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w/c 7th
Re: w/c 7th
((Hugs))DetI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: w/c 7th
Hey Det. Sounds like you are having a rough time. My abstinence (over 80 AF) is tested daily, with loneliness, regret, and hopelessness. It is hard to get up and go at times, isn't it? If I could I would probably sleep for a year, but my insomnia takes care of that. I was on such a binge I know a price needs to be paid. Still doesn't seem fair though, does it? Anyway, I hope you catch a break or 2. I'll try to stop in occasional and post. I read more that post these days. I've been through stints of abstinence so many times I feel like a broken record. Haha. Isn't that part of this whole thing. Constant reminders of what got us here. :very_drunk:
PS - I guess I should officially introduce myself as I hadn't posted in years. I'm mashed potatoes, formally Morrison.
Re: w/c 7th
Good evening Abbers,
It's above freezing for the second day in a row, nice. I hope the rest of the ice & snow disappear before any new stuff arrives.
Det, so glad to see you today but sorry things are so difficult for you :hug:
Not drinking is the best thing, now & always & that's for all of us.
Being near family is a comfort for me & for most. Is there any possibility you could relocate & get some family support? That would be awesome.
We are always here to listen, I think you know that but having a familiar face nearby is better.
PQ, glad you found a recipe to try
I've been using Braggs raw apple cider vinegar for years. Here's their info, just so you know: Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Book, Bragg Live Foods, Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Bragg Liquid Aminos,Systemic Enzymes, Bragg Live Organic Food Products, Patricia Bragg, Paul Bragg, Bragg Organic Olive Oil, Bragg Salad Dressings, Bragg Seasonings, Bragg H
Hope you don't get too much snow, we are enjoying milder above freezing temps this week.
Pauly & Mick, I have to admit I have a jigsaw puzzle app on my iPad. They give you one free puzzle each day & you can buy a whole lot more if you like
Pie, hope your day was a good one.
Sam, thanks for checking in & I sure hope you continue to improve. Not easy dealing with boo boos after a certain age!!!
I got my hair cut today then helped my son out with sewing buttons on his uniform jacket. The FD decided they needed to change all of their buttons for some reason, who knows? Gearing up for a possible boy invasion tomorrow night, plans are still in the works. The funeral for the firefighter is on Friday in downtown Philadelphia, my son will be attending. I'll help out here with the kids, getting them fed & delivered to school.
Peace to all tonight!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: w/c 7th
Morrison! I remember you! Aren't you friends with Det, or maybe I got that wrong.
I think you'll enjoy the gang still. Pull up a chair and tell us why you are posting again. I think both you and I met Prest for Time, she changed her avatar and I don't remember the old one. It's great to see you.:happy2:Enlightened by MWO
Re: w/c 7th
Morrisson! so glad to have you back here buddy. I miss hanging with you in Vegas and being AF inspite of the place.
really good gang here as dear SK says and Mick takes special care of us because we are 'speshul'. oh man.... that's the closest
thing to a piece of humor I've felt in way too long. Check me out at lifering.com chat. my chat name is fiore.
Lav, I do indeed miss family.... have family in Vegas and Hawaii. Vegas is a lot easier but it's not the very best place for sobriety.
I guess that would be some Muslim country... i've actually considered that.... no kidding.
Well, still no job but it's only been a few days.... I'm trying not to panic anyway. good grief my poor heart/brain. Feel so low and so
damn beat up. I'm sorry everyone... just crying out loud here.
hugs for all xxxxxxxnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: w/c 7th
Mae everybody,ugh,managed to get a stomach flu or ate something bad! Yesterday afternoon/evening was awful I don't need this right before Kell's baby comestrying to decide if I should head to work or not,,maybe for a bit cuz things are staying down now,grrr,much love to all and wishes for a nice AF Thursday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: w/c 7th
MAE ALL...Frigid out there this morning -29F!
Pi...I'm into puzzles too but haven't done them for awhile due to a lack of room. Hope you had a relaxing non time sensitive day yesterday.
Sam...hope you continue on the mending road and that you've got that cough dealt with.
Det...so glad you're posting especially since you're in the sad sack mode, that's hard to do. I love that you are so honest about what's happening with you. I know from past experience that just getting it out there helped me and you are helping all of us stay grounded. Keep Tuesday on your mind knowing that is what will make you feel better and keep posting I know it made me not feel so lonely. :hug:
Spuds...good to see you and it sounds like you just made Det's day! Mashed Potatoes is too long to type out all the time and I won't remember who Morrison is so I'm sticking with Spuds. LOL
Lav...I've tried some of the jigsaw puzzles on line but it's just not the same. Thanks for the info on Braggs, I'll have a read through. I'm sporting a new hairdo too. Your helping with the kids on Friday must be a big relief for your son, sure he's dealing with enough emotions right now.
SK...I bet Spuds post brought back lots of memories for you.
Pauly...I hope it was something you ate and not the start of the "yucks" going around. You put you first because you're going to be a busy granny soon.
Mick...hope you're having a lye in and not a disappearing post morning.
Off to see if I can coax the car into starting. Have a good one all....:smile:PPQP
Re: w/c 7th
Good morning ABers here and there,
Pauly, that blows.... pleeeeeze don't take the bait and let the booze come into the pic. You deserve better.
PPQ, holy snowcave batman! that's some rough weather. Your posts (everyone's) make me feel less alone too
and it's a precious thing I'm realizing more and more.
we humans are social creatures and crave that interpersonal connection. When we deny ourselves of that, we connect
with whatever is handy. Usually that is 'things' and substances. I've done both for so very long and I can see that now, as
though I'm observing from the perspective of another entity.
Did my hike with a buddy this morning early and it was so beautiful. I'll post sunrise pics in a few
Found out there is a SMART recovery meeting in Reno so I'm going to be brave and attend tonight.
be well lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: w/c 7th
Hi folks sorry I haven't posted for a few days but I am swamped with my writing. Although I have managed some great short walks with my daughter. She moves into her flat this weekend but we will be in regular contact. I agree with you all about the importance of face to face contact. When did we think we were too busy fir this? Our ancestors worked much harder and were probably exhausted plus had very little privacy - unless they were rich. Mine were not! Of course technology has made a big difference to our lives but we do need that social contact.
Good on you for posting Det and keep talking to us here. We might as well use this damned tech to our advantage! Hawaii is a very expensive place to live in but if you have family it might be good. And warm.
Hi to everyone else and Morrison. I don't think I know you.
Re: w/c 7th
well good afternoon all,
still convalescing but getter better all the time. Pain meds have run out so first day using over the counter which is fine so far. Just gotta stay quiet.
PQ, -29!!! holy moly that is cold.
Mick, found this for your wabbits:
just a quick check in, Det you sound positive! good on you!
laterLiberated 5/11/2013
Re: w/c 7th
Hello everyone.
Det, big hugs:heartbeat:
Not a lot to say, but 60 deg. and sunny on Monday - just a distant memory as we have the arctic wind blowing from the north.
Hi to everyone. I think we have all experienced bitter cold this year except Pauly.Enlightened by MWO
Re: w/c 7th
Good evening Abbers,
My peaceful house is about to erupt in 45 minutes when my 2 grandsons & their 3 dogs arrive for an overnight stay - oh joy!
I am not able to attend the funeral for the fallen firefighter so I am kid/dog watching so my son & his wife can go.
We are expecting heavy rain tomorrow so having 3 extra dogs in the house is going to be insane.
Hi Morrison, glad to see you here!
Det, you could always join a convent or an Amish community here, they don't generally drink - just kidding.
Being closer to family sounds like a much better idea. I hope your meeting goes well.
Sam, are you using heat & ice to deal with the pain? That's really the best therapy.
SK knows a bit about this stuff too
PQ, -29F? Really? Oh geez, sorry! Make soup, lots & lots of soup!!!
TT, good to see you & I hope your daughter's move goes well.
Pauly, get better very soon! You have to be 'new baby' ready, right?
Did I miss Mick today?
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: w/c 7th
Lav, we may have indeed missed Mick... oi? hope no dental emergencies.
SK, thank you for the hugs dear one
Sam, glad yer able to get off the strong meds, that's a good sign.
TTops, marvy to see you again.
Lav, it's a good thing you are an accomplished dog/boy/food juggler!
well, my first SMART meeting was very good indeed.. it's led by a therapist and she rocks. She's very REAL
and also very positive and open minded. I certainly intend to go to more even though they are 40min away.
today's hike went over so well that my buddy and I are going hiking early again tomorrow. Haven't gotten to the
pics yet but soon.
gnight lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: w/c 7th
yo dudes and dudettes howzwee today then?you doing good...?ah hope so...well the sun made a brief appearance here yesterday ...looked the part but def wasnt warm...even the rabbits had fur coats on ...teeth ok ..still a bit of pain but that will go ...sooooooo lets crack on ..Ive got a bizzy doing nothing day today ..yeh right..so here we go brewtime
hiya Morrison...never met you afore ..Im the sane one on here ...pleased to meetcha..sounds like youve had a coupla dabbles at quitting ...the biggie isdont stop stopping ...day 81....well done buddy...
Det mate hey how are you this morning? the natch thing yoomans do is go all insular and retreat into themselves..and that causes real complications.try and get yourself out and meet folk mate join any group whatever ..it matters not the photo one sounds cool...As for crying ..that is just a reaction ..we all do it ..nothing big in saying you dont ..its a method of emotive release ..that sounds like I know wot Im talking about as for moving ..dont bother with hawaii...firstly you would look bloody stoopid in a grass skirt and secondly their law enforcement is crap ..I ve seen hawaii 50 get it together today mate good job on naebooze.com oh and by the way ...you aint a sad sack get yourself out mate ..the woe is me uniform doesnt fit... chin up buddy
hiya eskay ...hows you today then?all good with you
hiya Lav..wit woo nice hairdo girl..coffee here ya go....send your sons boots over ..Im pretty good at bulling boots up to glass shine standard!tell him to keep some of the old buttons ..there will be a collector some where.Is the funeral an in service job .where they use the engine to carry him out?sounds like it if your lad is getting his best kit sorted ..and who better to sew buttons on than good ole mum ...the ole is NOT age related ..how the heck do you do a jigsaw on an i pad?
hiya pauly how are you today then ?hope all is well ...?
Sam the man how are you ? yep as we get older we sdeem to attract all sorta lurgies etc that we weould have brushed aside as young uns ...broken leg ? ha a mere flesh wound ..anyways hope you are on the road to recovery .
hiya pie ..howare you today? its a pity the postage is high..else we could have traded.. have alook at these ones Impossipuzzle type that in the browser...I have got and done the vw ,meerkats and beans one...
hiya ppqp...fingers xd re dentist too...I agree the worlds temps have just gone mad ...hows the healthy eating going?
hiya tt ...hows you ..?
right peeps tis time to go,
that was a copy of yesterdays post which didnt post ...dont know what not ...thanks to those that pm d and sent me messages tho;;
so its Friday and good morning to yall...well said nooze trump has cancelled his visit to Britain..that has perplexed us as a nation...hmmmm
so anyone got anything lined up for the weekend?I think I am out detecting on Sunday.
brew time...................................
hiya det ...glad you got out ..you sound a good bit more positive today ...well done matey get out as much as you can..and glad the therapist has given you a positive spin buddy..
Hiya Sam..how are you then today?progressively better by the day?that you tube is a belter ...you want to see this pair..I stood a pipe on end so that they couldnt run down the side of the hutch..I watched her push it over,so that he could sneak thru..have a good one matey ..
hiya Lav well so you have a whirlwind of a house ?get the noo fangled cooking machine on the go...hope all goes to plan for the funeral today....you say son and wife coming over ? mebbes an ice breaker here? A well deserved and needed brew methinks...
SK ... 60 degrees ? whats that? ah yes ..for us 20 days at 3...!!hope you are well.
Hiya tt ..best of luck with daughters move...it mustve been pretty scary in our ancestors days...wood fired computers ...no health and safety ..no risk assessments ,no cars ..no kews at the airport..no pin numbers to remember no texting ...just a teeensy weensy worry that is your neighbour coming over for a brew ...or to kill and eat ya!!anyway I digress ...your daughter will end up like mine ...close enough to come over with the washing and eat you out of house and home!!hope you are well.
hiya pauly ...hope you are doing ok today....did you go to work or sack it?hope the bug has buggered orf...
hi ppqp...thanks for the pm...twas a techie glitch ..not operator error!!!hows the weather today over there?did the car start ...I have not altered my appearance and can certainly say I am not sporting a new hair do!!once again thanks...
right going to get this in the post....will put some jokes up afterwards have a great weekend peeps..Last edited by Mick; January 12, 2018, 01:30 AM.af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12