Good evening friends,
Well the weather was nice while it lasted. The temp is due to drop 40 points or something ridiculous like that & 2" of rain is coming Monday, blah.
I spent exactly ONE hour working outside this week clearing a garden bed & now I have poison ivy on my forearms. I really feel picked on with this sh*t, I swear

I wear gloves, sleeves, long pants - guess what I really need is a hazmat gardening suit.
Star, I think if the weather would settle down, one way or the other we wouldn't be dealing with so much pain. It's been stupid crazy these past few months.
I hope you can rest up, take it easy tomorrow.
Pauly, I woke up to a text message from my grandson this morning wishing me a 'Happy Cattaday', ha ha!!! You know the kids appreciate you when they just want to hang out with you

SK, glad to hear there were no tornadoes last night! Nice that Peggy got out for a romp & a pedicure today

I can't fatten up any squirrels around here because the hawks just pick them off left & right, LOL
Does anyone follow Robert Reich on FB? He posted comments today wondering if 45 ordered the air strike on Syria just to divert our attention off of his domestic/DOM problems. I think I wouldn't put it past him, that's for sure.
Cyn, hope you are relaxing in FL at this point.
Have a nice night everyone!
Btw - I made a nice veggie lo mein for dinner. I found the recipe on Brand New Vegan - Vegan Recipes You Love
I don't eat tofu or anything & this recipe had none of that. I substituted what veggies I had on hand, used whole grain noodles & gave it a kick with a bit of Siracha - yum.