Good evening friends,
Look at that - almost 8 pm & it's still light out, nice

Nice weather today, perfect for some outside time (away from the PI of course).
I plugged in the IP & made myself a batch of BBQ lentils, yum. Poured some of that over a baked (microwaved) potato & had a big tossed salad for dinner. My vegan dream meal, ha ha!!!
Star, you sound good, I like that. Planning your day around YOUR needs & not everyone else's is awesome.
Like you, I want to get rid of so much unused & unneeded stuff around here. One of these days I will!!
Cyn, your poor client sound like she's in the process of making herself sick, not good. Remind her to stop once an hour to deep breathe for a few minutes. That mindfulness stuff helps our B/P too

Pauly, how's the allergy monitor in your area? Any better?
We have leaves popping out on the trees right now & some of them can be troublesome.
SK, how are you doing today?
Have a nice night everyone.
I'll let you know the result of the fishing trip tomorrow night when I check in, lol