morning all...a lovely day yet again here ...and again up with the peskies,out in the garden.its sunny but frosty,still too cold to put the plants outside,...but at least Ive made a start on the to Leeds this morning ,so lets have a brew.
hiya Sam ..glad to see you mate,yes doing away fine mate,getting on with bits and pieces ,train room ,garden ,etc know me!
hiya Lav,mrs busy bee!!!did your son manage to pick the kids up ?I note dil wasnt you go ..brew time for you.there was a programme on here not so long back that a family kept a fox asa pet??although it is impossible to domesticate ,but possible to train..If you manage just shout ..I can sendyou another one...
hiya pie ..howare you then ? hows the dog doing? hopefully all is well ....and as for the growing season ....send some here!!
hi ppqp....well hows madison square gardens today?...thats a weird one about the weather doing the emergency did the roast go? love pot roast ..with parsnips spuds and leeks ....yum yum ..niot even had brekkie yet but mouth is drooling !!!
hiya pauly how are you doing today then? hows hubby getting on at new job?hopefully ok ...has michelle heard from the nugget or is he out of the loop now .?
Julies nephew is on his passing off parade tomorrow ,,yep for the prison service ....So thats Julies dad ,Julie ,me and her nephew done time now not on that side of the bars ..We could have started our own nick...its 7 years tomorrow since I hung my keys up I regret it ..not a chance I miss it? not a lot..
right folks will put some jokes up after ...