Good evening Abbers,
The melting continues, thank goodness, thank you sunshine
Mick, glad your car is back & in good shape. My car is due for inspection soon & I think I'm going to need new brakes this time, oh well.
We went out to a local farm today & hauled home 6 bales of straw & 6 bales of pine shavings to get the chicken house cleaned up & ready for the little ones to move in in a few days. This is where we scoop out all the old shavings & add it to the veggie garden, till it in this summer it will grow awesome veggies
Hi Sam, good to see you!
Pauly, being proactive where your daughter is concerned is always the best choice. There's a couple ways you can do this - you can walk into the PD & ask to talk to someone. Sit down & tell them you are concerned for your daughter's safety. Tell them you know the BF has a history of drug use, dealing? And that he has weapons in the home. Or, if there is a hotline to call in tips, do that. I would definitely think of doing one or the other. If she gets mad, so what? At least she will be safe. We love you & your family & want what's best for all of you :hug:
Det, sick again?? You really need to start taking a good probiotic, I swear by them!
Hope you got your trailer work done OK.
PQ, thanks for changing the weather forecast for me, ha ha!!! I am so ready for spring & I really, really need to get my young chicks moved outside soon.
I hope you enjoyed your day all to yourself (almost)
Hi there SK!
wishing everyone a nice night!