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w/c 28th

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    Re: w/c 28th

    Mae everybody,ooh I ate that late and it was yum! She ordered ravioli with meat sauce(my fave)mannicoti,meatballs,some weird chicken with capers,cheezy garlic bread,salads,and at the end chocolate cake for the b-day girl,the waiters sang and Italian birthday song and LB was bright red haha! I was utterly exhausted but still had fun,3 of them had one glass of wine? 1,,that lasted 2 hours,just got me thinking how different I am especially when it took forever for the waitress to bring the drinks out,I'd have been climbing the walls,,hunting her down or knowing me slipping to the bathroom to drink my smuggled one in,what a terrible way to live! Over....OMG,yesterday at work this guy came in from the state of Nevada,he said he needed to see proof of workman's comp coverage or he'd have to issue a suit down! Frantically got ahold of the boss,,he said he fixed it but I guess we'll see,he was always under the impression that cuz we're self employed he didn't need it,guy said no he has to carry it,I hope its fixed or both me and Kell will be job hunting much love to all and wishes for a happy AF day!!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: w/c 28th

      MAE ALL...

      Pauly...sounds like you had a great dinner. The new boss had to deal with worker's comp here as well when he started. There are so many positives to not getting the position. LOL

      Deep freeze hit last night as promised so off to warm up the car. Will check back after work....:smile:PPQP


        Re: w/c 28th

        Pauly, I know exactly what you mean about being aware of how slowly people around me drink, and how patient they can be for the drinks to arrive! I went to an after work happy hour once, and sucked down 3 margaritas in probably the first 30 minutes. That's not even my drink of choice, but I so badly felt the need for habitual after-work sedation.

        I'm so grateful to have put that beast behind me!


          Re: w/c 28th

          Oyo ABeroooodles!

          hack...sneeze... managed to land a damn cold or something.. oh well. better lay low today.

          Lav, the Amish craft thing sounds neat.

          people that drink really slowly? certainly a marvel in my eyes too. weirdos!

          Pauly, did you go to bucca de beppe (or however you spell it)?
          as i recall they serve yooooge portions. moink.

          now I have a craving for sourdough bread with pesto on it....what the heck? Onions with PB are so 'yesterday'

          continuing to sell off crap here which is good. someday I'll get to the point where I can be mobile.

          be well loves
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Re: w/c 28th

            hiya peeps ,I wanst going to post ,as firstly didnt really feel on top of the world ,but hopefully things have improved .Yesterday ,I wasnt too sure about Jeeves ,a gut feeling something wrong ...phoned the vet ,ended up taking him int o Manchester last night,and He ended up being kept in ..along with Panda,his temp was low stomach solid ....they reckoned that he had the end hie temp dropped even further and they put him in an incubator in intensive care in the animal hospital.It was a thought that he wasnt going to survive ..he has been iv medicated and fed ...and has come out of the incubator this aft and out of intensive care ...there is a chance he will be home tomorrow...Just seems to be one thing after the other at the mo..

            Interesting the slow drinking thingy motto was to drink as much as poss in as short as poss time before falling down and talking broken biscitz..anyway hello everyone ..

            Little Johnny had to take care of his baby sister while his mum and dad went shopping. To pass the time he decided to go fishing and reluctantly took his little sister along.

            "I'll never do that again", Little Johnny said to his mum, "I didn't catch a thing"!

            His mum said "Oh, next time I'm sure your little sister will be quiet and not frighten the fish away".

            Little Johnny said, "It wasn't that. She ate all the fxxxing bait".

            Soa - Senior Online Abbreviations
            ATD - At The Doctor's

            BFF - Best Friend Farted

            BTW - Bring The Wheelchair

            BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth

            CBM - Covered By Medicare

            CUATSC - See You At The Senior Center

            DWI - Driving While Incontinent

            FWB - Friend With Beta Blockers

            FWIW - Forgot Where I Was

            FYI - Found Your Insulin

            GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!

            GHA - Got Heartburn Again

            HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement

            IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?

            LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out

            LOL - Living On Lipitor

            LWO - Lawrence Welk's On

            OMMR - On My Massage Recliner

            OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas.

            ROFL... CGU - Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up

            SGGP - Sorry, Gotta Go Poop

            TTYL - Talk To You Louder

            WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?

            WTFA - Wet The Furniture Again

            WTP - Where's The Prunes?

            WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil

            Phil had always been a prankster. As each of his friends were married, Phil made sure some type of practical joke was played upon them. Now ready to be married himself, he was dreading the payback he knew was coming.

            Surprisingly, the ceremony went off without a hitch. No one stood up during the pause to offer a reason 'why this couple should not be married'. His reception wasn't disrupted by streakers or smoke-bombs, and the car the couple was to take on their honeymoon was in perfect working order.

            When the newl-wed pair arrived at their hotel and entered the room, Phil even checked for cornflakes in the bed (a gag he had always loved). Nothing, it seemed, was amiss. Amazed that he had come away unscathed, the couple fell into bed.

            Upon waking, the couple was ravenous so Phil called down to room service and asked, "I'd like to order breakfast for two".

            At that moment, a soft voice from under the bed said, "Make that five".

            Two guys meet up in a bar. The first one asks, "Did your hear the news - Mike is dead"??!!!

            "Woah, what the hell happened to him"?

            "Well he was on his way over to my house the other day and when he arrived outside the house he didn't brake properly and boom - He hit the curb, the car flipped over and he crashed through the sunroof - Went flying through the air and smashed through my upstairs bedroom window".

            "What a horrible way to die"!

            "No no, he survived that, that didn't kill him at all. So, he's landed in my upstairs bedroom and he's all covered in broken glass on the floor. Then, he spots the big old antique wardrobe we have in the room and reaches up for the handle to try to pull himself up. He's just dragging himself up when bang, this massive wardrobe comes crashing down on top of him, crushing him and breaking most of his bones".

            "What a way to go, that's terrible"!

            "No no, that didn't kill him he survived that. He managed to get the wardrobe off him and crawls out onto the landing, he tries to pull himself up on the banister but under his weight, the banister breaks and he goes falling down on to the first floor. In mid air, all the broken banister poles spin and fall on him, pinning him to the floor, sticking right through him".

            "Now that is the most unfortunate way to go"!

            "No no, that didn't kill him, he even survived that. So he's on the downstairs landing, just beside the kitchen. He crawls in to the kitchen, tries to pull himself up on the stove, but reached for a big pot of boiling hot water, whoosh, the whole thing came down on him and burned most of his skin off him".

            "Man, what a way to go"!

            "No no, he survived that, he survived that! He's lying on the ground, covered in boiling water and he spots the phone and tries to pull himself up, to call for help, but instead he grabs the light switch and pulls the whole thing off the wall and the water and electricity didn't mix and so he got electrocuted, wallop, 10,000 volts shot through him".

            "Now that is one awful way to go!"

            "No no, he survived that....".

            "Hold on now, just how the hell did he die"?

            "I shot him"!

            "You shot him? What the hell did you shoot him for"?

            "He was wrecking my house".

            I've just come out of the shop with a meat and potato pie, large chips, mushy peas & a jumbo sausage.
            A poor homeless man sat there and said 'I've not eaten for two days' I told him
            'I wish I had your will power'
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: w/c 28th

              Hope everything is ok Mick
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: w/c 28th

                Mick...sorry to hear Jeeves is sick again. Yes it sure does sound like one thing after another I know that feeling. Hope the prognosis stays positive and he can come home.

       you got me thinking about sourdough and pesto. Glad your sales are going good.

                Pi...I would have been sitting there right beside you keeping you company.

                Pauly...I don't think I've ever drank slowly in my life. There was always a lot of drinking growing up and with 7 siblings I had to drink fast so I could have another before it was all gone.

                Lav...shout out to you, I'm sure you're right behind me.

                Still trying to warm up, it's -11F with the windchill. Eye doc office called and want to move my appointment up as they had a lot of cancellations. Gee, I wonder why. So it'll be an early start tomorrow with thawing and brushing off the car. Have a warm and peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: w/c 28th

                  Good evening Abbers,

                  Wow Mick, I've been thinking about you & Jeeves all day. Glad to hear he's improving. You're absolutely right - it's always something
                  I liked the WWNO, ha ha!!!

                  Pauly, I could not eat all that food & sleep. The cheese in the Italian dishes alone would have had me up sick all night, Glad you had a nice party!

                  PQ, I imagine you are really feeling the cold. We never went above 24 degrees today, brrr.
                  Btw - YB looked at that link & decided we should get a donkey, Haha!! He said he's willing to extend the fencing for the chickens & a mini donkey could be kept in the other half of the chicken house. I said NO FANKS, ha ha!!!

                  Det, you have many weird food cravings for a young man but you should enjoy what you eat
                  You should be feeling good about getting rid of unused stuff. That's something I like to do from time to time too.

                  I watched three young Amish guys with chainsaws take down 8 dead trees around the backyard this morning. They left all the firewood stacked up nicely for us too. It was totally worth paying them for the work. We've come to the honest conclusion that we are getting too old to be doing that kind of stuff anymore, truly. They were happy to get some winter work while their farm is on hiatus

                  Hi there PIe!

                  Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing a nice night for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: w/c 28th

                    Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                    PQ, I imagine you are really feeling the cold. We never went above 24 degrees today, brrr.
                    Btw - YB looked at that link & decided we should get a donkey, Haha!! He said he's willing to extend the fencing for the chickens & a mini donkey could be kept in the other half of the chicken house. I said NO FANKS, ha ha!!!Lav
                    Ranchers out here keep donkey's in their various herds to fight off coyotes, guess it could work for foxes and chickens.


                      Re: w/c 28th

                      morn all
                      Mick, how's Mr. Jeeves doing??
                      Lav, years ago my father bought a jenny mule at an auction, when they were loading it up the owner hollered at "goddamit Patsy get on there", as she was being stubborn about moving. My dad look around at my mother.... who's name was Patsy.... and you can guess how the rest of it went. As kids we loved that little coincidence. We tried to ride her but she wouldn't budge. Neighbor told us we had to build a fire under her, but we didn't. I did chase birds trying to put salt on their tails.

                      hello to all,
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Re: w/c 28th

                        hiya all....not long picked Jeeves up ...he looks better than me......he is on meds ,but lot more lively...Panda?she is straight into the hutch munching.
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: w/c 28th

                          Good morning Abbers,

                          Just doing a quick check in & hopefully will be back later. I have been asked to get the grandsons from the school bus again this afternoon & bring them here. It's likely to be busy but tons of fun.

                          Mick, so glad to hear Jeeves is back home where he belongs. No what do we do about you?

                          Sam, there's absolutely no way I'm getting a donkey. Another large dog maybe but no donkey, ha ha!!!

                          Have a great day everyone, will check in tonight!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: w/c 28th

                            Mae,Lav come on a donkey would be cute haha actually I feel like I slept better with all that food in my stomach the other night,,maybe my blood sugar is crashing and waking me up? Who the heck knows anymore,much love to all and wishes for a happy AF day
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: w/c 28th

                              hi folks. How's Jeeves doing Mick? Hope you get some sleep and feel a bit better. I wouldn't recommend the full belly approach for sleeping. Never works for me either.
                              I find drinking speeds are relative to others. I used to drink quickly but I could slow down at times. In comparison to me, Mr GB would drink alcohol like it was water. Didn't matter what it was. He dies this with all cold drinks and pretty much with food - doesn't bother about the taste. I often have to tell him to slow down when he is eating because it makes me feel ill. I would drink to get buzzed but I also really did enjoy the taste - unless I was at the desperate stage. Oh well that's the past.
                              Cold weather back here today. I even have the fire on.
                              No donkeys for me, thanks. But the are some down the road.
                              You all take care and have a good day or night whatever it may be.
                              Last edited by treetops; February 1, 2018, 01:25 PM.


                                Re: w/c 28th

                                Greetings Abbers,

                                I’m boy sitting tonight & the oldest is sick. I had to pick him up from school this morning, oh boy!
                                Hopefully their father will be here to retrieve them in the next hour or so.

                                Hello to Pauly & TT!

                                Mick, hope you & Jeeves are doing better!

                                Hello to everyone & wishing a nice night for all.
                                Today was one of those reminders how awesome it is to be unhung & ready to jump in & help out when needed. I wouldn’t have it any other way

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

