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Freedom February

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    Freedom February

    Hello friends & welcome to February 2018!!!!

    Thanks for the hint to start & name the thread Cyn
    Here's hoping we all have an awesome month filled with love & light :heartbeat:

    I'll check in again tonight!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Re: Freedom February

    Morning friends,love the title Lav waves to Star,Cyn,SK,wishes for a freedom filled Thursday! back later
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Freedom February

      Hey all -

      Lav, thanks for the startup - I just couldn't figure it out in this ancient iPad ... as it is, I had to go to another thread, pull you up, and go to your activity to see that you had started this thread! Ridiculous! So if you see my name poking around your stats, that's why!

      Pauly, I hope that you are not too sleep deprived! And also hope that work/life balance (with a new grandson) is going OK.

      Star- you OK? I hope your eye is better. I woke up this morning, drenched with sweat, itchy all over, and with a face that was all bumpy and red- like sun poisoning or something... huh? I don't know what it was... allergies to a food, a new supplement, the essential oils I just started? Who knows? Sheesh, life seems like it is getting narrower and narrower. My face looks a little better, but it still hurts... oh well!

      SK, how are you doing? I worry about you with that head injury... I hope all is well.

      Well, I managed to get one computer up and running yesterday. It took a lot of time, but I was able to work in between the downloads and uploads. Now to get my main laptop going again. I placed a call to a second tech today... I will stay on him until I get an answer.

      This day in Celtic lore is a holiday, halfway in between the winter and spring solstice. It is meant to remind us that the green life force is there right below the surface of the frost... that the warmth will come. Associated with the Celtic goddess Brigidh, it is about life force and hope for the future. If you have some candles, particularly green ones, light them tonight as a thank you to that life force, and a symbol of the coming light.

      Maybe we can light up our hearts with the fire of certainty and faith in ourselves? Go for it!


        Re: Freedom February

        Greetings friends!

        Well I was called at 11 this morning to go pick up my oldest grandson. Apparently he was sent to school sick this morning. I won’t say what I’m thunking about his mother. My son is away for his 24+ shift & I was already scheduled to meet the kids st their bus stop at 3:45.
        So my day went a little differently than planned but that’s Ok. Taking care of feverish kids is something I can do with my eyes closed, ha ha,

        Cyn, sounds like you have joined the ranks of the allergy-affected, oh boy! I hope you figure out what caused the reaction.
        Keeping computers in good working order is not easy & usually expensive, ho hum.
        I have had a white candle burning in my kitchen all afterno9n, better go look for green candles

        Hi Pauly, hope you had a good day!

        SK, are you Ok & able to check in yet?

        Have a peaceful, non-allergy night everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Freedom February

          Good morning...

          You may laugh but I did not check in yesterday because I had no new name for the month! So, I love Freedom February and I love that it IS February, January was a long, cold, dark, month. I have been feeling a little down lately, so when I went to the hair stylist I thought I would get a new haircut, so I got it all cut off. Not what I asked for at all. I am not happy with her, but she is nine months pregnant and I did not have the heart to tell her I did not like it. Darn. So I will be growing it out now and messing with a new do.

          Lav, how good of you to take care of your grandson while he is sick. He is lucky to have his grandma giving him all that TLC. Well, the end of the neighborhood book club last night, one person showed up, and I am done. But we still had a nice time, she actually read the book, and it was all good. I joined a mystery book club at my local library, so will go to that Monday at 1. It's good to have a hobby, you like your sewing, I like my books and reading. My husband brought home 6 boxes of girl scout cookies, and they are so good they are bad! I swear it is like booze for me, that darn sugar. He is ordered to take them back to work, the boxes that are left. LOL.

          Pauly, glad you are doing well, hope you are getting time to spend with the new baby and Louie of course. I had my grandson over night and he had such a good time, he did not want to go home. I was kind of exhausted after the visit, per usual, he is fun but a very busy boy.

          Cyn, so very sorry for your wake up with allergic reaction to who knows what. And that is the problem. If we knew what was making us swell, we would stay away. I am sorry to say the allergists are not always that good either. Sometimes it is something in the air as historically I have had allergy problems in the winter. My eye is better, but I am not out of the woods. I am using the garlic 1x a day now, but my eye is still red and the stye is still there, although much smaller. Geez. I am thankful I have two pairs of glasses to change it up. Sorry about the computers, I hate when computers mess up. Loved your info on Feb 1 and St. Brigid, thanks so much. To the light!

          Skendall, if you can, please check in.

          Have a lovely AF Friday.


            Re: Freedom February

            Morning friends,Star,I'm sure your hair is fine,do we get to see a pic? After your eye clears maybe you'll feel better about it,,years ago I was drunk and took Kell to the Supercuts across the street for her birthday so we could get new haircuts,she decided once we got there she'd pass so I picked a cute cut out of the book and the lady cut it all off,then used a straight razor on my hair for texture,all the razor did was make my wavy hair curl more so I had an ugly,old lady looking haircut at 34 it was hideous after I sobered up,a few months later I cut it into an A- line myself that looked cute on me even tho I was fat cuz of Zoloft,I swear,Cyn,so sorry about your rash! Wonder what it was? Im with Star it would be nice to know what were doing,taking,not doing taking that makes us feel bad,I thought of a full body scan that only exists in my fantasy that could pinpoint every area in us that's a problem and give a solution,I had bad neck pain yesterday and just wondered what brought it on,ho hum,Lav,I hope your grandson only has a cold,that flu that's going around is horrible for kids! Seen on the news that 37 peeps have died in Georgia alone very scary,SK,hope all is well,I check in from my phone always,,can you do that? Wishes for a nice mindful,free,Friday
            Last edited by paulywogg; February 2, 2018, 09:54 AM.
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Freedom February

              Hi everyone -

              Just a quick note this morning; yesterday I went and picked up HB at a train station an hour away so that he didn't have to wait for a late train. Consequently, we both forgot that his car was at the train station closest to us... and we had to go dig it out of the snow at the station this morning so that he didn't get ticketed! So I'm having a late start to my work today, in addition to missing hours yesterday because of traveling to pick him up. But it was good; I was able to finally drop the last of some client donations at a good center where I know they will be used by people in need. And I returned a coat to Marshall's (unwise purchase in NYC last December) to get a credit. So, some things out the door and accomplished, always a good thing.

              My face is better, and I don't want to go through that fire-y feeling and red bumps all over ever again, sheesh that was unsightly and painful. So I made a list of everything unusual that I had the day before, and I am not doing them now. Lav, do you think that the essential oils could have been the culprit - it was something systemic, as I itched all over even without welts. Sigh, whatever! I am going back on the SIBO diet, as I woke up OK, but when I had oatmeal (grains) my face suffers again a bit. Note to self.

              So, Blah, blah blah about health! Star, so sorry about the haircut! At least it will grow out and you will be able to deal eventually; but I know how hard it can be in the meantime! Pauly, what a story about your cut! Ha! I hope your sleep was improved. Lav, to the rescue as always. I bet your grandson will heal quickly, being with you. SK, sending you good thoughts, I hope you are OK!

              Off and running. Wishing all a good light filled day - the snow here has clung to everything, making it an entirely white world, and that's pretty light-filled!


                Re: Freedom February

                Greetings friends!

                Heading down to 15 degrees tonight, geez! The stupid groundhog predicted this this morning, ha ha!!!

                Star, give the hair cut a few days, you just may end up liking it after all - you never know!
                I know what you mean about the girl scout cookies. I still haven't gotten mine from my granddaughter but when I do they are going right into the freezer. ha ha.
                Glad you tracked down a new book group, cool!

                Pauly, I ended up with my grandson back here for a few hours, he did not go to school. I was shocked reading CNN's report on the rising flu related death toll, especially the kids.
                I don't know if my grandsons got flu shots last Fall, I hope they did.

                Cyn, I seem to have allergies all year long now, no 'just seasonal stuff'. I think we are all being affected, little by little.
                I wouldn't be too surprised if the EOs cause a slight reaction. I noticed a little swelling on a spot where I was using the roll on, no redness or itching, barely a little pink. I think we need to remember to rotate application sites to prevent that.
                I never did get back to the Ayurveda DVD last night but I will. I am really beginning to believe if we can get to the root of the problem - the gut - we can cure just about anything. I have reacted to certain vitamin supplements, possibly the fillers the manufacturers use, who knows?
                Schedule yourself some downtime this weekend - please

                I am hoping to hear from SK again soon. Is anyone else FB friends with her? She doesn't get on there too often, mostly messages me. Boy, wish I could give her a real hand :hug:

                Have a nice night everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Freedom February

                  Hi everyone.

                  Star sorry about the hair cut, that was me a month ago, brush cut, ha ha.

                  Pauly that hairdresser story made me laugh.

                  It seems as if the current moon phase is messing with sleep patterns.

                  Cyn, that is an awful allergy to have. I'm sure you have suggestions up the wazoo. Will look up the SIBO diet.

                  Lav, what a good grandma you are.

                  Thanks for the good wishes. I'm working on balance. I was picking up after Peggy and almost toppled over head first! It's not always like that, but the darned nerve kicked in😕

                  My gratitude for the day goes to my neighbors who are all great.

                  I have a weird lump in my throat, not a crying lump or sore throat just a lump which hurts when I swallow.

                  I waited for the physiotherapist all afternoon and she was a no show.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Re: Freedom February

                    Good morning...

                    Having a hard time waking up this morning, so a quick hello to all.


                      Re: Freedom February

                      Morning all -
                      SK, so good to hear from you! Therapist didn't show up? Grrrr. I'm so sorry about you having to work so hard on balance -- that requires a lot of mindfulness- we should all concentrate on that as well. I hope it all gets easier for you. About the swallowing - Lav will know - maybe a thyroid test would be good? also in acupuncture there is a condition called "plum pit,(i guess as if one swallowed a plum pit.) That shows up for me often when I am stressed out. Good luck with everything - it is good to hear that you have good neighbors... that can really help.

                      Star, I also was glad to hear that you had found another book group to enjoy - mysteries, that sounds great. I look forward to hearing about what authors you are reading. Hope the haircut seems better today!

                      Lav, I think it may have been the oils, we'll see. My face was much better yesterday. I also stopped taking HB's probiotics - I ran out of mine, and haven't ordered more yet... that could do it. Or cooking Arctic char for the first time, or having hijiki salad (I read an article about how great seaweeds are for is). So anyway, I am avoiding all of them and going nback to the FODMAPS diet. As you said, it all comes from the gut...

                      Pauly, how's life today? I'm sure that it is busy, giving Louie enough attention and getting to be with baby too. How's Kell? Hope it is a good day for you.

                      Well, SD is coming for a visit this weekend, so will get her room ready now... and cross fingers that emotions stay in some sort of boundaries with her and her dad. I decided that I am absolutely not doing "drama" anymore, and I am not the official Fixer or Mediator. They can duke it out; I'll take the dog for a walk!

                      Wishing all well - stay warm and turn towards the light!


                        Re: Freedom February

                        I'm with Star and just saying a quick hello,,sleep was awful! Wishes for a nice AF Saturday
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Freedom February

                          Greetings friends,

                          10:30 pm & I'm finally sitting down with a quiet moment to myself, ha ha!
                          Daughter & family arrived just before dinner time so we've been busy laughing & having fun finally celebrating the 2 January birthdays (daughter & SIL).
                          My granddaughter brought me my case of girl scout cookies, oh boy. They will be in the big freezer by tomorrow

                          SK, so glad to see you checking in. I'm sorry to hear your PT didn't show up. I hope you report that asap so they can make up the visit for you. Working on your balance is essential, but of course you know that. Keep working on whatever exercises they have already given you, don't lose any progress, OK? Can your neighbor check in on you regularly? That would be great! You really need to get that lump checked out, may be nothing but it's always better to get it checked :hug:

                          Greetings Star & Pauly, hope you both had a great day!

                          Cyn, I don't want to be anyone's referee either - good for you! Let them handle their own stuff, right on
                          Glad your swelling has improved. Introducing anything new is dangerous business for people like us, no kidding. I was thinking today that even the carrier oils used for the EO could be a source of problems for us. I think we just never really know until we try something & see what happens. I throw away stuff after one or two uses just for that reason. Going back to basics until the toxin clears is the only thing we can do. Tiresome sometimes, don't you think?

                          Have a nice night everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Freedom February

                            Good morning...

                            Lav, sounds like you had a great day! I know essential oils can be irritating if you are in an inflammatory state already. I took my scented plug ins out, don't burn candles anymore, nothing with scent at all. It is just not something I need. We are supposed to get snow today and a few days during the week, the cold is back, but not as extreme. Winter is hanging on for sure.

                            Cyn, so hard to let people work out their relationships, but I guess the only way to go. We want things to go well for our loved ones, but they have to figure it out themselves, just like we do! So seems like your swelling is going down, mine too, but first thing in the morning I am a little swollen. I need to watch my food too, it makes a difference in how I feel. Looking forward to the book club tomorrow, hope to meet some new people. I am gettng a little bored for sure, it is winter and the crummy weather.

                            Pauly, you making something good for Super Bowl Sunday? I am having guac, salsa, chips, and Lav's shared recipe of Sweet Potato and Black Bean Queasadillas. Diet Coke or Sprite for the drinks of the evening and of course water. Invited my son over, so it will be a small party. I heard the Eagles had the flu, hope that is not true. This day always reminds me of the beginning of the end of winter, let's hope so!

                            Skendall, hope things are gong better for you, lucky to have caring neighbors.

                            To all, have a good one.


                              Re: Freedom February

                              Morning friends,Cyn,I think the oil might have done it,I've had rashes when putting essential oils for different things on my skin,maybe try it one more time in a different spot and see if there's a reaction,SK,what a flake that therapist is,,awful,Lav,glad you got to enjoy family and finally celebrate those birthdays,Star,I don't watch football but I might turn on the game if there's nothing else on,I usually use Superbowl as an excuse to make wings but I just made those last week as an early birthday dinner for LB,wishes for a happy,free,Sunday for us all!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

