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March Miracles~March 2018

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    March Miracles~March 2018

    Hope the title is ok? I could use some miracles this month Star,I think they say "take what you need and leave the rest" about AA,on that show "Mom" they're in AA and it looks like they have a fun,close bond/friendship,that would be cool to find went to watch the boys last night but I was tired so I wasn't that much fun,Lou just wanted to watch his shows and Romeo just wanted to sleep haha,Lav,some brands of that instapot were on the news for catching fire,not sure if your brand is the one but check it out,Cyn and SK hope you have great days,hope we all do here's to a mindful,meditative,much freedom March!!!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

    Re: March Miracles~March 2018

    Pauly, thanks for starting us off.

    had thunderstorms for 7 hours last night, Peggy was a wreck, also flooding. Both the TV and my phone were beeping to alert us on the flooding, so it must have been chaotic for her.

    I went to visit Vivian for about an hour an we had a great time. SIL had "disappeared", lol. She was telling me about her spelling bee and I remembered Dan Quayle correcting a spelling bee contestant when the contestant wrote potato and Quayle changed it to potatoe. She laughed and laughed and asked if he was a friend of "Trump's", lol.

    Peggy loves to roll in dried worms, so she got lots of opportunities this a.m.

    I'm off to get my eyes dilated for the cataract surgery.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Re: March Miracles~March 2018

      Just lost a long post because of token expired? Will check in later.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Re: March Miracles~March 2018

        Good evening friends,

        Thanks for the March startup Pauly
        Just so you know watching the boys will get more interesting as time goes on - believe me, ha ha!!! My son just stopped by with the boys for about half an hour & they will be back after school tomorrow & spend the night. Fun times in Lav-land with the kids during a storm, ha ha.

        SK, Dan Quayle was something else. I did like his wife though, heard her speak at a firefighter's convention in DC, she spoke with great passion.
        Glad that you & Viv had a good visit. I imagine I will have a ton of worms on my driveway after this storm blows thru.
        Your cataract surgery must be soon, wishing you the best of course!

        Star, I saw your post on the Feb thread.
        I'm really glad you have found a comfortable group & are making progress. Staying healthy for the grandkids was more important to me than doing it for myself. Frankly, I was too damn depressed to care about anything pertaining to me. But having the 1st grandson arrive was the kick in the butt I needed. I realize now that it was a real blessing. So whatever we have to do is exactly what we have to do, right?
        The cole slaw I make is dairy free but not fat free, it uses mayo. I just like the taste & it's agreeable with me. Mom's Classic Coleslaw Recipe (with Vegan Option)

        Cyn, it's raining steady now, getting a bit colder too. I have gotten three high wind warnings from our county weather folks so far today & it's not even windy yet!
        I hope you have things tied down. I gave the chickens plenty of food & water to hold them over for a day or two. At dinner time I stepped out the door & saw the fox standing right at the gate to the chicken yard, staring in at my 6 girls I yelled for the thing to get lost & it just looked at me & slowly walked away. You can't scare these animals!!!!
        The young chicks are still safely tucked in in my laundry room.

        I hope everyone has a peaceful night!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: March Miracles~March 2018

          Had the cataract pre-op. Cyn, it was another assembly like experience. Fill in paperwork, wait,see tech #1, wait, see tech 2, wait, see doctor 1, wait, see surgeon,wait, go to finance. Surgeon had recommended new procedure, but it was $1500.00. High cost of healthcare? They asked me how I was getting home, I told them Uber and they said they wouldn't release me to Uber on surgery day. However, they provided car service (of course they did) for $70.00 and the bottle of drops for $50.00. I had the last one done in WA state and saw the Optometrist and the surgeon on the day of surgery.

          Ah well, I'm having a twilight procedure tomorrow for spine x-ray with dye. Hope they will release me to Uber.

          We had 3" rain dumped last night and a lot of cars were so muddy cars had veered off into fields. Most rainfall for February on record.

          Sorry for the rant.

          How is everyone else doing?
          Last edited by SKendall; March 1, 2018, 09:09 PM.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Re: March Miracles~March 2018

            X-posted Lav. How dare that fox?

            I don't know if this is true or not, but friends who camped used to collect their urine and pour it sound to ward off animals. No, no, no, You don't have to do it in this weather, it will give a whole new meaning to pissing in the wind, lol
            Enlightened by MWO


              Re: March Miracles~March 2018


              Oh for goodness sake, yesterday I posted (twice, lost a long one) --- in the February thread!! I actually did know that March started, but... habit.

              I'll cut and paste that one later today.

              Pauly, thanks so much for starting us out! I love March Miracles. Sounds like being sleep deprived is making you tired, I get that - I hope better nights are in your future. I read a great article about magnesium oil - I'll post that later.

              Everyday is pretty much a miracle, I think. One of my clients has RA, and I just helped her pack for a trip - she can't handle anything with her hands now. She is a brilliant Sociology professor that headed a department at Hunter College. This morning when I had trouble opening a jar, I reminded myself to be grateful with the dexterity I have in my hands... how hard would life be without that?

              Lav, maybe a BB gun to shot up the ground around that fox and scare it? I also have heard that one can buy wolf pee ( how...?) I don't know if that would work. Maybe the Amish have a trick? Good luck with the weather!

              SK, my goodness you have a lot going on... yes, that sounds like a lot of hooha ahead of your eye surgery, but hopefully it will help all go well! Also will be thinking of you today with the spine X-rays -- I hope that information will help you know what is going on. In the aforementioned article on magnesium oil, it says there is evidence that it helps nerve pain, so I will link it here and you can check it out. Hang in there - poor you and Peggy with the storm!

              Star, I hope all is chugging along formyou. I want to say again how great it is that you have a support system in place for yourself. Wonderful! Is your trip coming up soon? I am doing OK with this Amazing Grass, which is a miracle since I am so sensitive to so many things. I also got, but haven't tried yet, some of their effervescent tablets that supply veggies with a boost of b vitamins for a little lift. I'll let you know.

              Chugging away here in work... hoping against hope that I can blow through our complicated taxes in the next few days and get them to the CPA before March 15... their deadline to make a April 15 filing... Hey Ho!

              May we be well --


                Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                Yesterday's post!!

                Re: Freedom February
                Morning all - I just somehow lost my post, so now I'll just wish everyone well --

                Lav, big storms coming here too - batten down the hatches!

                Pauly, poor thing - I think all was harder last night because of the moon.

                Star - yes on the Thinking part of all our discomforts: I've put up the words "I am safe and all is well" and "I have faith in myself." So glad you found a great group for support!

                SK, will be thinking of you this evening, hope it goes well. And thank goodness Peggy was not disappointed at Home Depot!

                Wishing all well: "I expect good things to happen..."


                  Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                  Morning friends,SK,that sucks they won't release you to uber,wondering why? Probly cuz its not family? Lav,is that hormone stuff helping at all? I tried some estroven the other day and it gave me a bit of anxiety,kind of a speedy feeling I'm not interested in! Cyn,I totally forgot it was March too,glad to be done with February though,Star,hope you're well,wishes for a happy AF Friday!!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                    Hello on a sunny Friday.

                    Cyn, will definitely check out Mg oil.

                    Pauly, they won't accept Uber so they can charge for their car service - $70.00.

                    Having the spine x-ray with sedation done today. By next Wed. a lot of this will be over.

                    I've been watching a hawk ride the thermals this morning, nice. Skunks are telling us spring is coming, lol.

                    Looking forward to my twilight this p.m., I'm tired!

                    Will check in later.

                    Lav, hoping you are enjoying the boys.
                    Last edited by SKendall; March 2, 2018, 11:31 AM.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Re: March Miracles~March 2018


                      Well the spinal dye x-ray was canceled right when I was in the middle of release forms. They had over-scheduled. Grrr. Maybe I should ask for the $35.00 Uber bill. On the positive side there was a little Cajun cafe across the street. I was starving because I couldn't eat, but well hydrated as it's supposed to find a vein easier. I had I had shrimp and crawfish etouffee roasted veg and beans and rice, and of course pechaaan pie. I enjoyed it so much I pushed the frustration away.

                      Came home and took Peggy to the park.

                      Sunny all day.
                      Last edited by SKendall; March 2, 2018, 05:53 PM.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                        Sorry for the cancelation SK but it sounds like you had a fun day otherwise
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                          Good evening friends.

                          This storm is a raging pain in the a$$
                          We have been without power most of the day. The power company is now estimating Sunday at 5 pm, dear God!
                          I did make a pot of soup in the IP while I had the chance! Having my grandsons here tonight makes it extra special, lol

                          SK, sorry about your cancellation but it sounds like you made it a good day anyway. Enjoy your sunshine.

                          cyn, how’s it going up your way?

                          Pauly & Star, hello to you both.
                          Pauly, the Relizen is helping I think but it takes a full three months to get the full effect. I’m just starting the second month.

                          Have a decent night everyone & I’ll check in again when I can.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                            Be safe Lav!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                              Morning all - kind of quiet here!

                              We here in the east had quite the day and night last night with the storm! I know that Lav is without power - maybe until Sunday - and has her grandsons with her! Here we managed not to lose power, but parts of trees came down, and we got 8-10 inches of wet snow. My poor HB was on a metro train trying to get home from NYC, but it kept stopping because of tree and downed power lines on the tracks. I spent half the night trying to find him a hotel room close to where he finally got off the train and got some food -- he eventually got a Lyft driver to bring him an hour and a half up to where his snow-laden car was parked at the train station! It was too iffy for me to drive and get him, I had barely made it up our hill earlier in the day. All turned out well by midnight!

                              Pauly, I will try to send the link to this magnesium oil info, which is interesting. I can't take it internally, but a person can make their own magnesium oil spray, and it is absorbed better and has all sorts of good stuff. Because of our history of AL, most of us are way low in magnesium, and it helps so many areas. Good luck today - what an adorable pic of Romeo in FB!

                              Star, I hope all is well and that you escaped this storm.

                              SK, how did everything go yesterday? I love hearing about your spring there --- two days ago it seemed that we were right on the verge of spring, but now are plunged back into winter - though it is beautiful!

                              Lav, if you can read this, sending you strength to cope with no power and the boys in tow!!!

                              Take care all -- "beautiful things are coming into my life"....
                              Last edited by treegirl; March 3, 2018, 08:08 AM.

