MAE ALL... worries. I do use salt quite a bit so need to look at that with my healthy eating change. Glad you got your house back lab free. Fun stuff is always good, doesn't feel like work. Supposedly our chinook hits tomorrow and we should go up to 50F. I'll believe it when I see it.
Mick...glad you got a few trinkets after braving the cold yesterday. Was expecting Monday to be quiet but it was not to be. Building super had his laptop stolen over the weekend so was busy changing passwords and setting him up with a spare. Alarm going off for a ground fault error on our fire panel was like Chinese torture. Techs finally found out the batteries needed changing. Canada post increased their rates today and spent the remainder of the morning trying to download the update to our stamp machine. Couldn't get it and when I finally got through to tech support there was a canned message...system wide failure, try again in a couple of hours. Still no stamp machine. Got home, got dinner sorted and I know that when I curl up to read my book won't be giving me any grief.
Pauly...what a mess. That's got to be hard on Kell and now you're back to wait mode. Hope you made it through the day ok.
Lav...bummer! Sounds like it's hit just about all of us here. Take care of yourself and hope you get over it soon.'s hard at that age to know what you want to do with your life. And then yup all the usual questions. I'm glad she has you to talk to. The good thing about the Hawaii scare is it's forced people to put a plan together in case the real thing happens. I don't know what I'd do. I don't even have a plan if the fire alarm goes off.
Det...Darma Sang meditation, I'll be looking that up. You sound so much better and getting out on those morning hikes had probably made a huge difference. Good plan on getting that dental work dealt with.
Well tomorrow can't be any worse than today. I'll just take it as it comes. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP