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w/c 1st

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    Re: w/c 1st

    MAE ALL....this about sums up how I feel this morning.

    spring ass.jpg

    Snowfall Warning in effect!
    Last edited by porqoui; April 7, 2018, 09:02 AM.


      Re: w/c 1st

      wow are you today then? no Im not missing ,I was helping out on the farm ,mucking out the goats ..not feeling too great today tho....Im out detecting tomorrow..anyways lets have a brew..

      hiya ppqp...well has the snow landed yet?the baseball sounds a real performance!!and the pricing..are you sure you have director and that he isnt just a cardboard cut out?as for the crash course ..brill like it.!!You are never too late to take up anything ...

      hiya Lav..aka gee gee ay hows you then today? all well I hope did the party go ? he has lost interest in trains..boys dont lose interest in trains..the enthusiasm might be on hold but it doesnt go...glad t o report no snow here ...was originally forecast but nothing so will be lost when they all disappear on the fishing wont know what to do with yourself ...yeah right..

      hiya pauly ,hiya det and everyone else ...dont know where you are at ,but it would be kinda nice to know you are ok...

      still needs lots of work but coming together



      Attached Files
      Last edited by Mick; April 7, 2018, 10:38 AM.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: w/c 1st

        Mick...mucking out the goats is probably the last thing you wanted to do if you're not feeling great. Get some rest so you're in top shape for detecting tomorrow. Wow, you've come a long way on the train layout. Looking good. Can't wait to see Hogwarts in all it's glory. Light fluffy flakes continue from last night. We're expecting the dump overnight and into tomorrow so got all my groceries bought. Also stopped and got a hair cut. Most productive I've been on a Saturday morning in a long time....:smile:PPQP


          Re: w/c 1st

          how do all, been having computer problems, not out of the woods yet but that's the way it goes. seems like there are lots of moving parts here. My son breaking up with GF and business partner, in the process of quitting the soil & water job, swamp with surveying, etc etc,

          doing fine just lots of crap going on and then this computer won't hold a charge any more and the connection is iffy. what's a poor boy to do???!!!! play more musac!!

          be well friends

          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Re: w/c 1st

            Good evening Abbers,

            No snow after all the hype - typical, ha ha!!!
            Don't get me wrong, I am totally grateful but geez.

            Mick, you have grand Central Station in progress there, very nice
            Mucking out the goats? Sounds like you drew the short straw buddy, ha ha!
            Don't know if my grandson had a party - we aren't invited over there any more. It's been 19 months since our DIL wigged out on us, we are just a bad memory to her I guess
            I still have the kid's birthday presents here so I'll have to wait until he gets here. This is BS but nothing I can change.

            PQ, so glad to hear you have fresh food & a fresh haircut. You should be OK until this winter ends.....UGH!
            I hope you are comfy in your jammies & planted on the sofa now

            Sam, when it rains it pours!
            Everything breaks at the same time, or so it seems. Last year we had to replace three major appliances, expensive. Do you belong to Costco or Sams Clubs? They have great deals on laptops right now.
            Sorry about your son's relationship, these things are hard. Glad you dropped in to say hello!

            Waving hi to Pauly & Det!

            Have a nice night everyone - don't freeze!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

