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Freedom February

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    Re: Freedom February

    Lav,I'm 44(yikes!) So I guess the timing is right,plus other things I've noticed with my hormones,,yippee
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Freedom February

      I. have. a. new. computer!

      Actually it's a chromebook. My other one was an HP and the keyboard was wrecked somehow I guess that's common with HP's.

      I'm very tired so will check in tomorrow.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Re: Freedom February

        Morning friends,yay on the computer SK! Star where are you? Off to the docs after work,need to get an appointment for blood work but still have a nasty bruise from when they took blood last week to check vitamins D(still haven't heard results!) Waves to Lav and Cyn and wishes for a happy AF Thursday back later
        Last edited by paulywogg; February 8, 2018, 09:00 AM.
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Freedom February

          Good evening friends!

          Star, please check in, we are about to start worrying.

          SK, Congrats on the new computer, yay!!!
          Was it just the keyboard that was messed up on your HP? I've had my son-in-law install new keyboards for me a time or two. If you still have it, you can order a new keyboard online like I have in the past. Glad to have you back

          Pauly, I KNOW what you are going thru, I just hope you get to the end of it quicker than I have, ha ha!! My doc was astonished at my bloodwork results & immediately put me on hormone replacements because I was almost non-functional & I had to keep going to work. I just don't know & no one knows why I am still not balanced out yet, figures, ha ha!
          I hope you got what you needed from your doc today

          Cyn, I imagine you are super duper busy as usual.

          I made a giant pot of chicken vegetable soup today, a batch of vegan cheese to make grilled cheese sandwiches with & cooked a pound of pinto beans in the Instant Pot. Tomorrow I'll decide what to do with the beans, LOL
          Have a nice night everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Freedom February

            Star, that was a very courageous post and will help others.
            "Lav, thanks for the keyboard tip. Will definitely check that out. The chromebook is a PITA. Scrolling issues, password issues, etc."]Lav, thanks for the keyboard tip. Will definitely check that out. The chromebook is a PITA. Scrolling issues, password issues, etc.. Posting this msg it has asked for URL? Also, the instructions were for a Samsung phone, not a chromebook.

            It's been a good day. Yesterday was 27 deg. and ice on all the rails I use when walking Peggy. Today was 58! Speaking of Peggy and last nerves, after our walk this a.m. she started following me everywhere, shower, kitchen. etc. I thought she wanted treats, but she wanted outside again. She was rolling in the grass and sunshine. The temp was a welcome change for her. We walked again and then I took her to the dog park. 3 dog owners there having weird conversations with and about their dogs. One said, "look at my prince peeing, when he has to go. he has to go". hm, don't all dogs and even humans and all animals do that? Then they had a little contest as who was in better control. Entertaining.

            I got many of things off my to do list done.

            Pauly, I'm sorry, I got M/P when my vision became refracted. I think you're right about your metabolic functioning.

            Lav, I want a bowl of that soup with crusty Italian bread, thank you.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Re: Freedom February

              Good morning...

              I am just taking a break from MWO. I am doing OK, hope you all are too.


                Re: Freedom February

                Morning all -

                Sorry to miss yesterday, just a couple of giant days with clients and fulfilling other work obligations. But I'm chipping away at it all, and ticking off the boxes. We'll see how today goes. I'm packing first!

                SK - yes, the Chrome books are kind of like a glorified iPad, and I think they are meant for all the people that watch a lot of streaming media on their devices. I almost bought one last year, but since I mostly just work on my computer, it wasn't for me. I hope everything gets figured out! Good idea to swap out the keyboard and keep the HP as a backup, maybe.

                Pauly, well, welcome to the club! I bet you will do fine, since you are so much more aware of things than many of us were, decades ago. Hope you have useful news from the doc. I remember when they tested me and the doc said basically -based on hormone levels- I didn't qualify to be a woman anymore (he was joking, kinda). Good luck!

                Star, thank you for checking in! Whatever you need, you do. You are strong and brave and wonderful.

                Lav, the hearts are such a great pick-me-up, so pretty! I am mailing 3 off today to 3 great-nieces, they will be very excited! Your mega-cooking sounds amazing! I will only get to making the dog veggies today, must get those done before we leave, I am living on quinoa and veggies - I discovered that most grains were becoming really a problem for me (probably SIBO popping up again) -- I am much less inflamed now, thank goodness.

                The amazing news is that I squeezed in a consult with my book guru, and she says for me to 'pull the trigger' on my Book Proposal. I have researched some book agents and publishing houses, and she wants me to send to the right away! I made myself put in a 1/2 hour to polish the proposal for her to check one last time last night, and while we are away I will be sending to people. (Yes, I am taking my small computer, not the big laptop). I never thought I would see this day -- I am proud to have kept chipping away. She thinks someone will jump in it, but if not, I am happy to self- publish.

                I am sending light and warmth and happiness to all here. I love my morning Honest Guys affirmations, and I think of our group here when I repeat phrases... "I expect good things". ... that has always been a hard one for me to say, but maybe that neural pathway is a strengthening. To the light!


                  Re: Freedom February

                  Morning friends,Star,sad to see you're taking a break do what you feel is best for you though,Cyn,that's fantastic news about the book,yay! Lav,the doctor is so adamant that checking hormones is a waste of time cuz they fluctuate too much,,I got some natural progesterone cream from vitamin shoppe,do you all think it'll help? Or make it worse? I read that if you're waking up at 1 or 2 am it's a sign of low pro,who knows,SK,funny about the dog park,I'll hate to admit it but I have a "voice" for Winslow and I'll talk for him and sing too,I'm weird haha,wishing us all a fabulous Friday AF free from things that hinder our growth
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Freedom February

                    Good evening friends,

                    Saw the weather forecast for the next 3 days - rain, rain & more rain so I said we need to go out now before it starts.
                    My desire to see pretty, colorful blooms led us straight to Longwood Gardens, my little heaven on earth
                    Right now the Orchid Extravaganza is going on & boy is it ever beautiful!

                    Star, glad you checked in & I hope you keep yourself well. We'll be here, not going anywhere

                    Cyn, that is fabulous news about your book, yay!!! You know we all want a signed first edition
                    I hope the heart recipients are happy with their gifts. It's fun making them knowing they will make others happy.
                    I seem to have the eating thing under control right now. I'm having nearly no digestive issues, no achy joints or weird skin rashes or anything. If I could just get rid of the night time (sleep destroying) hot flashes I'd be a happy camper. I'm still hopeful I'll find a way around those things.

                    SK, I always used to bake bread to go along with a pot of soup but times are changing. I need to kick off some excess weight so I'm trying to reduce extra calories. I miss my youthful metabolism, ha ha!
                    I've never had a Chromebook but I have heard they can be problematic. Get your HP tuned up with a new keyboard, it's a pretty simple fix for people who know how to do that stuff.
                    By the way - I talk to ALL of my animals including my chickens. Sometimes they're the only ones listening to me!

                    Pauly, I'm going to tell you something - I would NOT allow a doctor to get away with giving me an answer like that!
                    IF you say you are concerned about hormone levels then they should be checked. It's a simple blood test, why would your doc not approve? That's just weird. Can you see a different, more progressive doc? Of course a woman's hormone levels fluctuate through the month. But when you are in perimenopause those levels drop & do not come back up - your estradiol (estrogen) level & your progesterone level drop below a certain number, that's how you know.
                    OTC progesterone may be of some benefit if you still have enough estrogen in your system, hard to know. I never tried it myself.
                    I still think your best bet is to find a doc who specializes in women's health issues! They all have websites these days so start searching!

                    Have a nice night everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Freedom February

                      Morning friends,meh,I'm used to Star posting in the morning before me Lav,Longwood looked absolutely beautiful,glad you went such a nice way to spend the day,Kell and me and Lou went to a 50's diner for lunch but she's so darn paranoid about germs it was getting irritating haha,I honestly don't blame her though,came home and dozed off with Winslow and Dottie for 1/2 hour then over to see Romeo,he's so alert for a little guy,too cute Cyn,I'm still so excited for you! Anybody know for sure if soy messes with hormones? Google shows conflicting info,SK,hope all is well with you,wishing us all a great,free from b.s Saturday!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Freedom February

                        Hello to everyone!

                        Pauly, I really can't blame your daughter for worrying about catching something right now. Your immune system is a little off for a while after giving birth. I remember coming down with something brutal a month after my son was born. We were at a Christmas party at my brother's house so I picked up something there, ugh.
                        I avoided soy as much as possible all the years I was on HRT because soy does has estrogenic properties. I didn't want to OD on estrogen, haha! I also figured out somewhere along the line that I can react to soy the same way I do with dairy SO I am still trying to avoid it as much as possible. If you can tolerate soy it would be good to add it to your diet, it may help ease your symptoms. A lot of people use soy milk or tofu for the isoflavones. Supposedly Japanese women have very few hot flashes as opposed to other cultures & soy seems to be the reason.

                        You may want to take a look at the new supplement I started a few weeks ago Relizen. It's a bit pricey at $35/month but I ordered the first three months worth with a coupon code & got them for $25. You know I am hard core with the hot flashes, night sweats & disturbed sleep but I have to say I am beginning to see improvement. I had no night sweats for two nights in a row, then had one sweaty night & then last night none. I think the reason I had the one bad night is because I allowed myself to eat something made with white flour. Honestly, I was told 20 years ago to avoid white flour (breads & pasta), sugar, wine & smoking! It took me too many years to get all that squared away but I continued having night problems even when I was still on HRT.
                        Take a look at the Relizen now, it may be something you want to consider now before things get any worse! Hot Flash Relief | Menopause Supplement | Menopausal Relief

                        Star, thinking about you!

                        Hello to Cyn & SK too!

                        The rain moved in much earlier than predicted so I guess we're just stuck with it for the rest of the weekend, oh well.
                        Have a nice night everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Freedom February

                          Hello. Star, take as much time as you need, we will miss you for sure.

                          Pauly, I was given an estrogen cream, but I think it was used for better sex! My favorite source of soy is in edamame beans, Vivian loves them too, but only with sea salt! I like popping them out of the pod.

                          Cyn, great news on your book. I'm very excited for you.

                          58 deg. yesterday, back to 27 this a.m. with 41 as the high.

                          Maybe I already mentioned this but I've called a family meeting at DD's house. I will invite her to air her grievances and then ask her to hold her piece, too old for this b.s.

                          We have a singing drive thru man at our Starbucks. "7.46 at the windoooow".

                          When the weather is wet and cold like today I take Peggy to Home Depot. There is a lady at the door we enter and loves on Peggy a lot. Well, Edna wasn't there today so she walked around sulking! Then decided to brush up to people like a cat to get attention. I thought I wasn't doing enough so I sat on the rug loving her and she kept pawing me to continue, like she always does because I do give her attention, lol.

                          Can anyone recommend Netflix movies or series?

                          Take care, Star.

                          Lav, getting help for the hot flashes - what a relief. How did you find out to stay away from flour, etc.

                          Enlightened by MWO


                            Re: Freedom February

                            Can't get rid of Lav's name at the bottom of the page.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: Freedom February

                              Pauly, just remembered what helped my anxiety/insomnia - magnesium. I took one in the a.m. and one in the evening. Not only does it help the issue ut has many other rewarding benefits. I take 20 mg. of melatonin as an alternative. Anything that has p.m. in it eg. your advil p.m. works the opposite for me and makes me anxious and agitated.
                              Enlightened by MWO


                                Re: Freedom February

                                Morning friends,bought some Olly sleep chews they have melatonin,theanine and some other things,they suck don't ever buy them! Took two at 9 and just laid there half asleep for 2 hours,finally took a "sleep aid" pill,SK,it helps me sleep at the time but I defo feel a mood,anxiety difference the next day so I'm with you on that,sorry Peggy's favorite lady wasn't there,oh and I do take magnesium,always have,Lav,interesting about the soy,I have some soy protein I've been using but was wondering if it was causing my problems,probly not,Cyn,hope you have a nice day,waves to Star,wishing all of us a peaceful AF Sunday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

