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Freedom February

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    Re: Freedom February

    Good evening friends,

    The flash flood watches have just been lifted & we're still here so I guess that's good, ha ha! We did get around 3" of rain which is a lot. The temp warmed up to 63 degrees, crazy!

    SK, why was my name bothering you? LOL
    I wish I could take magnesium but it just doesn't agree with me, cause a lot of GI distress. I even purchased an expensive chelated form at one time but it caused the same problems.
    I managed another night with no hot flashes so I slept until 4 am. At that point I just turned over & went back to sleep until 7, yay!
    Hope you & Peggy are having a good weekend

    Pauly, use your soy protein in smoothies. I use pea protein & actually have YB using it too.
    Did you take a look at the Relizen page?

    Hello to Cyn & Star!

    I hope everyone has a peaceful & restful night!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Freedom February

      Morning friends,I guess just a quick hello,yes Lav I checked out the page,just not sure if someone in peri will benefit from it? Waves to SK,Star and Cyn have a great AF Monday all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Freedom February

        Well, today was the meeting with SIL and DD. s some say it was a nothing burger. It's clear they have never forgiven me. DD is very much like her paternal grandmother. Their issues are 1) giving Viv too much candy (GUILTY), when my pain is really bad I tend not to pick up until I have a better day and they threw that at me. I was too co-dependant. They don't even know about my battery issues because I handled them myself, same when I got steroid injection under "twilight", just got Uber there and back. Andrea hasn't talked to me long enough for me to be co-dependant. and I would describe myself as independant. SIL kept banging on about when I was drinking until I said "you've made your point".

        After more b.s. I started laughing it was all so petty. That wasn't okay with them saying, this isn't a joke. After chatting some more I asked if we had accomplished anything. SIL said yes, but looked at DD with her pinched face and jigging food and shrugged and didn't return my kiss goodbye. Honestly what a load of b.s. They never acknowledged the pain I have. DD has shown me no empathy there. Her brother in Vancouver B.C and her are no longer speaking. A few weeks ago I was looking through pictures with Viv and we laughed when I told her funny stories. They said Viv was going home laughing and SIL said you tell stories about son, but never about DD! I said Viv was absent from her uncle and right there we have adult sibling rivalry. Whatever DS got she wanted it too. She thinks I should extol her virtues to Viv.

        I thought face to face would be better. I'm going to process this, and hope I can accept that she isn't who she was anymore. I told her she needs to control her temper and she replied that I provoke it. Oy vey. They were and are very serious, no laughs occurred.

        I went to another spine specialist (2 hour wait) and he seems to think my nerve is trapped by my stenosis. I'm going for another CAT scan and bone density test and then we'll go to the next step. He is a real nice dr. so I look forward to working with him.

        Well I know how they feel because they attacked my character and not situations.

        Lav, the name there was me putting it in twice and I just tried to delete one.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: Freedom February

          Good evening friends,

          The rain finally stopped & the sun actually made an appearance after lunch which was nice

          SK, character assassination is just low down & dirty in my book. I just can't imagine how that made you feel, I'm sorry you had to sit thru that. It almost sounds like a good session with a family therapist is called for at this point. I wouldn't mind having one with our DIL at some point, honestly.
          I hope your new doc can provide you with some help & comfort. Living with chronic pain is so difficult & definitely not for sissies. You just keep enjoying your visits with Viv, I think you two are good for each other.

          Pauly, yes, the Relizen would help you, why wouldn't it? If it helps you to sleep better then it's worth it's weight in gold!!!

          Hello Cyn, I don't know if you have left on your trip yet but I'll say Bon Voyage

          Star, hope you are well, thinking about you!

          Wising a nice night for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Freedom February

            Thanks, Lav.

            I do feel low today.

            I emailed them both today telling them I had hoped to mend fences, not be a dart board.

            DD had asked the subject of the meeting and I told her to clear the air. Probably decided to go on the offensive. DD has been this way for a year so I asked her what her issues were. She said nothing. I'll just have to get over this.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Re: Freedom February

              Hi guys -

              Sorry to be away... we left on the trip Saturday morning. I stayed up half the night finishing a work project, but got that done. We headed to JFK in the pouring rain, took a wrong turn and so it took 3.5 hours instead of 2 1/2, but we made it. Sunday was a blur of jet lag, I just don't bounce back in these trips very well. Monday we took the Glacier Express and arrived in Zermatt - you know that mountain, the Matterhorn, that they made Toblerone chocolates after? It's here! What a phenomenal site. Went sledding today (small individual sleds on a special course described as for 'families' . they were kidding... I did it, twice, but it was terrifying! Speed, and not a lot of control,over the sled. Oh well, better than trying to ski!)

              I am still doing a little work via the internet as I can... I should post some shots on FB, maybe tomorrow. Data is expensive, so I am trying to find wi-if spots, (I brought about 6 converters, but of course, none of them worked here! So had to wait until we at least found a phone converter with USB ports. Phone and iPad are covered.)

              Miss you all - loved reading back on the stories. SK, so sorry for your dreadful treatment by family, terrible. Tell them watch out or we will all come down and tell them a thing or two. Lav, sounds like you went to longwood garden how wonderful, spring is coming, believe! Pauly, good luck in the peri- wars, hope you find some comfort soon. Star, sending you lots of light.

              The alps covered in snow are about as light-filled as one can get. Like someone slathered a huge amount of thickly whipped cream over everything. Though it has bee n cold (-1 yesterday night) it has been lovely. Switzerland is expensive, but sublime - clean, orderly, punctual. An organizers dream!!

              Wishing all whipped cream soft lovely light.


                Re: Freedom February

                Cyn, so glad you are enjoying your trip. Your description makes me "see it all", and I agree with punctual, on- time Swiss. I guess that's where the phrase "runs like a Swiss clock". Cold in Switzerland is so much prettier! Are you having whipped cream on everything? The cows produce much richer milk there. I remember my first trip on Air France when I first tasted the European butter on a baguette. I simply salivated for more along with a tomato salad.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Re: Freedom February

                  Cyn,glad you're enjoying your trip
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Freedom February

                    Good evening all,

                    Not too bad of a day today, mostly because it involved sunshine
                    Ran out for a hair cut so everything is better, ha ha!

                    Cyn, so good to hear from you!
                    Switzerland is lovely & I'm so glad I visited there before my dairy intolerance got too bad, haha!!
                    Keep on enjoying the light & the clean mountain air. My Swiss mountain dog is there with you in spirit

                    SK, I've been thinking a lot lately about boundaries. And I've been thinking about the people who seem to have no problem ignoring the boundaries we set. We set those boundaries to protect ourselves from harm, be it physical or emotional. I have gotten to the point where I just believe some people are toxic to us, whether they mean to be or not. I have had to step away from friendships & even a few family members who are toxic to me. They cause harm every chance they get & that's not OK with me.
                    I am certainly not telling you to step away from your daughter. I just hope you can find a way to let her know that you will not accept her behaviors, attitudes & any harmful acts that cross your boundaries. You have to take care of you first, we all have to do that. :hug:

                    Pauly, hello to you & I hope your day was good!

                    Star, hello & I hope you are doing well!

                    Wishing a peaceful night for all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Freedom February

                      Lav, thank you.

                      I felt better as the day went on. In my heart and gut I know they are harmful. It' not too hard to distance myself from them, lol.

                      Better life and no conflict is hopefully in my future, except for Trump of course. I just need a little time to refocus so I can let it sink in that they are toxic.

                      Hi to Pauly, Cyn and everyone else. Sorry for dragging the thread down.

                      I'm going to Netflix for a couple of hours.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: Freedom February

                        Forgot to mention that my stepson called me last night and told me I was beneficiary to the Charles Schwab account. So I did a little fantasy shopping. I called them this a.m. and his IRA was 4 cents and cash available $2,000. I had to put all my shopping back! His/our money must be stashed in a sock, lol

                        Sleep well.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Re: Freedom February

                          Happy Valentines Day friends!
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Freedom February

                            Thanks, Pauly and to everyone else also.:heartbeat::heartbeat:
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: Freedom February

                              Checking in again. Almost 60 deg today, supposed to be 70 by Friday and then another cold front blowing in.

                              It was a good day, and I"m still sad, but it's getting better. I am not defined by my daughters opinion. Her bio father was out of the scene since she was 5. Out of the scene as in divorce. He was a disney world dad and maintained a relationship with them. About 5 yrs ago, her father called me. She had dropped him completely and he called to see why she didn't return calls or emails. I was unable to help him. She definitely has the character traits of that side. My family would never be that harsh. As I look at it from a distance it becomes more apparent.

                              Anybody got valentine gifts or cards?

                              I went to the apt. office to use their printer and if you're signing in from a different computer be sure to have your phone with you to get a verification code. Printer was out of ink anyway. I will enjoy the weather for the next couple of days and brace for the cold front.

                              I hope there was something good in your day today.

                              I miss Star.
                              Enlightened by MWO


                                Re: Freedom February

                                Happy Valentines day everyone

                                I was kind of shocked to receive flowers & locally made Swiss chocolate. I was also shocked to see what YB brought home for himself - a new tractor!! Ha ha, he doesn't skimp when he's in the shopping mood. He has talked about getting a new one this year to replace the one with 15 years & God knows how many miles on it, LOL
                                I don't cut grass because it kills my allergies & I would never have the nerve to drive this thing, it's huge.

                                SK, maybe, just maybe your daughter & SIL will change their tune when they realize you have shut out their toxicity. Taking charge of your life & setting your own firm boundaries is the smartest thing to do with people like that. Trust me, I know from experience & have done the same, even with my spouse.
                                People who take advantage of your good nature just need to be kicked a little!
                                So you are still having trouble locating your husband's investments? I'm not even sure how to handle something like that. Hire a PI firm? I just don't know. Wishing you good luck with that challenge.

                                Pauly, hello to you & yours

                                Cyn, how;s that awesome mountain air? Wish I coul dgo there again.

                                Star, hoping you are feeling more like yourself & hop back in soon.

                                Have a peaceful night everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

