Greetings friends,
Still lots of rain & thunderstorms here & it looks like we're going to have them all week.
I heard from my son a little while ago - sadly they had to have one of the Insanity Twins put down today

The poor guy has had a brain tumor for a while & was being treated with steroids but he took a turn for the worse yesterday. He was a loving golden, I'll miss him.
Also today my former neighbors (86 years old) called to say that their daughter passed away suddenly on Sunday at the age of 61. She was in a hospital in Mexico City being worked up & had found a large mass in her abdomen, sad. She moved there 5 years ago so her parents had only seen her once or twice in that time. Very sad situation

Other than all that bad news my day was OK.
Star, I ate a few things Saturday at the luncheon that didn't really agree with me but sometimes that's the way it goes. My gut just gives me such a hard time when I fall off the food wagon, ha ha! I'm grateful to know that these little cheat days are few & far between for me. I hope your day went well.
Cyn, wow, busy lady as usual!
Glad to hear you are feeling good - keep it going

Pauly, hope your day was good!
SK, glad you check in with us.
I'm at the point where I pretty much expect nothing from other people. Works better for me that way, fewer disappointments.
Sorry your daughter didn't make an effort to celebrate her mother. Seeing how quickly a life can come to an end still rattles me so we should make some effort to be kind to one another. You never know when it may be your last chance.
Nora, I forgot to say hello to you the other day, sorry.
Have a peaceful night everyone!