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Freedom February

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    Re: Freedom February

    Morning friends,Star,you sound like you're in a good place I won't try any pills and luckily my doctor is not a "pill pusher" for once,I've had some docs try and prescribe me stuff for every condition under the sun in the past! No way,,I actually took my fitbit off last night cuz I got to thinking about the heartrate monitor on it and the electromagnetic waves(I sound nutz haha) and I actually stayed asleep!! Still up early but still,at least not up/down,I hope you post as regular as you can cuz I think we can work together on our AF goalI need to be more vocal in how I feel instead of pretending I'm not thinking what I'm thinking if that makes sense,Cyn,I'll check out Amazing Greens,I keep looking for stuff to feel healthier inside,SK,great news on a walker for Peggy Lav,today is Bradys birthday and he's 20! Im shocked tbh,sometimes when I watch Lou and Romeo I just think damn,it's not that long ago Brady was this size but it was just in my head feels like just a few years ago,wishing us all a great AF Monday!(BTW I still hate my haircut!)
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Freedom February

      Greeting friends,

      It’s almost 9 pm & I’m sitting here watching a 75,000 stitch design stitch up right in front of my eyes. If it turns out nice I’ll use it on the front of a pilow. It’s a large henna owl & a quote from one of my fav philosophers & poet Ralph Waldo Emerson. I’ll grab a pic when it’s dine.

      Star, happy to see you & hear of your success!
      I think I found my groove when I found MWO because I had plenty of failures beforehand. Whatever you need to do, right?
      Glad you are seeing the littles too.

      Cyn, the sun showed up about an hour before sunset, ha ha! Little bit is better than nothing!
      More rain coming on Thursday, it won’t give us a break.

      Pauly, funny that today is your son’s Birthday, my granddaughter’s & the daughter of a girl I used to work with everyday.
      20 years does go by in a maddening hurry, for sure.

      I was looking on Amazon today for MP3 sleep hypnosis recordings & found 20+ pages of listings. I just may pick up a few new ones & see what happens.

      SK, how did your day go today? I hope Peggy was calmer & you still have your keys

      Have a nice night everyone,

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Freedom February

        Pauly, my intention was not to push drugs, but you were sounding desperate, so I offered a suggestion for a short term alternative. I strongly believe in meditation.

        Star, you sound really good, and I'm glad you've found the necessary support.

        Lav, glad you're getting some cd's for the sleeping issue.

        Today was about 62 with lots of sun. I took Peggy to a different park today and there was about 6 kids playing and I asked them if today was a none-school day The mothers were there and that is where they spent their lunch. Pretty cool.

        After the park I went to pick up an RX, did a little shopping, then went to fax something and of course took Peggy for a walk at 4:00 and at 7:00. I also made an appt. for a house clean and an appt. for the cataracts.

        Watched a movie on Amazon prime and it was really, really bad, lol.

        Pain was a little better now it's dry and sunny. I was reading a column in a UK newspaper where they said there were studies done and the anti-depressant industry may be a big fat hoax. Wouldn't that be something? I hate big pharma, remember when HRT was the answer to everything until it wasn't.

        One of the reasons RX drugs are cheaper in Canada is because they don't have lobbyists as a middle man. They could save a lot of lives if they didn't place some drugs out of reach.

        Hi to TG and Cyn.

        The chromebook is making me crazy with the scrolling issues, so I ordered a new computer today.
        Last edited by SKendall; February 26, 2018, 10:36 PM.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: Freedom February

          Good morning...

          Pauly, I have learned that this is a thinking disease, it all starts in the head, that is why it is so important to be able to communicate with others when you get cravings or start thinking with irritability, resentment, discontent. Ihav people I can call now, and tat is so helpful to me if I need it. The tip of the iceberg though for me. I asked myself what would be different this time and came up empty, so had to take a different path. My daughter got a fitbit for Valentine's day and loves it, it would make me anxious, I know it would, so that is the reason I don't have one. I am getting used to my haircut, although sometimes I wonder what the heck she did. I saw the video of Brady, how sweet, looked like it was a good time.

          Lav, we are supposed to get a sunny day in the 60s today, and it is grandson day, so lots of fun, love and activity to look forward to. Your embroidery is wonderful, how fun. I love the relaxation/sleeping CDs, we are lucky there are so many. I have a collection of 5 or 6, and like to change them up. They train your body to relax and focus on that, it is a great no pill way to take care of the insomnia that I have found is common with menopause.

          Cyn, interesting that you speak of feeling not doing enough, you who work literally dawn to late in the evening. I think it is good to work on being, "enough." I killed myself trying to do the best I could at my last job and it got me nowhere with that crazy unhappy boss. Giving up trying to be perfect is a relief to me. Another helpful attitude changer for me is reading Anne Lamott books, she is so funny, sincere, crazy, and her books illustrate how imperfect we are while trying to find our way in this world. I know her books are not for everyone but I love them.

          Skendall, so glad you had a good day and it is warmer right now. I love to hear how you cherish and care for your doggie. That dog is treated like a Queen! Re: computer, I have a laptop I love, it is so easy to work with as I am used to it. I hope it lasts a long while, getting a new one is a hassle.

          Have a good one!


            Re: Freedom February

            Morning ALL!

            Pauly - Brady is 20?! No way! I guess I have him permanently in my mind at 15 or so - maybe he was that age when I 'met' you! Remarkable that he and Lav's daughter have the same birth-day, lol. So sorry about the haircut, sheesh - thank goodness hair grows. So glad to hear that your sleep is better! Yes, I agree that EMFs can disturb lot of our lives without u knowing... good luck with all that.

            SK, I think you are smart to get a new computer... I am still having trouble with mine that had a near-death experience... at least I have a good computer guy to 'go to' now. He (thankfully) talked me out of moving to a Microsoft Surface Pro... that saved me money and time. I'm hoping I can get one more year out of my dear old laptop... have fun with your new one! Love hearing your Spring notes.

            Star, so great to hear your "journey notes", and so glad you have person-to-person contacts at the ready. You are on a great path. Yes, I do work a lot, but I also worry a lot. I am wondering if worrying less (fear!) will help me to work smarter. I am really trying to balance things better- I have to, as I really have taken on too much work this time - partly because of my husband's festival, but also because I am determined to get my book done. And suddenly my organizing has taken off, weird. So, all good things, and I need to re-train my brain to celebrate instead of live in fear. Does that make any sense? I am just starting to figure it all out!

            Lav, that sounds like a LOT of stiches! I am so glad that you are doing all these wonderful designs. Are you going to do a FB page so we can send all our friends to you? Hope the sun comes out for you today - we had a walk around 4 PM that had some sun in it!

            "I expect Good Things to happen...". There's a bit of a leg up for today -- wishing all well --- wishing all good luck in finding your light ---


              Re: Freedom February

              Morning friends,SK,I know you weren't trying to push pills on me,just trying to help,yes I am desperate and that's why I went to the docs in the first place but she really was of no help Star,I'm glad you have in person help,I should go to AA but I just don't like the area that its in and all the other close ones are spanish speaking,I swear,,not making excuses,I did go a few times but felt like getting out of there quick and defo wouldn't go at night but that's just Vegas Cyn,how is the book coming along? Was gonna ask about it,thanks for the quote,Lav,good birthday celebration all around I hope,ugh,woke up sweating last night,why am I freezing cold all DAY then at night roasting? Oh yea I forgot I'm getting older grrr! Wishing us all a fabulous AF Tuesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Freedom February

                Hello everyone.

                Cyn, don't take too much on. I really like your affirmations. Anxiety is the emotion most people drink for but I was both fear-based and anxious. I'm anxious to see Peter Rabbit.

                This chromebook is annoying. I was trying to book a flight yesterday and when I'd chosen the flight, etc. I couldn't hit submit because it wouldn't scroll down. You have to click on return and the scroll button, but it doesn't always work.

                Thunderstorms expected this afternoon and evening. I added carpet cleaning to the house clean for spring clean-up. I had corned beef on rye for lunch and it was pretty good.

                I'm doing a major throw out and the walk-in closet is overwhelming so I told myself to not come out of the bedroom without bringing one item out, it may take a while but that's my plan.

                Tomorrow is the visit with Vivian.

                Lav, that is a lot of stitches. Before I read your post I was reading Cyn's and she mentiioed a lot of stitches. I was going back to see what you had done to receive so many stitches, lol.

                TX is an awful place from allergies, it is so flat, the wind blows in from everywhere and my eyes are itchy.

                I bought a wig for bad hair days and my head must be small because it fell down to my nose almost. My sister wanted a picture and we had this hilarious banter going back and forth.

                Pauly, AA was not for me either. There is a tread linking The Atlantic magazine and AA experiences and the conclusion was AA is outdated and too God-based. The writer was in Finland where a lot of alcohol studies are being done. The Sinclair Method was their most successful method. Stay pro-active.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Re: Freedom February

                  Good evening friends,

                  Sunny all day long today - yay!
                  Tomorrow will be partly sunny then back to storms, rain, etc. Oh well.

                  Star, glad you are feeling more secure & getting what you need to keep your quit going, awesome!
                  I 'liked' Anne Lamott a long time ago on FB - her posts are always interesting She shares a lot of personal & family stuff which is helpful I think.
                  Enjoy the grandson time - it's the best!

                  SK, you are already into Spring cleaning?? Wow, good for you. I am only beginning to dream of such things, ha ha! It still feels so darn wintery around here.
                  I am currently using a Dell laptop & it's just fine, no problems. I have two older desktops down in my shop for running my embroidery machines. I swear that one of them coughs when I turn it on, ha ha! I hope you can make friends with your laptop before it drives you nuts, ha ha!

                  That high stich count I talked about last night turned out OK but not fabulous. It's a combination of a owl design that I purchased & lettering I did with my embroidery software. The owl was not digitized properly - way too dense, feels hard on the front of the pillow. I'll probably just give it to my older grandson, he won't notice anyway.


                  Pauly, I had an over-caffeinated night last night SO I didn't sleep well either. Just remember that you have a LOT of company, LOL
                  I am the same way, feeling way too hot or way too cold, it's ridiculous! I absolutely was much better off when I was on the HRT but I had to get off them. Most people get by by taking them for a few to 5 years, not 20+ like me. I wish I could tell you that it will get better soon. Maybe it will for you & I hope so for your sake.

                  Cyn, I'm thinking you need a guru or at least a time management program on your phone or something. I have a hard time splitting myself up, trying to take care of everything & everyone at once. I think that contributed to my downfall years ago. I took care of everyone but me
                  I'm just not willing to do that anymore & I hope you put yourself first as well. Others won't melt or croak if they have to wait an extra day or two for your services, right? Glad you got to enjoy a little sunshine too, it always helps!

                  I think we've all come too far, in our own special way to allow ourselves to be knocked down by those who don't know or understand this disease. No one can understand the complexities unless they've been there & done it, right?
                  Wishing everyone a peaceful (non-sweaty) night!

                  Last edited by Lavande; February 27, 2018, 09:06 PM.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Freedom February

                    Its beautiful Lav,excellent work I don't understood yesterday cuz I had my last coffee at 11 am,didn't have an afternoon doze and get I still managed to wake up several times,it blows
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Freedom February

                      Pauly, don’t forget we are also getting into a FULL MOON this week. Messes me up every single time !!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Freedom February

                        Hello all -

                        Goodness, I hope I did not sound like I am complaining about my life. Actually, (because of those daily affirmations I think) I feel happy and strong and in a kind of "bring it on," place, lol. Better than being in a panic all the time! And I do feel more capable and am learning that the whole world does not rest on my shoulders - a weird kind of responsibility that I grew up with. So I wish the same for all of us - happy with where we are, and eagerly anticipating the good things that are coming to us. After all, why not!?

                        Star, I think the way we find out Quit is very personal - just like food, some food plans work for some people and not for others. I'm happy that you have a place of immediate connection. I know you will keep it going!

                        Pauly, how sweet of you to ask about the book. On our trip I lugged a small laptop (a Lenovo, about the weight of an iPad) so that I could write my query letters. Thanks to a day of snow/rain in one place I was able to get my first letter off to a publisher that accepts proposals -- that was a really big deal for me, and I was happy that I got it done... it broke the ice. Then last week on the 23rd was the anniversary of my mother's passing 4 years ago, and this book was motivated by that experience, so I sat down and got 3 more letters out. I will continue to do that while I finish the writing of the book. I may self-publish - nowadays it is all about your followers and your marketing platform, etc. none of which I have! My business is word-of-mouth, and I am hopeless even at my own personal FB page. So we'll see - when I have the writing done I will shop it around. About your sleep - so sorry you are suffering, I do think that the coming full moon has a lot to do with it! Good for you for making changes with caffeine, etc. stick to it, you will find an answer.

                        SK, once again you crack me up - love the image of you playing with the wig. Yes, some of us have small heads - when I was working in the theater the wig masters always had to cut the wigs down for me... not their favorite thing! My hair is so badly behaved that sometimes I fantasize about a wig... but instead I just cut most of my hair off! It makes it a little easier, but not frustration free. Good luck with Peggy and the coming storms.

                        Lav, I love that quote! And the owl is awesome, though maybe not so comfy I guess. What a beautiful thought for your grandson to have close by him. Good luck with the full moon coming. What are you cooking these days? Sadly, I have founds that grains are becoming a real problem for me - I probably need to go back on the nutriceiticals that get rid of SIBO... it is hard to eradicate, and grains make it worse. My 'eating outside the box' on my trip certainly did not help! So the healing quest goes on... hope you are feeling well and that the chicks are growing up happily.

                        Well, my whole work life was hijacked over the weekend on a project that was dumped in my lap... lots of hours on a music editing thing to go with a sponsor's videos of glider soaring... beautiful, but the perimeters kept shifting. I was up until 1AM getting a final off to the video guy, with no real hope that it will be used. Oh well, I got to look at videos with gorgeous clouds and high views all weekend! I am hoping to have some small cuts put together - this one was 25 minutes of edited music- but there's a 4 minute clip that will knock your socks off - I hope I can share it at some point!

                        OK, back to the real world now... take care all, and remember:


                          Re: Freedom February

                          Morning friends,Cyn,I didn't feel like you were complaining at all glad you were able to get some work done but 1 AM is no bueno! Exhausted and you'd figure my body would get so tired I'd zonk out but meh,waves to Star,SK and Lav
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Freedom February

                            Hello everyone.

                            80 deg. 100% humidity, thunderstorms again this evening and the mosquitoes are here.

                            Cyn, I can't wait for your book!

                            After the first cup of coffee in the a.m. I switch to Starbuck's decaf, can't tell the diff. They also have instant coffee for a single cup called VIA.

                            Lav, too bad about the owl, it is magnificent, but I understand the density might be a little bit uncomfortable.

                            Ill be leaving about 5:00 to see Vivian and of course, the other 2.

                            Pauly, 1 in 3 Americans suffer from sleep disorders, so you're not alone.

                            I had to go to Home Depot today and they allow dogs. There is this older cashier, Edna who always makes a fuss of Peggy. Last week we went and she was off, so Peggy sulked the whole visit. She was there today so all is well.

                            I may be back later.
                            Last edited by SKendall; February 28, 2018, 04:19 PM.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: Freedom February

                              Good Hump day evening friends!

                              The weather was nice enough to sit outside & trim back all of last year's growth in my herb garden
                              I used to trim all that stuff in the Fall but now they say it's better to leave it for the birds & the bees to play with, ha ha! Looks like a moonscape now but some of the herbs are already showing signs of growth. We have a large pussy willow out in the back yard & it's starting to open up too.

                              Star, I woke up today thinking about the statement you made yesterday about this being a 'thinking disease'. That is so true & it reminded me of that silly be effective program I worked before finding MWO. I had recognized that I had developed a habit of negative thinking over the years & I knew it was time to change that habit if I was going to change anything else. Apparently that was just what I needed too. I can't even remember the name of the program I purchased on line & I no longer have the computer that I downloaded it on but it worked! I'm sure there's plenty of more current offers available now.
                              Of course being surrounded by chronically depressed people wasn't much help either. Most of those folks are no longer in my life, I had to save myself.

                              Cyn, you truly are working like a woman on a mission, ha ha!
                              Knowing you though you will find a way to get it all done. I hope you are rewarded generously
                              As far as foods go for me lately - I find myself eating what I know will agree with me & cooking other stuff that makes the YB happy. We have very different food requirements, it's crazy. I roasted a pork roast on Sunday, had one tiny slice & the rest of the thing is sitting in the fridge & he adds it to the more vegan-like things I make for myself throughout the week. Tonight I made a batch of black bean burgers. I load them with onion, garlic & red bell peppers (which I know you don't eat). I also made a big bowl of cole slaw (dairy free) & scooped some of that on my burger which was good. I used the Instant pot Sunday to make a big batch of steamed carrots & Yukon gold potatoes to go with that pork roast. Today he ate pork for lunch & I ate the veggies, Lol. It's always a mishmash at meal times here.
                              I know travelling can be rough where you are faced with unusual foods. It'll take some time & effort to get back to your comfortable place again. I keep saying that I eat for health & he eats for taste.

                              Pauly, the moon is absolutely FULL, there's no denying that!
                              Sleep as best as you can now, it will improve later.

                              SK, I have found if you buy a decent brand decaf then no one ever knows the difference, ha ha! Nothing wrong with that
                              I buy gas in the neighboring state of Maryland not just because it's cheaper but it happens to be the closest gas station to my house. I took my dog along with me today & I swear she looked at me with a giant look of disappointment when I pulled into the garage afterwards. I think she was ready for a full-on road trip!!!! These dogs know what they like, ha ha!
                              I hope your visit with Viv & the others is good
                              Good luck with the storms tonight.

                              We are getting a storm tomorrow into Friday, sounds like it's going to be a real doozy with high winds & power outages & all that - swell.
                              Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Freedom February

                                Good morning...

                                Lav, thanks for the feedback on the thinking disease comment I made a few days ago. Anxiety is big for me, and I always worry about the future, even though things always work out, one way or another. This reminds me that today would be a good day to look up affirmations and and start to use them. I have still not used the instant pot, I think I am scared of it. Ridiculous of me. Can you send me a link for your coleslaw recipe? I am going to make black bean burgers later this week and would love that as a side. Had fun with my grandson and later my daughter and other grandson, so blessed to have them in my life and see them on a regular basis. I was thinking how quickly they grow up and change, and appreciate this as a grandmother more than as a mother I think. Looking forward to our vacation in a few weeks, lots of grandson time. Maybe too much?

                                Pauly, hope you are doing well. Re: AA, I went in the past and did not find any groups that I felt were a good fit. This time, in a new location I was immediately welcomed and felt hope. Going to the meetings daily is helping me, there are things I don't agree with but anywhere I go there are things I don't agree with. That's me. I am just so sick and tired of drinking and all the BS that goes along with it, I feel I have to do whatever it takes and I am. I hope you are finding your way too.

                                Cyn, you sound busy and happy, lucky to have work and feel useful and productive. Thanks for the affirmation reminder.

                                SKendall, have fun visiting your granddaughter.

                                Have a great AF Thursday.

