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March Miracles~March 2018

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    Re: March Miracles~March 2018

    X-post everyone!!!

    SK - so sorry, but glad that you had a yummy meal!

    Lav, sounds like you are doing OK!

    Good to see you Pauly!

    Take care all ---


      Re: March Miracles~March 2018

      Morning friends,Cyn I love that"beautiful things are coming into my life" what a weird winter for us all it seems weather wise anyways,I wanted it to be cold back in Nov and Dec yet it waited for now,so weird,waves to Lav,SK and Star and wishes for a nice AF Saturday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: March Miracles~March 2018

        I can't think of anywhere that hasn't experienced abnormal weather.

        Lav, sorry about the power being gone. How did you cope with the boys? I bet you made an adventure out of it.

        Cyn, how scary that was for you. Glad it turned out okay.

        When I lived in Toronto, ON we had a weekend home and got so much snow one night we couldn't open the door for the snow drifting. We were out of a couple of necessities so husband slung on a backpack and X-country skied to a store a few miles away. I was very impressed and grateful. The wind had dropped so the kids and I made a snow cave and we had hot chocolate inside. Fun times during adversity.

        The east coast certainly received a pounding. Avalanches in CA, floods here, holy cow. The floods are drying out and the weather has improved.

        During these trying times we all find some special ways of dealing with it and surprise ourselves.:happy2:

        Talk later.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: March Miracles~March 2018

          Good evening friends!

          Everything is back to normal & we were lucky enough not to have any storm related damage. We made the most of it, keeping the kids from getting scared & it was fine.
          Our generator would not turn on due to a dead battery. It's a car battery so it's not something you just have sitting around. YB managed to navigate around fallen trees on the roads & came home with a new battery & installed it in the dark. I stood outside with a giant flashlight - all this in the middle of the storm. He got the thing running for a few hours then the power came back on around 10 pm. Grateful we didn't have to be powerless until Sunday evening as estimated. I feel sorry for the people out working to repair fallen lines in that nasty weather. 60 mph wind gusts are harsh!!!
          The boys were fine & left around 3 pm so I have had time to get my mind back, ha ha!!

          Star, hope you are OK & having a good weekend.
          I ran across a recipe for IP fried rice & made it for dinner using brown rice - easy & delicious

          Cyn, glad to hear adventure turned out well. Geez I can't wait to see the end of this winter.
          I'm another one who cannot take magnesium but I have been known to stick my feet into an Epsom salt bath once in a while. I would benefit from a mg spray too.

          Pauly, I hope your weekend is going well!
          After all that drama with the storm & kids yesterday & the extra coffee I consumed I was shocked to see that I slept 7 straight hours last night - go figure. Maybe the supplement is helping more than I thought

          SK, Canada has had a good deal of snow this winter. I have several FB friends up there & I have seen their amazing pictures!! I'm glad you have good memories of your epic snowfall, ha ha!

          Well, we are finally going to catch up with our granddaughter tomorrow to celebrate her birthday. We are meeting them halfway for dinner & gift giving. Looking forward to that!

          Have a peaceful night everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: March Miracles~March 2018

            Good morning...

            Lav, good to hear you made it through the storm in one piece and saw on FB that your power was back on. You have been getting more time with your grandkids lately and that is always fun. Glad to hear of it. That IP recipe sounded good, feel free to post the link, I love when you do that. Yesterday for dinner, I made black bean burgers and Lemon Tahini Sauce instead of ketchup, it was very good. We went to a movie last night, Game Night, it was a car chasing comedy, it was OK only. The Greatest Showman, that we saw a few weeks ago was fantastic, that movie I definitely recommend. Hope your weather improves.

            Cyn, wow, your husband had a journey to get home through the storm and thank goodness made it safely. I have been lucky, only nine inches of snow the entire season, and yesterday was sunny in the low 50s, fantastic weather for March, I am not used to this mild air. We did get a ton of rain, but as I do not live by any body of water, no flooding. So lucky there. What is the idea of magnesium, does it help with menopausal symptoms or sleep? Interesting how our skin absorbs vitamins, same idea with essential oils. I have not been taking any vitamins, just eating better, lots of salads and lentil soup. Today I am making a tomato soup recipe my daughter made, unfortunately it uses a little cream, but I am making it anyway it was soooo good.

            Pauly, how you doing. I have to say that I had a quiet day yesterday, exercise, store, then worked on a workbook my sponsor bought me, on the first three steps. I am so serious about this, it was meaningful to me to work on looking at my use and their explanation of why we drink and can't have any at all. A two pronged condition, body and mind. The feelings of restlessness, discontent, and irritability when we don't drink, the craziness of taking that first drink and then the physical craving that leads us to not be able to stop drinking once we take the first drink. Hope you are doing well and love the pics of your grandsons I see on FB from time to time. They are simply beautiful. Lucky you to have them so close.

            Skendall, wishing you all the best, and thought about living farther North with all the snow that comes on and on. I hated it, especially after January, but it snowed like crazy anyway.

            Have a good one.


              Re: March Miracles~March 2018

              Morning friends,Lav glad you got your power back on and got 7 hours straight of sleep! I've been taking unisom,the doxy whatever kind not the diph whatever kind and its been working but I read it not good to take it every night,melatonin seems to do absolutely nothing for me for some reason? ,Star,sounds like you're doing really well working on your sobriety and working the steps,that's great Louie's 5th birthday is tomorrow but we're having his party today,can't believe he's already 5! Time flies,I was looking at pics of last years party and he looked so small,last year was batman themed,this year is p.j.masks waves to SK and Cyn wishing us all a fabulous AF Sunday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                oh yeah was gonna ask Cyn and Lav why can't you tolerate mag supps? I take the glycinate kind and its an excellent nerve calmer(most of the time)
                Last edited by paulywogg; March 4, 2018, 09:20 AM.
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                  Good evening friends,

                  Got home from the birthday dinner a little while ago. It was fun, we met up at a PF Changs. It was packed because so many people still haven't gotten their power back on yet. Hard to believe she's 7 & halfway thru first grade already!!!
                  We are hearing that another storm is forming (almost identical to Friday's storm) & will be blowing in here Tuesday night into Wednesday. This time their calling for 6-10" of snow but the winds may not be quite as high. GEEZ, all I really want is spring!!!!

                  Star, Pinterest has a lot of IP recipes too.
                  Of course I always take a recipe & change it to suit my needs, you could do the same of course.
                  Instant Pot Hamburger Soup (Whole3 Paleo) | Tastythin. I use ground turkey in place of beef, veggie broth (low sodium) in place of beef broth. I would think you could use beans or lentils in place of the meat if you like.
                  Yesterday I did IP Fried Rice You searched for fried rice - Happy Foods Tube I skipped the salt & pepper & flavored it with some Braggs liquid aminos & used brown rice instead of white.
                  I'm so glad you are comfortable working with your sponsor & making progress. Once we find what works for us as individuals we can stick with it & meet our goals.

                  Pauly, is Louie heading into Kindergarten in September? It sounds like he's getting to that age? They grow so fast!!! I hope his birthday is fun

                  I'm not sure about Cyn but personally I can't tolerate any magnesium supplement basically because it works on me like a major laxative (sorry TMI). I even purchased an expensive chelated form years ago & it did the same.
                  Magnesium is used by every cell in the body - it's especially important for muscle & never cell function. It's a naturally occurring mineral but the experts agree our soil is deficient these days due to modern farming practices so we're not able to get adequate amounts from our food supply. My problem most likely is 'leaky gut' & magnesium is actually recommended to help heal leaky gut so I need something in topical form.

                  Cyn, hope you are OK & making preparations for our next weather event - ugh!

                  SK, hope you had a good day. When is your cataract extraction?

                  Have a peaceful night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                    Morning friends,Lav,I've read that about mag but I don't have that issue thank goodness,the only problems I have is knowing the calcium/mag ratio some say to take together and other articles say calcium gets absorbed before the mag so don't take together,yada,yada,I just pop one if I feel anxious and had to give one to Kell last night cuz she felt anxious at Lou's party,think just too many people for her,he had a good time but I didn't stay for the cake cuz they were dragging ass! If you guys remember Louie's cousins mom had a baby boy almost 2 weeks after Romeo so everyone was more focused on comparing the two,their baby has ALOT of hair,is smaller and darker so cute,little Romeo looks like a sumo wrestler compared to the other baby,its crazy,plus he's already holding his own head up I watched him most of the morning while Kell went to decorate and Lou and his dad went to breakfast it was fun,waves to Star,Cyn and SK wishes for a happy AF Monday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                      Hey all. Vivian not allowed a visit today.

                      Mild and overcast with a smattering of showers.

                      Had breakfast from la Madeleine today. Their food is always freshly made and filling. I saved the coconut cake for later.

                      They have a box for used clothes at the office so that's handy for my decluttering.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                        Just posted yesterday's thread. It was in auto save.
                        Cataract surgery in in the a.m. My regular sitter has given up her doggy business so I was googling and it produced a daycare and a boarding kennel. I asked to see inside an she burbled on about their insurance. I opened the door just long enough to be overwhelmed by dog urine. whew. No wonder she was burning candles in reception. Also the water bowls ere empty which I mentioned to her.

                        I was uncomfortable leaving her there and was second-guessing myself on the way home and then I realized she is a dog even tho my bestie. I am training myself to put me first.

                        Spring weather here and the trees are blossoming.

                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                          Evening greetings friends,

                          Sunny & cool today, typical March weather. What is NOT TYPICAL is the forecast for Wednesday ~ 8-16" of snow
                          I don't want this nonsense, I want spring.

                          SK, sorry you weren't able to see Viv yesterday. That has to be disappointing.
                          Finding daycare & boarding for our dogs can be as difficult as finding care for our elders, geez! Glad you pointed things out to the kennel operator. Peggy will just be in there for a few days I imagine? You do need to put yourself first & get things fixed so you & Peggy can have a more comfortable future. Wishing you the very best with your procedure, we'll be thinking of you :hug:

                          Pauly, the babies usurped Louie's party?? That just not right, poor guy!
                          Glad to hear Romeo is healthy & strong

                          Hello to Cyn & Star. I hope you both are OK & having a good evening.

                          Guess I'll head out in the morning & gather supplies ahead of the approaching !@#$ storm, ha ha!
                          Have a nice night everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                            Lav, more snow? That is a lot. I feel bad for you, so won't mention our weather.

                            Woke up at 4:00 and decided to stay up. Car comes at 7:30. I'm picking Peggy up this afternoon when I get home. I understand the sedation wears off fast and I don't want her to stay longer. Might fade a bit later, but will push through.

                            Hi Pauly, Cyn and Star:heartbeat:
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                              Morning all --

                              Sorry to be away yesterday.... another long day,I started at 7:30 AM and ended at 10 PM. Part of that was because we went to see SD in her city on Sunday mirning, and we had dinner guests on Sunday night, so the day was kind of a washout, and I had to get caught up!

                              SK, sending you thoughts for a good procedure today... lots of light and fast healing! Sorry to hear about Viv not being able to visit, grrr. Peggy will be OK... our pups are pretty resilient, it's good to remember. And great job putting yourself first! That's also better for Peggy in the long run!

                              Lav, what a story about your generator! Glad that YB made the trip in the storm OK. We are gearing up for the next blast here too - same snow amounts as you, but we are 1/2 from your storm and 1/2 from the coast. We have to get HB to NYC to start working on Thursday, so we are leaving tonight and staying over in a NYC hotel, rather than risking the drive down tomorrow. Of course, that means the dog sitter is here during the storm... I am getting all the power-outage stuff ready, but without a generator I'm not sure how long she could stay here without heat... trying to make contingency plans in my head!

                              Pauly, your little guy is 5! Wow, he really is growing up fast. Glad that the party went pretty well, so nice to hear that Kell made decorations. I have the same issue as Lav with magnesium. I am interested in this magnesium oil - it is supposed to help everything from migraines and painful menses to sleep and.calming nerves, etc. I read about it a long time ago in the Wellness Mama site - she sprays it in the feet of her babies and little ones for good sleep. I'll try to send you some links when I am on a real computer. Glad to hear you got a few zzzzs!

                              Star, great to hear your dedication and the way you are progressing. Yes, thinking really is a culprit! Uuugh! So glad you have a workbook - writing things down can be so helpful... congrats, and wishing you all good going forward.

                              So, off to get HB packed for the next 2months in NYC, the house ready for the sitter, and whatever else. I need to get back to my Affirmations, I have skipped a couple of days... must get back to it.

                              Yes Pauly, I love that phrase I posted, though it always feels kind of radical for me to say it out loud. Here's another beautiful, challenging one: "I expect good things"... simple and powerful. Cheers all for a safe and healthy day ---


                                Re: March Miracles~March 2018

                                Morning friends,SK,hoping everything goes smoothly for you today Lav and Cyn,be careful with that weather tomorrow,I'm over the cold too! Star,hope you're well,very groggy this morning and can't seem to shake it bleh,wishes for a happy AF Tuesday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

