouted.
'Who's dare..', he said.
Sod this, I thought.
I'm off for a curry
To the Scumbag that stole 300 cans of RedBull from my mates shop,
I don't know how you can sleep at night.
I'm Having trouble finding out what
51, 6 and 500 are in Roman numerals!!!
Jokes about sugar are rare.
Jokes about brown sugar - Demerara.
Imagine The Titanic with a lisp.
It's unthinkable.
After 23 years..I've just broken my clothes-horse!
I feel it's the end of an airer?
Fashionable news .. exit signs are on the way out ....
I was out using the metal detector and I ended up digging down about 20ft before I realised I had steel capped boots on.