Lav, YB's hand must be very painful. Do they do an injection for that that helps for a time? When I lived in Victoria, B.C. it was the capital of daffodil growing for retail. I used to take a double decker bus to see them better. Gypsies used to board the bus as they were the pickers. Never saw gypsies anywhere else, so that was an interesting ride.
Pauly, my apologies for mixing up your daughters. I wonder if you take a probiotic? Good for many health issues, not gut related. I'm glad to hear your opinions on alcohol related to your life.
Well tomorrow a,m, my facebook stock will be sold. I had about $15K invested. Even before this data eruption I was going to sell because I thought they had too much on too many people. I go on f/b once in a while, but have never given my profile info, except for the bare minimum. Zuckerberg dropped the ball.
How great was it that our young people marched? I subscribe to NYTimes and WaPo, so I was replying to the many posts today. It sometimes feels better when you can do that. Bolton? A war hawk who will mislead Trump into a war with NK. Sorry, that's an insult to hawks.
I read an article about Repug presidents always being elected for 2nd term if we were at war. Remember how Reagan
invaded Grenada(?) on some trumped up issues? C'mon Mueller.
Lav, I have gained a winter middle too. Will have to remedy that. I have a Chrone's flare up today. I'll make an appt. with gastro guy tomorrow.
Cyn. glad you got some time with DH.
DD sat at the dining table joyless and played with her phone.There isn't a chance I can reason with her.
After she left screaming that time, Peggy is very slow to go near her and yesterday with her 2 hour presence she wants to hump everything to relieve her stress. She has never done this before. Peggy was also acting out today. I shouted at her (which I don't do) and her ears and tail went down. I have been loving on her and the ears are back up but not the tail
I am trying not to allow her space in my head. I've felt for a while her issue is depression and that can create anger.
Star, glad you were able to resolve the conflicts.