Good morning...
Hot and humid here today, the pool opens so I plan to go, although by myself. I bought a new fun beach bag and floppy hat to protect my face, so I am ready to go.
Lav, any plans with that new patio set? Sound nice. That is truly weird that YB's sister would not say where she buried there mother, what the heck. I am so lucky my brothers are loving and kind. I could see my sister in laws acting like that, they are truly cruel and vindictive. I don't get it, what you give out you get back, but I also did not grow up with them. My mother was so loving and fun that her positive mood ruled the house most of the time. About time you put on the AC, ours has been on for weeks, it is so muggy. I got my shopping done yesterday for the next few days, never did my paperwork, so will get that done today along with a little cleaning. Making cuban sliders for dinner, veggies and dip, easy and tasty, but not very healthy. However, I am not drinking alcohol, so still know I am ahead of the game.
Pauly, what is going on in your world? Something fun I hope.
Cyn, good to hear you are starting the process to take on less work. Hope you have fun plans this weekend.
Skendall, I think I killed some of my potted flowers by spraying them with a bug killer made for plants, I have to replant, darn. Also, it is so dry here, watering will be part of my morning out back. There was a school shooting close to our city, very very terrible, I am so upset that there are no gun laws, why or why do middle school students have guns in this country? Hypothetical question, I know none of us have the definitive answers. Sending you peace and harmony.
This is my hardest day, Saturday, I have to mindfully make plans and keep busy to not get in the HALT. Good to talk about it and acknowledge self-care today. Have a good one.