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w/c 8th

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    w/c 8th

    hiya all just a kwicky...on the way out detecting in a min so thot Id start
    brews all round ..
    Sam sorry to hear about your trubbles mate ..keep your chin up ..and play tunes ..Is this the mushroom business thats splitting for laptop I have a spare one here you could quite willingly have but I think the postage would be too much and I dont know the techie stuff if it would work there ..

    hiya Lav ...hows you then apart from dil .playing up....such a shame. Yes its getting better the train set ...on ongoing project to keep me out of trouble!heres an early brew.

    hiya ppqp are you today then? hope all is well?tis the wekend so you wont be doing much windows crashing with the co-ordinator !!!you ake it easy with your self.

    well lets see if we get more than 38 replies this week out of 594 views!in the mean time Im off to find gold in them thar hills!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: w/c 8th

    Mae everybody,good luck out detecting Mick,happy Sunday all
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: w/c 8th

      Morning Mick...thanks for starting the week for us before you headed out. Hope you come home with many treasures.

      Sam...good to see you popping in. Even with the break up will your son continue the mushroom business? So it's out with the soil & water job eh. Must be interfering with the surveying as it sounds like you're busy with that. Did you do any calving this spring? Oh wait...there was no spring!

      Lav...yup jammies & sofa was the name of the game yesterday. It's sad about the DIL BS but you're right there's nothing you can do except be there for your grandson as always.

      Pauly...there you are popping in right behind Mick. All's right in my world again. LOL

      Pi...I think we all need a hot, sunny spot for our brunch today!!!

      Snowfall warning has been dropped and the lingering snowflakes should end this afternoon. We're supposed to be above freezing all this week and double digits by Saturday :yay:

      Shout out to everyone else and hope we all have a Super Sober Sunday....:smile:PPQP
      Last edited by porqoui; April 8, 2018, 08:24 AM.


        Re: w/c 8th

        Oh, Canada!! We got a blast of frigid air that caused temps to plunge by 30+ degrees in a matter of hours! Warmth has disappeared from these parts PQ, so we'll be heading way further south for a brunch spot. Panama, maybe.

        Real estate has stalled at the moment. I've been working on taxes and an insurance inventory. For fun. I'm looking forward to The Walking Dead tonight. You with me, Pauly?

        Thanks for the kwicky start-up Mick. I'll need to read back to see what's cooking in Sam's World and Lav Land. Det, you around?


          Re: w/c 8th

          Pi...sorry about that but we actually rose by 14 degrees today. It's a heat wave! I think we're entitled!


            Re: w/c 8th

            Good evening Abbers!

            Still chilly in Lav-land but no snow, yay! Had a fair amount of sun this afternoon too

            Mick, I hope you found a treasure trove today!!!

            Happy Sunday to you Pauly!

            Pie, you're in TX, right? SK was talking yesterday about a huge temp drop & giant thunderstorms with hail- scary!!!
            We have our taxes squared away (thanks to a good accountant) & found we actually overpaid estimated taxes last year. Our prize is we get to pay a bit less this year

            PQ, I hope you enjoyed your heat wave today - woo hoo!!! You certainly have earned a break
            still no visit from son & grandson today - starting to feel irritated, grrr!!

            Sam, hope everything is OK buddy!

            Det, c'mon, let us know what's happening.

            Have a nice night everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: w/c 8th

              morning all...anda fine morning here it is rain ,little bit of frost but nothing to get mad abut ..Treasure hunting yesterday was a bit of a flop,found not a lot at all...most of the land in Yorkshire has been flooded and is just starting to dry out....oh well a day out...

              ok then lets have a brew shall we..

              hiya you go anti irritable visit and no snow ?hata bit of a bummer about the taxes would be better if they gave you a rebate and then you could treat yourself..

              wow pie ...nice to see you ,but ....taxes and inventories and then the walking dead? when you say it like that it doesnt exactly look like a recipe for laughing your head off ...hows the dogs doing?

              hiya ppqp ...jammies day eh?probably been as fruitful as if I had done the same ..So no sno in Calgarysville now then?oh and youve got work today...shall we count how many times you swear to yourself?have a great day

              hiya pauly ,how are you weve missed ya..whats you been up to anything good bad indifferent?

              hiya everyone else are we then?

              have a lovely day/night x
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: w/c 8th

                Mae everybody,Mick did you find anything good? Pie,TWD was pretty good,gonna be a good one next week PQ,Kell made homemade chicken pot pie yesterday,absolutely amazing!! I had been texting with Det but I haven't heard from him lately I'll text him today,much love to all and wishes for a fab AF Monday!
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: w/c 8th

                  MAE ALL...

                  Mick...that's the attitude at least you had a day out. Ooooh an anti irritable brew...I'll take one of those. Yup no new snow but I think the snow we have will stick around till next winter anyways. Should be a swear free day at least that's the assumption I'm going with. LOL

                  Lav...I heard there was quite the weather system that went through PA as well. We're you out of the line of fire?

                  Pi...thanks for reminding me about insurance inventory. That's one of the things I've been putting off and actually forgot all about it. Hope the real estate business picks up soon. Just be grateful you're not trying to sell in Calgary!

                  Pauly...good to see you back posting. I know you post on other threads but it's always nice to see you, even if it is a quick hiya.

                  One more brew before I head out. Delaying the inevitable. LOL Have a great Monday all....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: w/c 8th

                    A swear-free day sounds fine to me too, PQ! On the insurance inventory as I see it, there are two possible purposes for having one. The first is to give yourself a comfort-level that your policy limits are adequate. For this purpose, consider mostly the big stuff, and estimate to get a ballpark total. The second purpose is the one we hope never to need like for total loss of everything in a fire. This could take a significant portion of your life to compile. I'm still mulling over what to do about this aspect. A website United Policyholders | Empowering the insured. has a sample of an inventory completed by a woman who lost everything in a fire. It's a mighty extensive Excel spreadsheet. I may do something like this, but only listing the items, without worrying over values until/unless I ever need to file a claim.

                    Pauly, yep next Sunday I'll be planted in front of the TV for TWD season finale.

                    Mick, I take it you think that my life falls short of barrel-of-monkeys level fun? You would be right.

                    Lav, yes in TX where I am happy to report that temps are now moderating.

                    And a big thank you to each of you this morning, because it occurs to me that I've become a much better version of myself since stumbling in here a few years ago. :thanks:
                    Last edited by Pie; April 9, 2018, 09:56 PM.


                      Re: w/c 8th

                      Pi...thanks for the link. A quick look and I'll be checking it out further. It's been a long time since I played barrel of monkeys. LOL No swearing today and I actually figured out how to resolve an issue with the invoicing in our online registrations. So good day all around. What a nice thing to say, you are so welcome and the thanks goes both ways. :heartbeat:


                        Re: w/c 8th

                        Good evening Abbers,

                        The no snow yesterday turned into snow this afternoon - ha ha!
                        Just a bunch of flurries, nothing landing anywhere for about the past 5 hours. Saturday it's going up to 80 degrees - woo hoo!!!

                        Mick, not much to find out there in the flooded, muddy fields I guess.
                        We haven't had a tax refund in many years but I am squirreling away some $$ to go on vacation with my daughter this summer

                        Pauly, I sure hope you can get in touch with Det!
                        It's worrisome when he goes missing.

                        PQ, I think th esnow you heard about stayed out in the western portion of the state - they can have it as as far as I'm concened
                        Hope your day was A-OK!

                        Pie, glad you are not dealing with crazy storms in your neck of the woods!
                        I hate insurance related stuff......boring but necessary.

                        Well, I hope everyone has a decent snow-free night!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: w/c 8th

                          hiya folks ,and howsthingstoday then?hopefully good for all..Pouring down with rain today...Justto show you how wet it is ,I had guests in the garden...



                          ok lets have a brew ..

                          so you ended up with snow then Lav? oh dear mind you it didnt stay...someone elses turn !!a brew for you ?

                          hiya ppqp ..a swear free day thats absolutely fkn brilliant not even a drama from the co-ordinator..good for you far as the invoicing on line goes ...switch the puter off ....problem gone!have a nice day .

                          hiya pauly hows you then today hope all is you are they say hiya to you ..

                          20180407_184247 (1).jpg


                          hiya pie how are you today? hope all is well with you .

                          hiya everyone else how are you ? take care ...

                          A man entered the bus with both of his front pockets full of golf balls and sat down next to a beautiful blond.

                          The puzzled blond kept looking at him and his bulging pockets. Finally, after many such glances from her, he said:

                          "Its golf balls".

                          Nevertheless, the blond continued to look at him for a very long time, deeply thinking about what he had said.

                          After several minutes, not being able to contain her curiosity any longer, she asked:

                          "Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow"?

                          A new recruit police officer had almost finished his interview, and the interviewer asked him the last question which was:

                          "You are on duty. A car crashes in the middle of the road with two people inside the car, the two people are critically injured and the car is badly damaged.

                          The ambulance arrives, but it is going too fast and crashes into the damaged car. The car blows up and causes the ambulance to flip on its side.

                          A passer-by, while walking on the sidewalk is toppled, by the force of the explosion, into the river beside the road. Unfortunately he cannot swim and is drowning in the river.

                          Another man runs out of a house screaming, and shouts that his wife is pregnant and about to have her baby any second now.

                          "What would you do in this situation", the interviewer asked?

                          The recruit looks around the office and thinks for a while... he replies, "I'd take off my uniform and act like I am part of the crowd"!

                          A new recruit police officer had almost finished his interview, and the interviewer asked him the last question which was:

                          "You are on duty. A car crashes in the middle of the road with two people inside the car, the two people are critically injured and the car is badly damaged.

                          The ambulance arrives, but it is going too fast and crashes into the damaged car. The car blows up and causes the ambulance to flip on its side.

                          A passer-by, while walking on the sidewalk is toppled, by the force of the explosion, into the river beside the road. Unfortunately he cannot swim and is drowning in the river.

                          Another man runs out of a house screaming, and shouts that his wife is pregnant and about to have her baby any second now.

                          "What would you do in this situation", the interviewer asked?

                          The recruit looks around the office and thinks for a while... he replies, "I'd take off my uniform and act like I am part of the crowd"!

                          Flight Aviation Administration (FAA) has a unique device for testing the strength of windshields on airplanes.

                          The device is a gun that launches a dead chicken at a plane's windshield at approximately the speed the plane flies.The theory is that if the windshield doesn't crack from the carcass impact, it'll survive a real collision with a bird during flight.

                          It seems the British were very interested in this and wanted to test a windshield on a brand new, speedy locomotive they're developing.They borrowed the FAA's chicken launcher, loaded the chicken and fired.

                          The ballistic chicken shattered the windshield, went through the engineer's chair, broke an instrument panel and embedded itself in the back wall of the engine cab.

                          The British were stunned and asked the FAA to recheck the test to see if everything was done correctly.

                          The FAA reviewed the test thoroughly and had one recommendation: "Use a thawed chicken".

                          A Big-city Lawyer...
                          was representing the railroad in a lawsuit filed by an old rancher. The rancher's prize bull was missing from the section through which the railroad passed. The rancher only wanted to be paid the fair value of the bull.

                          The case was scheduled to be tried before the justice of the peace in the back room of the general store.

                          The attorney for the railroad immediately cornered the rancher and tried to get him to settle out of court. The lawyer did his best selling job, and finally the rancher agreed to take half of what he was asking.

                          After the rancher had signed the release and took the check, the young lawyer couldn't resist gloating a little over his success, telling the rancher, "You know, I hate to tell you this, old man, but I put one over on you in there. I couldn't have won the case. The engineer was asleep and the fireman was in the caboose when the train went through your ranch that morning. I didn't have one witness to put on the stand. I bluffed you"!

                          The old rancher replied, "Well, I'll tell you, young feller, I was a little worried about winning that case myself, because that durned bull came home this morning".

                          New Stock Market Terms
                          CEO --Chief Embezzlement Officer.

                          CFO-- Corporate Fraud Officer.

                          BULL MARKET -- A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius.

                          BEAR MARKET -- A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewellery, and the husband gets no sex.

                          VALUE INVESTING -- The art of buying low and selling lower.

                          P/E RATIO -- The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps crashing.

                          BROKER -- What my broker has made me.

                          STANDARD & POOR -- Your life in a nutshell.

                          STOCK ANALYST -- Idiot who just downgraded your stock.

                          STOCK SPLIT -- When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between themselves.

                          FINANCIAL PLANNER -- A guy whose phone has been disconnected.

                          MARKET CORRECTION -- The day after you buy stocks.

                          CASH FLOW-- The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet.

                          YAHOO -- What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share.

                          WINDOWS -- What you jump out of when you're the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $240 per share.

                          INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR -- Past year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse.

                          PROFIT -- An archaic word no longer in use.
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: w/c 8th

                            MAE ALL...

                            Morning Mick...I'll see what I can do about your rain. It's supposed to rain here on Thursday so hopefully a dry and sunny day for you. Of course that's the night I have a garden meeting. I just can't win for losing. Great pictures. Do the ducks and the peskies ever get together? So with the rain does that mean more work on the train layout?

                            Lav...80 on Saturday!! and I thought 40 on Saturday was a breakthrough. Had a snow-free night thanks.

                   many feet are pattering around your house these days?

                            TT...I think by now you've traveled to your new digs. Check in when you can and give us an update.

                            Pauly...did you hear anything from Det?

                            Det...get your ass back to the thread!

                            Managed to move some car payments around, have a meeting with money people to consolidate loans and reduce payments and son is filling in for our building super who's taking some time off next week so the financial front is starting to feel manageable. Definitely has improved my sleep. Hope we all have a Terrific AF Tuesday....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: w/c 8th

                              Mae everybody,funny jokes Mick and love the pics! Thank you Pie,yes you are a better person and we cherish you PQ,nothing out of Det yesterday,I'll try again today cuz now I'm getting worried much love to all and wishes for a great BF Tuesday!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

