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Freedom February

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    Re: Freedom February

    Hello all -

    Lav, that sounds like a fun party! Things are going OK here with the family stuff. The big difference is that I don't let myself feel responsible, and so I am so much more relaxed. Such a simple fix, but it's taken me decades to get there! Slow learner, I guess. Good to hear those cookies will be going into the freezer... when they start making GF/sugar free/whole grain cookies, I'll sign on!

    SK - sending you lots of strength and balance!

    Pauly, I think you are right, it might have been the oils. I am doing what the doc suggests in the materials... I am shaking the roller container and then just breathing the scents in. Hopefully that will not be inflammatory! I am also back on the anti-inflammatory foods diet (fodmaps), and that seems to be helping bring everything down a notch. Sorry about your sleep... I did the 2:45 to 4:30 AM thing too again last night. Whatever!

    Star, looking forward to hearing how your book club goes. And your menu for tonight is yoummy -- enjoy the game!

    Well, I cooked like a demon last night - double batch of turkey/zucchini burgers for SD and for our dinner. Put in a 1/2 turkey breast with yam and pears side dish that will hopefull get us through most of the week, and now doing chicken soup for SD to take home. She's being really dedicated on her diet, and I want to give her some good tools to keep going. But that will be the last I cook for her for awhile, I barely have time to get my own stuff cooked!

    I don't know if I spoke about my trip with HB that is coming up - we planned in this long ago, before last week's business trip was required. We are going to Switzerland for 8 days, (Leaving in a week) seeing the winter scenes from the Glacier express train. We are flying on air miles, so that set the place and the time frame. I think it will be a memorable trip, but right now of course I am scrambling to get my clients in and all my obligations met ahead of time for the Festival, eeek. Also trying to get my "query letters" ready to go out to prospective literary agents... my book guru loves my Proposal, so now I need someone to shop it around. So, off to the races... though in a week I will be on an enforced vacation (trapped on a train with HB! Ha! It will certainly be a good change of pace)...

    In the meantime, balance, mindfulness and freedom to all -


      Re: Freedom February

      Good evening friends,

      Sitting here not really watching the football game because I don't really care, ha ha! As far as I know the Eagles do not have the flu.
      We've had snow & rain today - still cold & raining even now.

      Star, enjoy your bowl get together, better with a small group. I can't cope with loud noisy groups anymore.
      I read a little while ago that the Colts lost a team member on an overnight accident, sad. Especially sad that it was a drunk driver who hit him.
      Hope you don't get too much snow, ho hum.

      Pauly, I have made wings for the family many times in the past but I've never eaten them - they gross me out, ha ha!
      No family visits today but that's OK. I hear that my other grandson is now sick as well not surprised. Both of those boys are at the mercy of their mother today as my son is on his 24 hr shift at work. I hope she pays some attention to those kids.

      Cyn, lucky you! A trip to Switzerland is awesome. I spent a few days there in the spring of '95 & would have stayed if I could, ha ha! I hope the train trip is magical
      Getting ready to go away is exhausting under normal circumstances but you have a lot of extra stuff going on. I know you'll get everything done, you always do
      The girl scouts are moving into 'healthier' cookies with some of them being dairy free & gluten free as well. Sugarless? Not yet!

      SK, hello to you & I hope things are good with you!

      Wishing everyone a peaceful night & as much decent sleep as you can muster. Hot flash free too!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Freedom February

        Lav,this game is so boring I'm sure we'll sleep good tonight haha
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Freedom February

          Good morning...

          Pauly, the Eagles won, I went to bed, but I guess the last part of the game was exciting. whoo hoo.

          Cyn, what a wonderful trip, I looked of the Glacier Express and it will be a great experience, how fun for you and hubby.

          Lav, hope your grandsons are OK, lots of people sick all over the country. Tough time of year.

          Hello to Skendall. Have a good AF Monday all.


            Re: Freedom February

            Morning all --

            Quick hello for now, as I must go to a town nearby to the court and plead my case in the school bus case. I am hoping with a clean driving record they will let me take the internet course and remove the "points" from my record. We'll see... it's icy out today for this hilly drive... I kind of wish I had just laid the darn bill and gotten it over with, but we'll see what happens.

            I will try to check in again later -

            Wishing everyone well today - stay safe and feel well!


              Re: Freedom February

              Morning friends,Cyn fingers crossed for you I'm jealous of your Switzerland trip,,I'm swiss on my white size so you'll be surrounded by my people haha Star,I tried sitting thru that game but I truly am not a football person I guess,glad you had fun tho,Lav I hope the boys get better fast!! Im never taking benadryl again,had a terrible reaction to it and I'm still feeling shaky,dizzy and just agitated,grrr wishes for a happy free Monday!!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Freedom February

                Cyn, what a great vacation
                Lav, Viv came down with flu b there's another name for it. Not into football but a great win for the eagles.
                Doing very well on my end. Made a kyle edamame, leek, carrot soup. Very healthy but tasted awful. I took some over to Viv, yikes. I make great soups but not this time. I also took a rose and popsicles
                Taking things over means leaving it at the door
                Daughter is being uber nice
                I've made a couple of friends here that I visit. One is funny but a little off center. She invited me over and was sitting on tje bed wearing a Russian fur cossak hat and a ton of jewelry, lol. She buys a lot of it from QVc and thinks it's all gold
                I wouldn't burst her bubble but 40 dollars for a chunky necklace. She refers to mr as a Democrat who will woop your butt. I think I am the only dem she knows.
                Trying to do something with Peggy om a cold day so i think we'll go to Petco.

                Have a great day

                Enlightened by MWO


                  Re: Freedom February

                  Greetings friends,

                  Boy am I glad we live out in the boonies, far away from the city craziness, haha! After the Eagles win last night fans filled the streets & it was chaotic just watching it on TV. On a good note only 3 people were arrested, only one car was overturned, only one canopy was destroyed at the entrance of the Ritz Carlton, HA HA!!!!! For Philly that's pretty good.
                  Big victory parade planned for Thursday in the city & Budweiser announced they will be there handing out free beer - oh boy. Glad I won't be anywhere near that insanity

                  Star, did you get to your new book club? I forget when you said you were going.
                  Snow & rain due here Wednesday, swell.

                  Pauly, Benadryl is safe to use in kids & the elderly. I can't believe you had such a reaction. Are you sure it wasn't a reaction to something else?
                  So you are part Swiss, interesting

                  Cyn, I hope your court appearance went OK today. If the officer doesn't show, you get to walk free, ha ha!
                  Roads were icy here this morning after yesterdays heavy rains so the schools opened 2 hours late.

                  SK, sorry to hear Viv is sick too. I think my grandsons have that same virus. Nasty stuff that seems to take it's time clearing.
                  So your daughter is not pestering you? Is that what you meant about her being nice?
                  Your friend sounds unique, in a charming sort of way!

                  I made a pot of fresh DF mushroom soup today & made the FoK caramelized onion & pepper quesadillas for dinner - delicious
                  Perfect for meatless Monday!!!

                  Have a nice night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Freedom February

                    Good morning...

                    Cyn, hope your court day went your way. We have a dusting of snow today and I am sure it is slick in spots too. Your vacation sounds so interesting, I looked up the train ride you are taking and it will be an experience of a lifetime. Bucket List time!

                    Pauly, sorry you had a reaction to Benedryl, I woke up yesterday with a new rash under my eyes, but it seems to be going away. What next, geez.

                    Skendall, a couple of vegan dishes I have made have been disgusting, but you win a few, you lose a few. Your new friend sounds fun, quirky and kind of interesting.

                    Lav, what on earth makes people want to destroy things when they win? What idiots. Is it because they are drunk and stupid? My goodness. So, the new book club was so fun. There were about 20 ladies, and the ones in charge took some recipes from the book (based on a tea and scones shop) and recreated it with lots of teas and homemade scones, that were delicious. Even made clotted cream. Plus, I loved the way the book was presented, I guess someone chooses to present the book each month and guides the discussion with pertinent questions, topics to discuss, etc. It was a real book club, not like the one that crashed in my neighborhood. Going to drive in the snow and get my grandson today, he is looking forward to coming over and it is something fun to look forward to for all of us here.

                    I have been going through a personal hell, and went on a three day drinking event, and I can't do this anymore. I have tried to get sober and stay sober on this site for 10 years, yes ten years, and it is not working for me. I took the plunge and went to two AA meetings yesterday, I just need the help and will not kill myself like this anymore. Last year at this time I was in the midst of a many month dry time, and it was good. I want that back and the support that one on one interaction will give me. I don't care anymore about anything but being AF. I feel very humble and willing to do whatever it takes, including public humiliation aka AA. I don't care, I just need a new life. I feel that until I master this, being AF, nothing else will change for me in a positive way. What is the use of cooking WFPB, exercising, when I am not 100% AF. There is no point. I think this is also at the bottom of my health issues, and want a chance to feel better. So, being honest with you all and wanting a fresh start. This last third of my life has to be different.


                      Re: Freedom February

                      Morning all -

                      Light snow here and cold, but it sounds like more is on the way tomorrow! My "court " date turned out to be a quick meeting with a prosecutor's assistant. I told him my facts, he was sympathetic and dropped the 4 points to 2 and just a $50 fine. Whew!!! It was worth the 2 hours of driving.

                      Pauly, are you Swiss German, or Swiss-French? I think you are the only Swiss person I have ever met in the states! Sorry about the Benadryl.. I am sure that all of us in MWO are poor methylators - meaning that our bodies don't detoxify things like a "normal" person's body. I know that I am , because it showed up on one of my tests. That puts us at a disadvantage in so many ways, but I guess it heightens our needs to be mindful, and that's a silver lining.

                      Lav, honestly, I want to hop in the car and drive over to your house for dinner when I read your menus! I can't handle peppers, but it all sounds delish! Glad that you are far away from that insanity also!

                      Star, dear Star, don't despair! This is a journey, right? You will do this! One thought - I don't know if I would ever have been able to step away from AL without the help of some pharmaceutical support. I was lucky that baclofen worked for me in lower doses than for others, and that it had a good side effect of a mild anti-depressant, plus helps me with pain. Once I was on that, a glass of wine looked to me like a can of Mountain Dew or some other thing that I would never drink... it changed my perspective and short-circuited the 'desire' part long enough for me to walk away and drop the thoughts. I didn't stay on it long, but I do keep my prescription current because of the other good effects. In fact, just this morning I took a 1/4 of one to help with pain and mood. There are lots of good supports out there - my belief is that this disease is is a physically based problem, but that we definitely need our brains to re-wire those pathways. So, just offering up my story. You can always talk about the struggle here! Sending you strength and a bucketful of hope!! We are all walking each other home --

                      SK, you totally crack me up with your posts. I love the sound of your neighbor -- QVC, they love those personalities! Take care... PS, Giada has a great winter minestrone recipe... it has kale/chard in it, and it's the only way I can have those things! Good luck with the cooking...

                      OK, off to the races. Yes, this is a totally Bucket-list trip for HB and me. We were so lucky to find these dates on air miles (that just shows you how much debt we have collected, but it's paid off now...) and we are going on the cheap -- but it's freeing, like being college kids again, LOL!

                      The light is getting stronger, and so are we. We can do anything that we put our minds to - let's do it!


                        Re: Freedom February

                        Morning friends,Cyn,yep,I just posted on the daily thread that my body processes things differently than others,maybe a week liver? I don't know,maybe its the dye in benadryl cuz I took another kind with the same active ingredients last night and don't feel weird,hmmmm,I just wish I could sleep,waaah it's got me thinking about al and I don't want that at all! Star,do whatever it takes,you got this,waves to Lav and SK,wishes for a light filled easy Tuesday
                        Last edited by paulywogg; February 6, 2018, 10:07 AM.
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Freedom February

                          Good evening friends,

                          This time of the year is always so hard, don't you think? Even when I was a kid the only thing that brightened me up was knowing that Valentine's day on the 14th & my mom's BD on the 18th meant some sort of fun, brightness, a break from the darkness of the season. I'm still looking for some brightness, even at this age.

                          Star, I'm sorry you were feeling so low. I had a feeling something was up with you, you have been kind of quiet. Going to those meetings was a great choice that took a lot of courage, good for you. We all need something different in the 'help department', only you can know what's best for you. You always have our support here :hug:
                          Wanting to spend quality time with my first grandson was what finally convinced me & motivated me to find a way to quit for good. I wanted to feel my best & be able to enjoy every moment with him & I know you want the same. You will find your way provided you keep trying. You are a strong, intelligent woman & I know you will succeed.

                          Cyn, I rearrange recipes all the time to suit my needs, you probably do the same. I am the queen of substitutions, ha ha!!
                          I will spend the day tomorrow in my shop stitching little lace teacups, far far away from the madness of the Eagles parade in the city

                          Pauly, my Fitbit says I was restless for 13 minutes overnight. That's an improvement but it doesn't mean it will happen again tonight. I do know that I had no hotflashes last night & only a few minor episodes today. Maybe the Relizen is starting to kick in - maybe.

                          Hello SK, how's it going today?
                          Any visits with your unique neighbor? She sounds like a real hoot, ha ha!

                          Well, let's all have a peaceful night, we certainly could all use one!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Freedom February

                            Morning all --

                            Snow expected here today. Just listening to the forecast is so interesting - only expecting 4-8 inches here, but they cancelled school! It could be more though, I guess just north and west of us it might go to 12. Still, it doesn't seem like anything to be all freaked out about. Sometimes I think this weather thing is all we talk about.

                            I agree about February, I always look forward to it because of Valentine's Day! It's my favorite holiday, since it is so pretty and flower-y, and no one expects me to make a big dinner! Let's all go buy ourselves some flowers ---

                            Work, work, work, here for me - up until 11 PM last night finishing a press release. Honestly, trying to get things done ahead of being gone is almost not worth going. But this time at least it is a trip I actually want to go on. I am glad that we are going to a winter climate - rain would not be my favorite thing, so even if we encounter some snow, it will be pretty.

                            Sending everyone lots of love. Star, I ditto Lav - you are courageous and bold, and you will nail this! Pauly, I bet you have trouble with dyes and fillers in pills, good that you found something that works. SK, here's hoping for a good day for you. Lav, have fun with the teacups - that sounds absolutely delightful.

                            Hang in there all - candles, baths, flowers, lots of self-love. "I love and approve of myself". To the light!


                              Re: Freedom February

                              Morning friends,only woke up once last night but fitbit says I got less sleep,,probably cuz I didn't doze cuz I wasn't tired anymore in the early hours who knows,who cares I'm ready to take the darn thing off at night for awhile honestly,Star,please don't feel so down,I know how shitty it feels after making the choice to drink its a defeated feeling that's almost worse than the hangover! It's a feeling of losing faith in ourselves but we can't be like that,,you're AF 90% or more of the time,,give yourself the credit you deserve Lav,think I'm in peri cuz 3 nights this week I've woken up sweating,even tho I've kept my room cool and wearing light jammies,either its been going on awhile and I've slept thru it,or its happening out of the blue,creepy feeling though,Cyn,I love valentines day too,my favorite color is pink and this is a perfect month to wear it more,put up pink and red hearts,etc SK,hope you can check in today,wishes for a happy AF Wednesday
                              Last edited by paulywogg; February 7, 2018, 09:12 AM.
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Freedom February

                                Good afternoon friends,

                                I’m here teacupping myself half to death, LOL
                                The snow we were supposed to get came in the form of freezing rain making everything slick as a skating rink, schools closed.

                                Star, I’ve been thinking about you quite a bit.
                                It’s in my nature to look for cause & effect. Do you think Your decision to drink was brought on by the physical ailments you’ve had recently?
                                It’s pretty typical for us to resort to habitual behaviors when looking for relief. This crappy winter weather always tanked my mood & I surely remember trying to drink the blues away. I finally got past that problem when I started on Amoryn years ago. It keeps me pretty stable no matter what’s going on. Maybe you need a little help stabilizing your mood as well. Just hope you are OK :hug:
                                One other thing I wanted to mention was the diet. Do you think the FoK diet may be too restrictive for you leaving you feeling deprived?
                                I love their recipe ideas but I don’t think they flavor their dishes well. I’d rather use a Tbsp of avocado oil to sautee the veggies which gives the entire dish a lot more flavor. Only you know what you want to taste so you should make it right for you.

                                Cyn, I received mail from you today, thanks so much
                                Exhausting yourself preparing for a vacation sounds very familiar to me - been there & done that too.
                                Once you get to your destination all the stress will melt away! By the way, I am profoundly jealous of your trip, ha ha

                                Pauly, I do believe you are in the grips of the big M!!!
                                I just hope you don’t suffer as long as some of us ;(. I was 42 when the night sweats kicked in so why am I still having hot flashes now 22 years later, ridiculous! I loved the picture of the boys on FB.

                                Hello to SK, hope you are well.

                                OK, back to work.
                                Have a peaceful evening everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

