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sunday 17 june

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    sunday 17 june

    I fell off the wagon last night, round at a mate's house and had 4 glasses of wine.
    Could have been worse, was offered more and could have drank more - but I could also have been better.

    I drank water for about the first hour or so then someone had some nice wine and offered me a glass, I said yes and one thing led to another.

    I feel a bit hungover today, but more tired than anything - off for a run in an hour and a half and I just know that it won't be as easy as yesterday. Gotta do it though, will sweat the toxins out quicker - ouch!

    So why did I do it, part of me felt that I didn't fit in with everyone else, part of wanted to say 'sod it' and be a bit rebellious, but against what for f***s sake, me?
    Anyway have a good day all of you and I'll seee you tomorrow after another af day.
    Bear x
    one day at a time

    sunday 17 june

    Hi Bear...good attitude..a small deviation from the plan. Enjoy the run.
    Its horrible when you feel "left out"but honestly it can be lovely enjoying the company and clearly able to participate and remember the night before!!
    I need to practice what i preach as still drinking one or two weekend nights!!

    Did ok this week..6days AF and 2 small wines last night..feeling goood.Off to mass now for spiritual re charge of my batteries!!
    I always come away from mass with a spring in my step full of hope...lets hope it lasts!!!!

    regards Cassy


      sunday 17 june

      Happy Sunday all.

      Make it a good one.


        sunday 17 june

        Hi there, I think you did really well, 4 glasses of wine isn't a lot really. I feel like I drank 4 bottles of wine today. Feeling very annoyed with myself! Drank far to much last night, can't remember most of the evening and now feeling like rubbish. I'm hoping this pattern of binge drinking I've got into will change, thats why I've decided to register on here.

        At least you remember your evening, thats really good!



          sunday 17 june

          Morning everyone-
          just got back from mass - and cassy I'm the same way, I always feel better after going
          bear- hang in there. I think it is good to go back and re-assess why you decided to say ok to the drink offer. It will help for the next time you are in a similar situation. One thing that helped me was to imagine the next day. I tried to think of it right away. Lisa, would you like a glass of wine? I would think 'well, yes that sounds great. I need it. I deserve it.' or whatever else I would say to make my answer 'yes'. Then I would say - and tomorrow how are you going to feel? Do you really want this or would you rather feel good tomorrow? So much internal dialogue! It took some practice ( who am I kidding? took a lot of practice) and I still go thru that senario in my head whenever I'm offered a drink.
          Another thing I try to remind myself of is that I won't stop at one glass and I know that.
          I may not go to 8 drinks but I will go until I'm assured of having a headache in the morning. bear- you are doing really really well. 4 glasses is not the end of the world - have a great run and have a great af day today.
          Hi lucky - you have a great day today too....scary avitar

          gossip - :welcome: this is a great place for information and support and to chat with people who know what you are talking about. I'm happy you are here.


            sunday 17 june

            Good morning,

            Sorry that you're feeling badly this morning, bear; Lisa has some great advice, doesn't she? Anyway, it seems like there's not great damage done, except to your ego, and many lessons to be learned. None of us would be here if we could stop at one or two, would we?? I sure wouldn't! I know that I am missing my ritual as much as anything.

            I'm glad you're on board, gossip. Welcome!

            Cassy, you sound like you're doing great, and lucky it's always good to see you, even if you are a particularly scary clownlike nun at the moment!

            Lisa, big smooches to you, love!

            At least I have some things to do today, so I won't be as bored as yesterday. My 17-year-old pinhead daughter now thinks her curfew should be 2am now that she will be able to drive after midnight as of July 6th. I am thinking "no way"--I'm neurotic enough with midnight!! Maybe 1 am.

            Anyway, I can't believe that it's day 6 for me. I can't believe that I've gotten this far. The boredom is hard to take sometimes. It's not that I wasn't bored when I was drinking--I just didn't care that I was bored, because I had my "pal" wine beside me. I did listen to the clearing cd yesterday, but I fell into a deep sleep about halfway through and woke up about an hour later! I guess I must have needed the sleep though, so I'll try with the hypno cd later today.

            At any rate, onward and upward!

            Hugs to all!:l

            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              sunday 17 june

              Hi everyone,

              thanks for the welcome, its really nice talking to people! I feel like I've definitely taken the first step onto the right path!



                sunday 17 june

                Hi all...
                Guess im back on the abs train...i s'pose. i dont know some of you as i went AWOL some time ago!!!
                I hope you are all well and happy today...i took my pops out for a lovely lunch and bought him a bottle of his favourite malt...i love my dad soooo much.
                And thats about all iv done today, but it was really enjoyable made me happy that id made him happy!!!
                Other than that id say its good to be back here with all my old pals and some v lovely new ones.

                Loves as always

                Lou-Lou x x x
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                  sunday 17 june

                  P.S.....Lucky your avatars just get more and more positivley petrified now!!!!
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    sunday 17 june

                    Hello all. Happy fathers day. Hope you all have a great Sunday

                    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                      sunday 17 june

                      Kathy- 6 days is a long time-big hugs to you too. I've sure missed you around here!

                      Lou- glad to see you. I was thinking about you last week and wondering where you went.
                      Hope you are doing ok. Things still good with the bf? Glad to hear from you.

                      Just got back from Home Depot. It was awful. All I wanted was to replace my window screen. I even brought in the old one to show them what I wanted. An hour and a half later.....I had an order for a screen and it should be here in 2 weeks!
                      First they told me I could re- screen it myself....are they kidding me??!! I have enough trouble screwing in lightbulbs. I kind of looked at him blankly and then said -but I want YOU to do it. He smiled and said "You can do it. We can help".
                      Then I think he realized he may have gone too far and started filling out the order form.... I hate home depot.

                      love you guys though..:h


                        sunday 17 june

                        Hi everyone,
                        Happy Father's day to all the dads.
                        Lisa, when I was single I went to Home Depot a lot for fix it stuff and the guys would always say don't you have a husband or boyfriend to help you with this? I finally started saying "yes but he's having his nails done at the moment!" good grief I feel your pain girl.

                        It's day 7 AF for me and planning a nice day with DH. I'm going to bake his favorite bread and cook a nice dinner, then we will play video games. His choice and that's fine with me.

                        I don't know a lot of you on this thread but plan to stop in more now that I have decided abs is best for me.

                        Have a great day everyone.

                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                          sunday 17 june


                          Hang in there. Important that you try again.


                          PS..I've got 9 days of abs..I messed up in the past but I keep trying.:h


                            sunday 17 june

                            Hi All-

                            Happy Father's Day....

                            We all took a hike around this 2.25 mile lake in outskirts of my town. It was wonderful. Saw a water snake & even had a scared snake slither in front of my daughter across the path. Found baby frogs & it was just a beautiful nature hike. We were thinking of getting a canoe & start canoeing on it but that water snake freaked me out. Snakes on land I can handle but snakes in water....or snakes on a plane (LOL).

                            All I have to say was that I'm glad I'm AF today. I'm shy 5 days of 6 months. Last year for Father's Day my hubby took my daughter to a softball banquet/minor league game while I slept at home nursing a hang over & continuing to drink. Ugh. This year hubby had a great Father's Day & I was able to call my daddy AF & wish him a happy Father's Day. Things really do fall into place & you get normalcy back in your life when you take booze out of the equation.

                            Have a great evening.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              sunday 17 june

                              heya AB-crew! been busy posting (not buying thankfully) on ebay and managed to come down with a nasty cold. otherwise hanging in there. of to a party tonight and must behave myself...should be ok. Happy fathers day to the fathers out there!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

