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March Miracles~March 2018

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    Re: March Miracles~March 2018

    Greetings friends,

    It's chilly & it's raining & supposed to turn into snow at some point. I really wish it wouldn't but what can you do?
    WE ran out & picked up another 100 lbs of feed for the chicks. They have been through almost 50 lbs already. That's how they grow so fast, honestly!!!

    Cyn, I sure hope you get your heat & hot water back, geez. It's not a great time of the year for 'camping' which is what you're essentially doing. Stay as warm as possible :hug:
    People who can eat virtually anything & have no problems don't know how lucky they are. It takes time, patience & some good supplements to heal your gut but it can be done. Keep working on it, you'll get there. I hope your conference call went well - don't miss that stuff, ha ha!

    Pauly, glad you saw the message. I was grabbing my bedtime dose last night & got to thinking about you just starting out on Relizen. I was kind of surprised to see the ad with the woman stating that she just takes two every night at bedtime. If that was the preferred way to take the supplement then the manufacturer would have just made the tablets larger.
    Anyway, I wish you good resuts & don't expect instant miracles, ha ha!

    Hello to Star, I hope FL is nice & sunny!

    Hello to SK, I hope you are doing well.

    Have a nice night everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: March Miracles~March 2018

      Morning all -

      Well, hopefully the last morning of chilly temps in the house. The furnace parts apparently came in at 5:30 last night, so cross fingers on a fix today. Already 2 inches here of the latest Nor'Easter... hopefully won't be more than 6 or 8 inches, depending on the path... I did get out and rake some parts of the roof, so hopefully my front door won't get swollen shut like last year! Do I sound ready for condo living?! Getting there... ha!

      Pauly I sometimes go to different threads to find one of our groups' post so that I can get onto our thread --- and did I see that Michelle is back w/the BF? Wow - you are so smart to distance yourself, one way or another... hard but necessary for your peace of mind.... sending you good vibes...

      Lav, I cannot imagine dealing with one hundred pounds of chicken feed! I buy the small bags of sunflower seeds, I just can't cope with the big bags. Those chicks are chowing down! I am hearing the bird calls now of some spring arrivals... and I sw some finches at the feeder... they actually look totally stunned by the snow! They are probably thinking they took a wrong turn on their journey. Climate change... all these nor'easter storms... poor folks in Boston...

      SK - how is it going? I hope you are doing OK... it will be nice to hear from you... Give pats to Peggy from us!

      Star, soak up the sun!

      Well, the plumber just arrived with the parts, woo hoo! And it looks like 3 inches of snow already... maybe I'll break out the snowshoes that we bought at an estate sale last summer - might as well have a good time trying them out!

      The conference call yesterday went 2 HOURS, seriously! Much of it was trying to calm down my boss to get her to see some options... she is.a real crisis case! So, I am off to put in another serious long day of work to get head of the game so that she can calm down... sheesh...

      I am grateful for electricity, for all you guys here, for loose tea in a teapot, for my dear dog, for the invention of shovels... the list is endless!

      "I grow stronger every day"


        Re: March Miracles~March 2018

        Morning friends,yep Cyn,they went to look at a house together yesterday but she was "annoying" him so he dropped her back off here so I'm not sure if they're trying to be roommates? Back together? Im staying out of it,I was trimming her hair yesterday and I asked does she really want to be with him,,she thinks I'm nosy but I honestly just wish she'd move on! Great news about the heater! I've been drinking sleepy time tea but I think I'm gonna skip it tonight,it makes me pee like a racehorse all night!! Not good for sleep to be up and down like that,Lav,yeah I take the Relizen in the morning then in the afternoon,makes no sense to take it in all one shot if its two tabs,Star,you look so happy on your vacay SK,you ok?"I grow stronger everyday" love it!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: March Miracles~March 2018

          Greetings friends,

          It’s late but I wanted to say hello!

          Cyn, I sure hope you are nice & cozy warm by now!
          We didn’t get any snow out of the storm, just rain. I hope you didn’t get too much.

          Pauly, sorry your daughter seems to be somewhat cinfused. It’s really hard to get them to consider all the consequences, their futures & all that. I hope she is happy regardless.

          Here’s what I’ve been playing with today. The monarch turned out nice, I have two other types to test out next.

          Hello to SK, hope you are well!

          Star, keep enjoying that vacation!

          Have a nice night everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: March Miracles~March 2018

            Morning all --

            Well, the house got up to 57 (which actually feels warm to me at this point! And I have HOT WATER! So, some progress, and we'll see what happens next. Maybe a new house, errr make that condo...

            Nothing much to relate - 6 more inches of snow yesterday, the heavy slushy kind, more snow falling now. Same old. But I do feel so sorry for the birds,.. I'm keeping them fed, and I have nesting boxes next to the house, but I don't think there's much more to be done. Supposed to be snowy this whole week. Even for March, this is pushing the limits.

            I wil get out of the house today - boy dog has been having mobility problems and I took him for chiropractic last week . It helped a lot, but the vet suggested laser treatments on his inflamed front shoulders and bum leg, so we'll be out a bit today. Between tiring at the computer for 10 hours a day with this project and being snowed in, we both need a little outing.

            Lav, those butterflies are AMAZING! So beautiful, they look like the real thing! You will be getting some orders from me for sure... butterflies are my private symbol for my mom and my book...

            Pauly, that's almost funny, a kid who comes and cries hysterically at your house, then thinks you are nosy for asking about how she truly feels! Sounds like she has trouble knowing her own heart... I suppose we all did, back in the day. Hoping for a little more rest for you each day.

            SK, you alright? Sending light to you -I hope all is OK.

            Star, soak up the warmth and sun!

            "I draw good things into my life". Wishing all a centered day-


              Re: March Miracles~March 2018

              Morning friends,Cyn,one of my personal symbols are butterflies too! That's crazy we think alike seriously when Jon passed I was getting them fluttering right up close to me in my backyard,I always took it as a good sign,hummingbirds too SK,hope you can check in today I'm worried about you,Star,hope you're having a blast! Lav,beautiful work,you did such and amazing job,feel like a zombie this morning hope it passes,wishes for a great AF Wednesday,"I draw good things into my life"
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                Hello everyone. Sorry to be AWOL, I wrote a post on Tuesday, but didn't submit.

                Cyn, having no heat is bone-chilling. We do appreciate our comforts which we all take for granted. Yes, gratitude.

                Lav, those butterflies are remarkable and one of my favourite emblems. They certainly symbolise freedom.

                Pauly, what a mess with the boyfriend I hope Kelly is okay.

                The weather here is gorgeous and Peggy wants ro be out all the time.

                Nothing much to report, I'm procrastinating paperwork, but took Peggy to the park today.

                Talk to you all later.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                  SK,it's my oldest daughter with the boyfriend woes,not Kell(well not to this extent anyways)
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                    Good evening friends,

                    Still chilly & quite windy here but no snow so I am grateful.
                    No butterfly work today ha ha but I did do a reading pillow for my niece's baby shower coming up at the end of the month. Turned out cute

                    Cyn, A hot shower in a chilly house, oh boy! I hope the rest of your system is fixed very soon.
                    Sorry about all the snow you're getting, it stinks. I've been watching the weather up in MA where I have family (they live nearby Papmom). Way, way too much snow up there.
                    I hope the laser treatments help your dog. I considered them for Maxie but she had so much else going on, kinda had to choose what was going to be more important at the time.
                    Arthritis is no fun for dogs or for people. YB's wrist was hurting so bad today he was nearing tears. IF he would just follow instructions re NSAIDs & ice to affected area he would get some relief. Today I made him do it!!!! This evening he is sitting comfortable in his cave playing with his ippad, LOL

                    Pauly, I hope you perked up enough to enjoy your day. Loved the pic of the boys on FB tonight, awesome.

                    SK, glad you checked in & are doing OK.
                    Enjoy your nice weather while you have it, right? I don't blame Peggy for wanting to be outside as much as possible.

                    Star, hope you are still having fun!

                    I'm going to stop back & insert a pic of the pillow I finished today.
                    Have a nice night everyone.

                    Last edited by Lavande; March 14, 2018, 08:26 PM.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                      Morning all -

                      The heat is on!!! And honestly I got so used to cool temps (hardly any hot flashes!) that I've turned the heat back down to the low 60s -- also to help stop the ice dams that are forming everywhere, eeek! I think it was a blessing in disguise that the house has been cool, since we have poor insulation. Must get out and do some more roof raking today ( from the ground).

                      Lav, those reading pillows are just super-cute! If you start to advertise, you could be one busy lady. And guess what, my wonderful nitrionist/Chiro that has been helping me with my health for the past 6 years? I got a letter saying that she is stopping her practice to become an instructor for Singer sewing for the kinds of projects you are doing!! I have been wondering about YB's hand... good thing you are there to remind him of the protocol!

                      Pauly, wow, butterflies and hummingbirds both for me too! In fact, I was blown away recently while we were on our trip.... I knew that I had to write some query letters for my book, and I had brought a small laptop, but I hadn't had time to work on it. Then one night at a restaurant our sweet waitress reached out her arm to clear the table, and what was on her arm? A beautiful tattoo, a vine with butterflies and a hummingbird. I silently told my mom - OK, I will write those letters, thanks for the reminder! lol. And the next day we were snow/fogged in, and I got my first letter off. I am sure that Jon was sending you love through those butterflies - I always had them fluttering around me the spring after my mom passed...

                      SK, so good to hear from you -- glad that spring has sprung where you are, and that Peggy is getting you plenty of outdoor time! You deserve it - enjoy!

                      Star, I hope all is sunny and good where you are.

                      I see a glimmer of hope that I will actually see the end of this project that has been 10 hours a day, whew! Like coming out of a long tunnel into the light...

                      Re: losing my health care guru...I felt bereft, but happy for her, I'm sure she got burned out from taking care of all of us. I think it's a nudge from the Universe that it's time for me to start up with a functional medicine doc that is not too far away from here. She has truly helped an acquaintance of mine here with a mysterious and serious issue, solved! It's expensive, but at least a good investment, as opposed to most other things in the medical world today...

                      Wishing all well today - "I attract healthy relationships"

                      PS our snow now: Sorry that one is upside down... and I can't remove it! Oh well...
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by treegirl; March 15, 2018, 07:11 AM.


                        Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                        Morning friends,Cyn sorry about losing your health guru,hopefully you find another great one,so you prefer the colder house now? They do say people sleep better,Lav,nice pillows was watching the boys last night but man my allergies were making me so miserable! It was very windy yesterday and that dust did me in SK,are you still thinking about moving? Just curious hope you're doing better,"I attract healthy relationships"(hope so! Have a great day my friends
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: March Miracles~March 2018


                          Another beautiful but windy day. Visualize this; My hair is about 3-4" on top so this morning I sprayed my hair more because of the wind. I later opened the roof because it was so nice. I went t Whole Foods and got an enormous salad and then came home. I looked in the mirror and was mortified the top of my hair had been sucked toward the roof and the hairspray didn't allow it to lie back down. I looked as if I had one of those Mohawks. Thank you to the people in Whole Foods for not laughing!

                          Back is serious today so I'm trying to find a chiropractor. Other than that a non eventful day.

                          Hi Star, I hope you continue to get stronger and more peaceful.

                          Lav, those pillows are seriously smart.

                          Cyn, too bad about the guru, he will certainly leave a whole. It took a lot of discipline to get that project started, good for you. It may (or not) open to an easier flow.

                          Pauly, after much reflection, I don't know if I have another move in me at this point to do it solo.

                          Enlightened by MWO


                            Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                            Good evening friends,

                            Thanks for the 'likes' on the pillows, ha ha. I got absolutely nothing done on my 'to do' list today because I decided to accompany YB on his Dr appointment. His doc is an old friend of mine, I sort of put the two of them together 30 years or so ago. Then there was a side trip to the accountant to drop off the tax info for him to sort out for us.
                            Chilly, windy, sunny & some raindrops mixed with snowflakes - little bit of everything today.

                            Wow Cyn, you have the snow! Sorry you are stuck dealing with it. I agree about the house temp, I like it on the cooler side too
                            Maybe you will find some new ideas to work on with the functional medicine doc. My daughter went to see one shortly after my granddaughter was born. She developed a sudden, severe case of screaming aching joints all over & ended up going gluten free for a while. She's fine now so I really don't know what that was all about. We just have to keep trying, changing & investigating what foods work for us & what foods don't. I hope your nutritionist is happy in her new endeavor. Working in any kind of healthcare area really taxes a person, no matter how much they like what they're doing. I burned out a few times over the course of my career. Btw, YB has decided to follow my instructions to deal with his arthritic wrist pain & is having good results. I guess he felt it was necessary to suffer for a while before finally listening to someone who knows what she's talking about - DUH.

                            Pauly, I really think you need to find an allergy medicine that agrees with you. Have you tried all the OTCs - Claritin, Zyrtec, etc?
                            Maybe spending less time outside on especially windy days might be a good idea

                            SK, I LOL reading the description of your hair - funny
                            That's just the sort of thing I would do, believe me! Whatever you decide to do about moving - stay or go - we will be with you in spirit! In the meantime, enjoy your mild weather & walks with Peggy.

                            Star, still in FL? Enjoy!

                            The chicks are doing fine, getting big!! I hope they don't outgrow this new container before it's warm enough to move them outside - yikes!!
                            Have a nice night everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                              Uuuuuuugh. Had a post that I was just about to press 'reply' and lost it because of iPad power...

                              Sorry, can't regroup again. Wishing all well today --

                              To the light, and the warmth, and to the 'green blade rising'.


                                Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                                Morning friends,Cyn,sorry about the lost post,bummer! Hope your day is great Lav,I hate all those allergy meds,clarifying makes me dizzy,Allegra gives me wicked stomach probs,so no,I did find a spray yesterday called Xclear,it had xylitol to lube the nostrils and it seemed to work good on my congestion,,we shall see Star,hope to see you when you get back,SK,I guess just make yourself a happy life where you are then,I wanted to leave Vegas but not sure where I'd go,I did try San Diego and hated in for some reason,tried northern Nevada and hated it,I think my heart just belongs to Vegas for some dumb reason,have you seen Vivian at all? Seems like your daughter still has resentment from your drinkin days,I think Michelle does towards me too,she's rude most of the time I try to talk to her,I can't change the past,,,wish I could tho,wishing us all a nice AF Friday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

