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April Acceptance

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    April Acceptance

    Happy Easter and April Fool's Day!

    Acceptance is the theme of the month for me....that I continue to focus on being AF, that if I do that, everything is better each and every day.

    I decided to invite a few people over for an Easter brunch today, looking forward to good food and something different as my grandsons are not around this holiday. I have to make my own AF fun and I plan on doing just that!

    Lav, the weather predictions here are tough, snow tonight and again on Tuesday, what is going on? I ate small amounts and whole foods, so feel so much better today, diet really does affect me. I was up two hours in the middle of the night, then read your observation about the full moon, that must be what did me in. Darn. Lots of coffee this morning to wake up. A turkey sounds good, enjoy.

    Pauly, you sound so busy and so glad your husband switched jobs, good for him. Have fun with your grandsons today and take care.

    Cyn and Skendall, have a great day.:love:
    Last edited by Snoopy56; April 1, 2018, 05:42 AM.

    Re: April Acceptance

    Happy Easter friends,thanks for starting us off Star hope everyone has a great AF day!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: April Acceptance

      Happy Easter!

      Broiled a rack of lamb and the smoke detector went off. I opened the front door and patio door to let the smoke out and Peggy went out and her collar was in the washing machine. As I went out with another leash a man was slamming his dog to the concrete 3 times and on the curb. I told him to please stop doing that. He said the dog tried to bite him and he was protecting himself. I told him that wasn't protection, that was abuse.
      He dragged the poor dog alongside him with it's tail and ears collapsed. I was sick. Animal control was closed so they sent a cruiser out within 3 minutes.

      I wasn't 100% sure where he lived but he walked through the bldg opposite. I was outside waiting for the police car and there he was barb b queing. As I was telling the police thru the window of his vehicle he got a call saying a mother was chasing her 17 yr old with a knife (wanna bet alcohol was involved?) He had to answer the call but promised me he would question the guy first. That dog has to have injuries. I've encountered the man and his dog before and the dog always was sweet. Someone told me it was just a puppy, but it was about the size of a lab.

      Ugh, I still feel sick.

      I left surprise potted tulips and hyacinths for my neighbors and an easter egg for the little boy across from me. I called my neighbor and told her and she said she would come for a look. I waited outside her door and as she opened the door she said, "what the hell is that?" I told her it was her easter gift and she looked very embarrassed, lol. I just cannot unsee that incident. I'm looking for something on Netflix that will deeply distract me.

      I took Peggy to the park and met a very nice lady and we share the same values, she has already texted me, so we are going to meet together at the dog park in the future.:happy2:

      Off to clean up and watch Netflix.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Re: April Acceptance

        Forgive me, Star

        I love the title of this new thread.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: April Acceptance

          Happy Easter all!

          So glad to read the end of the month and now the beginning of a new a beautiful month of life here on this thread. I hope that everyone's day has gone well and happy. Star, glad you made your own celebration, and that food is healing you... Lav, I hope all has gone well. (I miss that bear! I keep looking out in the back regretting that I drove her off... I actually talked to her in between banging the pot... she didn't hurry off, just stood 'stalling' even after I had taken all the food in. I told her I was sorry, but this was not the place for her... with the melting I'm hoping she has found some other food...). Pauly, how is your celebration going for you - it sounds like you've had some crazy busy days! SK, what a sad story about that dog... I think it was great that you called enforcement, but do be careful for yourslef... that guy lives a little too close to you for my comfort. So happy that you have made a friend! and aren't you so nice to be gifting so many folks around you!? Love the (imagined) fragrance of the rack of lamb...

          Tired but happy - drove to Westchester to work with a client, left car at their train station and trained/subways to HB's NY apt (Friday) , had a breakfast meeting yersterday morning, then did all in the reverse to get to my client in Westchester, worked there for 3 long exhausting hours, did the return to NYC. (Saturday). Today, had a lovely day with HB - we went to a museum! Such a wonderful celebration of beauty! As luck would have it, there was an exhibit if French gardens in Paris - mostly French impressionist paintings, simply amazing. Along with fabulous notes about their gardening, the artists' private gardens, everything. Lovely! Then subway/trained once again to pick up car and got home in just over 2 hours... that was good. So happy to see my pooch, though tired. I think a book and bed is in my immediate future... I will be jumping in with 2 feet tomorrow, and swimming for the rest of the month, but I got some nice quiet, 'fill-the-well' time in.

          Sending holiday happiness to all --


            Re: April Acceptance

            Good evening friends & Happy Easter.

            Thanks for the start up Star, love the name you chose. Acceptance is the name of the game - we all now that now. Why did it take so long for it to sink in our heads?? Just grateful that we are all there now & together
            Sounds like you had a nice day, good for you!
            I did sleep quite a bit better last night so there's hope.

            SK, I am so sorry you had to witness that abuse, that's just terrible. WTH is wrong with a grown man to go off on a defenseless animal like that? I hope he gets a very expensive citation from the PD & possibly a court date too! Makes you wonder about his wife or girlfriend or kids......are they victims of abuse as well?
            I hope you managed to enjoy your rack of lamb after all that! Do you share a few bites with Peggy? My dog thinks she should taste everything I put on the table, ha ha!

            Pauly, I hope you had a good day with the family.
            The next time you want to bake bread - start with a good recipe & King Arthur Flour website has tons of them

            Cyn, wow you sure are a road warrior! Glad you were able to get everywhere you needed to be without any hassles. I just love French Impressionist paintings, my absolute favorite.
            We are supposed to be waking up to snow Monday morning even though it was 61 degrees today, ridiculous. I have not seen the fox(es) for a few days. I know what you mean about 'missing' them but really, it's just as well if/when they move on!

            Quiet day here, no company but that's OK. I will be holding the boys chocolate gifts until my son gets home from DC & has a minute to bring them over. Not like I can just go deliver gifts anymore, LOL
            Wishing everyone a nice night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: April Acceptance

              Cyn, you are the ultimate multi-tasker. Lav, it aint what it used to be with families, is it?

              Well, I had a knock on my door and it was the lady who had the boy for whom I left the easter egg. She spoke so quickly, I didn't understand her, but she said we don't eat chocolate or candy, so here's your easter egg back. What???????????? The boy handed it over and wasn't able to take his eyes off the egg. The boy looked sad and she looked irritated, so I think they had words about the egg. Oops. never met a kid who didn't want an easter egg.

              All good deeds go ......
              Enlightened by MWO


                Re: April Acceptance

                Good morning...

                Lots to do today, woke up anxious, not sure why....snow on the ground I want spring!

                Lav, sounds like a peaceful day.

                Skendall, geez, the best intentions and the people you got gifts for sound so weird and rude. Sorry that happened to you. Glad you met a nice person for a change.

                Pauly, sure you had a good day with the family. Going strong.

                Cyn, the museum day sounded lovely, have a good week.

                The brunch I planned went off well, we sat around and laughed for a good hour and a half after the meal, a group of seven adults who had mostly never met, it was so fun. Have a great day to all.


                  Re: April Acceptance

                  Morning friends,SK,that's awful about the guy and his dog and what awful behavior from the other neighbor too! I can't believe she gave back the Easter gifts,,Cyn,sounded like a fun day for you Star,glad your brunch went great,sounds like alot of fun,Lav,yuck snow! Its been over 80 degrees here,took today off but honestly should have just gone in,it's a little boring and lonely,I already cleaned yesterday so there's not much else,wishes for a happy AF Monday for us all
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: April Acceptance

                    Hi everyone.

                    Not sure about the neighbor and son. They are very religious and the son is homeschooled. Up until yesterday we always exchanged pleasant small talk. I dunno.

                    Feeling down today when considering neighbors attitudes and environment. Thunderstorms expected in a little while. Temps today 58 for the lo and 58 for the lo! We've been overcast for a couple of days, and that usually affects me. Turning on my Himalayan salt lamps and fireplace. Also, this is my first no sugar day. I comfort-ate a whole darned easter egg last night and disgusted myself.

                    Star, glad your brunch went well.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Re: April Acceptance

                      Hi again.

                      Cyn, when you cautioned me about the guy, didn't know whether I should be alarmed.

                      My patio faces a greenbelt and the only person who has walked his dog there is the man upstairs.

                      Well, guess who just showed up. I've hung new bird feeders and was watching the cardinals and there he was with his poor dog. I'm not sure if this was intimidation? He didn't look in and I'm not even sure he knows where I live. I'll have to be cautious for sure.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: April Acceptance

                        Evening all,

                        Quick hello, as I must work tonight... things are heating up with my move client already (she got back from Easter with her family at 3:30" and wanted to see me at 3:45! We worked until 6:45, so she's in the mood ! It's actually great, the work will go so much faster now that she is not dragging her feet - the house has sold, so she must get moved!

                        SK, sorry to alarm you... I dunno, I just think if someone has outbursts with a pet, it makes me wonder. And probably they don't like having the police stop by... though you did absolutely the right thing. I just want you to be safe and aware of your surroundings... we all need to be that way! Just me being protective...

                        Pauly, are you doing OK? Sounds like you are rattling around a little - I know how it goes, doing something full-tilt, then losing steam. Happens to me all the time.

                        Star - a brunch for people who don't know each other? You are so brave! What did you serve? I couldn't mange that -- good for you!

                        Lav., I looked up bear as a spirit animal, and guess what? Help grounding, and a reminder to heal... lots of other stuff that I don't remember, but those are interesting to me! Hope the chicks are safe and enjoying their new digs.

                        I do need to heal... my old enemy rosacea is rearing its (truly) ugly head once again. I am a little despondent because I am already following the low-fodmaps diet. What's a girl to,do? I literally can't have anything in a restaurant, too risky, I end up with a swollen and blotchy face, cooking st home is only slightly better. I know it is related to the SIBO, so I am back to taking the nutriceutical antibiotics, cross fingers.

                        "I draw good things into my life"

                        Cheers all ---


                          Re: April Acceptance

                          Greetings friends,

                          The snow was a big nothing!!! Just barely a coating on the deck & it didn't stick anywhere else, yay!
                          I actually had a visit from my son & grandsons this afternoon. The kids were still off from school today & they had a day out. They were happy with their chocolate bunnies & treats.

                          SK, I am almost appalled at your neighbor returning a gift like that. Who does something like that? I was taught to smile & say Thank You no matter who gave the gift or what it was.
                          Is society changing that much right in front of our eyes? You really have to wonder.
                          I hope you found some coziness with your fireplace & salt lamps

                          Star, your get together sounded very nice, good for you!
                          I hope your snow melts promptly but there doesn't seem to be much hope listening to the forecast - too chilly.

                          Pauly, time for a new hobby! Can I interest you in a little sewing, knitting, crocheting??
                          When all else fails I usually revert to baking something for fun, LOL

                          Cyn, I imagine you are busy as ever. Hope you are scheduling in some deep breaths & stretches every hour - helps!

                          Have a nice night everyone!


                          PS: my daughter contacted me late last evening telling me that every parent in their school district received a call about a high school student who was planning to 'shoot up one of the schools'. Needless to say we were all upset & I managed to work up my B/P 30 some points overnight. The good news this morning was that the State Police has the kid in custody, thank goodness. This afternoon they picked up another kid involved in the plot as well. OMG, 2018 is killing me already!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: April Acceptance

                            Lav, thank goodness for that. We truly live in a scary place today.

                            The guy came back again. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt b/c he never looked into my place. I think the of cruelty to animals and humans are closely linked.

                            Also, the kid to whom I delivered the easter egg to came over and gave me a picture of a tulip as a thank you for the flowers. I guess mom is feeling bad.

                            Cyn, please take care of yourself.

                            Lav, I live in a city in Texas that has a large tax base, so crime is minimal. On Sunday a man was mugged at the ATM and a shoot up occurred just south of here. Sheesh.
                            Last edited by SKendall; April 2, 2018, 09:26 PM.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: April Acceptance

                              Good morning...

                              Lav, nice that your son came over, appalling re: the student at risk of a shooting. Really good to hear the police are on top of it. I am terrified when my grandsons go to school, what kind of crazy people/disturbed hurting kids are going to be a threat? I really have my hopes up re the Nov. elections, things are so bad with 45 and the republicans destroying our country. The stock market is nose diving, really bad for everyone with all our retirement funds losing money due to bad policy and chaos. I am really worried and realize it will get worse, 45 is unstable and a destroyer. We are getting so much rain that roads are flooding and more rain in the forecast, all the snow melted by noon yesterday. I am supposed to drive an hour to get my grandson today, we'll have to see depending on the weather. Darn.

                              Pauly, nice you took the day off, when I am alone I have some tv shows I tape/dvr to watch on my own, books to read, sometimes a few people to call, it depends. Oh, and naps can be nice too. Sometimes I get into my head and think too much and it is not a good place to be. Not sure if this was happening to you too. Take care you have been doing well with the AF journey.

                              Cyn, wow, so sorry about the rosacea recurring, darn. From the outside looking in, you appear to be so busy, almost too busy and stressed; that wears down your immune system. I tend to do the same thing, so just observing, not trying to run your life. I am trying to find balance too. I have been extremely busy with exercise, meetings, stuff around the house, and have been able to take time from 3-5 most days to rest, read, or watch TV. I am going from 6 am on most days now. Hope you start improving.

                              Skendall, I was horrified at the dog abuse, what a POS dog owner. Hopefully he is not a psycho, and the police visit woke him up to his behavior. Sometimes that is all it takes, other times not. You did what you could. The neighbor kid sounds sweet, I think homeschooling can be detrimental if the parents are too protective and not educated. I have some horror stories of kids who just ran wild and never learned to read or anything. Hope your day was positive.

                              Wishing you all a lovely AF Tuesday.

