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May Movers & Shakers

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    Re: May Movers & Shakers

    Greetings friends,

    Still lots of rain & thunderstorms here & it looks like we're going to have them all week.

    I heard from my son a little while ago - sadly they had to have one of the Insanity Twins put down today
    The poor guy has had a brain tumor for a while & was being treated with steroids but he took a turn for the worse yesterday. He was a loving golden, I'll miss him.
    Also today my former neighbors (86 years old) called to say that their daughter passed away suddenly on Sunday at the age of 61. She was in a hospital in Mexico City being worked up & had found a large mass in her abdomen, sad. She moved there 5 years ago so her parents had only seen her once or twice in that time. Very sad situation

    Other than all that bad news my day was OK.

    Star, I ate a few things Saturday at the luncheon that didn't really agree with me but sometimes that's the way it goes. My gut just gives me such a hard time when I fall off the food wagon, ha ha! I'm grateful to know that these little cheat days are few & far between for me. I hope your day went well.

    Cyn, wow, busy lady as usual!
    Glad to hear you are feeling good - keep it going

    Pauly, hope your day was good!

    SK, glad you check in with us.
    I'm at the point where I pretty much expect nothing from other people. Works better for me that way, fewer disappointments.
    Sorry your daughter didn't make an effort to celebrate her mother. Seeing how quickly a life can come to an end still rattles me so we should make some effort to be kind to one another. You never know when it may be your last chance.

    Nora, I forgot to say hello to you the other day, sorry.

    Have a peaceful night everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: May Movers & Shakers

      Good morning,

      Hot and muggy here, with a little rain too.

      Lav, sorry about the doggie and your neighbor's sad news. It reminds me that I need to cherish all the pets and people in my life who are healthy and loved.

      Cyn, busy busy, have fun getting things done and a trip to look forward too.

      Pauly, hello to you, have a good week.

      Skendall, good to hear from you, take care.

      Have a great AF Tuesday.


        Re: May Movers & Shakers

        Morning all -

        Lav, so sorry for your son and the family about the loss of the golden. I wonder how the other dog will do now? Is that why they added another dog to the pack awhile ago? And what sad news from your neighbors... especially since they have not seen their daughter often... wow, life is so precious and fragile, though we feel invincible... I get the food thing! My new doc encouraged me to add in sweet potatoes to my diet, which I have been enjoying, but now I am stuffed up! It's a game...

        Star, how did the interviews go with your son? I hope that you are getting a little rest after your super weekend. I can't say that traveling is my favorite thing at this point, especially long trips for just a few days. It will take as long to get to the west from here as it would to go to France or England, sheesh. And this is a business trip, so I'll have to pretend to be awake! Oh well...

        SK, so good to hear from you. Ha, I agree, anything in the future makes me fret too, though it almost always works out OK... one would think that I would learn that at some point! Sorry about DD, ridiculous, she has got some boulder-sized chip on her shoulder. Good luck with the thunderstorms.

        Pauly, glad that you had a good weekend and had some good food! It sounds like your life is enjoyable at this point - we hold onto all the good moments, right?

        I have a client this morning and then I am going to meet the Nutritionist/dietician that is part of my start up package with the new doc. That will be interesting... there is a thought that it is not fodmaps that I am sensitive to, but food with lectins. But when I saw that list of foods, I just couldn't cope - it's even more restrictive! Apparently soaking/ cooking techniques are important. Anyway,mane better have a good plan in mind for me, because I'm tired of all the experimenting (though I have felt the benefits, ha! )

        Thank you SK for today's' affirmation:

        "I am fulfilled, and grateful for my AL-free life"


          Re: May Movers & Shakers

          Morning friends,Lav,im sorry for the losses yep,need to not take our loved ones for granted I defo learned that the hard way Cyn,why sweet potatoes? Im curious as to what the doc says,keep us posted please Star,have a great day SK,I can't believe your daughter didn't acknowledge Mother's day? Maybe you twi should have a long sit down and talk,or maybe its just the way it is I dunno,I just hate to see mothers/daughters not being at least a little close,sigh makes me sad,oh Lav was gonna ask you if you feel like Relizen makes you sluggish during the day? I'm on my 3rd pack now and am just starting to feel like that about an hour after I take it,I've googled and only found a few saying that,wanted to see what you think? Wishes for some patience,positivity and peace for this Tuesday!
          Last edited by paulywogg; May 15, 2018, 07:50 AM.
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: May Movers & Shakers


            I am guilty of being a little sketchy with my posts. Sorry, saw dr and she put me on a new medication. DD situation has me in misery. Pauly, I did have a sitdown and she wouldn't reply to my question of what's up. There is nothing she can accuse me of other than loving her daughter. Instead she referred to situations 6 years ago when I was still drinking and I called her ungrateful (she was).

            Lav, your question of calling her depends on her being allowed to phone me. DD always puts it on speaker phone. I have cards printed with my name and number and she says she keeps losing them.

            I get anxious on the weekends waiting to text her and then her putting up more restrictions. I hate her trying to control me, the absolute gall of it. I may be shooting myself in the foot but I feel like telling her that I'm not going to ask her anymore because she wants to supervise the situation and both myself and Vivian feel awkward. Any thoughts?

            Lav, what bad news for you. I empathize for sure.

            I think any time we have expectations of someone, we are disappointed.

            I found a 13 yr. old girl to walk Peggy each day at 4:00 pm. She is very responsible and Peggy is not fighting to go back home and she connects with her.

            Star, seems like you are ticking along in sobriety:goodjob:

            Enlightened by MWO


              Re: May Movers & Shakers

              Good evening friends,

              Sitting here in another thunder storm, ho hum....
              I got to meet two old work friends for lunch today so that was nice

              Star, we really do need to pay attention to pets, family & friends while we still have them with us. I got up this morning thinking about the loving dog I will no longer get to see. I realized that though I hadn't seen my neighbor's daughter for a few years I did get a chance to chat with her on Messenger from time to time & I will miss that too. I just feel bad for her parents, tough losing a child regardless of her age.

              Cyn, the remaining Insanity Twin will likely be lonely. She wants nothing to do with the lab pup since they got him. He's damn crazy & not in a funny way. I won't have that dog over here anymore, he's too hard to handle. Goldens have such different personalities, much nicer dogs.
              I'm with you, I'd rather take a long flight & end up in Paris, ha ha. Flying out to CA a few times to see my brother was long & not as exciting as landing in Paris

              Pauly, I don't think the Relizen is causing me any drowsiness. I'm still not sleeping real well & I think it's due to the outside temp more than anything. As soon as the AC turns on for the season I'm pretty sure my sleep will improve. I also take a B Complex in the mornings - they help you with energy! I'm using the B12 spray 3X/week too which really seems to help clear the cranial cobwebs, ha ha!

              Hello to SK, hope you are well.

              Have a nice night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: May Movers & Shakers

                Good morning...

                Wow, have just been very busy with exercise, meetings, taking care of things around here. I planted some flowers and then it rained, so that worked out nicely. I love this time of year. Having six people spend the weekend and have to make a food list, clean, and get ready. Really looking forward to spending time with my brother, love him and his family so much. I can't believe my little grandson is turning 1 on Friday, with his first birthday party to look forward to on Saturday.

                Cyn, my son's interviews were mixed. The Friday interview went well,the Monday interview not so much. He is meeting with the supervisors for his company today, and has talked to a lawyer re: the discrimination he has experienced there. It is up to him to figure this out. I have a feeling he will be looking for a job soon, unemployed for a time, that makes me nervous for him. Unstructured time and he are not a good mix. He gets super depressed and weird with too much time in his head. Don't we all though? I need to feel busy and useful too. I find traveling exhausting, but would look forward to a change of scene. Hope all goes well. Interesting with the nutritionist, let us know what they say.

                Pauly, you sound good, hope things are going well.

                Skendall, very sorry for the situation with your daughter, I wonder what she wants from you. It would be interesting to explore with her regarding the situations from several years ago. Does she want an apology and would that help? Or does she just want to wallow in her own misery? She sounds really hurt about something. Please consider getting away from her if this situation cannot be resolved, I know that moving is so hard, but you deserve to live around family who loves and respects you. I know that I have apologized to my kids for various things throughout the years, as I have messed up, yelled at them, said stupid things, and just plain made mistakes. I think it helped them to know that I was sorry, cared about their feelings, and we had closure. Just sharing my experiences with you, not telling you what to do. Relationships are messy and complicated. Hope the new medication is helping you.

                Lav, speaking of appreciation of what we have, the gratitude list we have discussed is so helpful in being mindful of all we do have. I am very thankful for a long list of things, and thinking about them helps my mood to stay positive. It is really hot and muggy here, rain last night but at the same time we are below normal precipitation and it feels like the end of June. I love it. We have our air on 24/7 it is so hot. Nice you had lunch with a few friends. Me too and it was fun.

                Have a great AF Hump Day.


                  Re: May Movers & Shakers

                  Morning friends,Star,excellent post to SK you said things I wanted to say but get too tongue tied to put it into words properly haha,if my kids were still holding resentment towards me and keeping me away from the g-kids I'd go somewhere else in a flash! (If I had anywhere else I'd wanna be anyways) can't believe your grandson is gonna be 1 already! I too get weird and depressed with unstructured time on my hands,that's why its important that I keep busy on days off,think too damn much!SK,im sorry sitting and talking with your daughter didnt help,I hadnt realized you did already,Lav,I think my fatigue is mostly allergy related im just sick of it,Cyn,eager to hear how the appointment went,ok let's all have a fabulous,free Wednesday!
                  Last edited by paulywogg; May 16, 2018, 07:58 AM.
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: May Movers & Shakers

                    Good evening friends,

                    SK, I missed your post last night - looks like we were typing about the same time.
                    I'm really sorry you haven't been able to make any headway with your daughter. Some people are just too rigid to give in a little in an effort to come to a compromise. You can't change her thinking unfortunately. I would be feeling hurt as hell, I understand that much. We all owe it to ourselves to keep moving forward. We need to refuse to stay stuck in someone else's altered thinking. My experience with my husband tearing out of here with no notice & staying gone for four years convinced me of that. Our relationship is very different now but that's the way it has to be. Maybe if you just stop trying to convince her that you are worthy she'll get the hint, maybe not.
                    I hope you are feeling better with your new medication & that's awesome Peggy has a new walker/friend!

                    Star, sounds like you have a busy weekend coming up! It's so nice to hear of brothers & sisters still getting along. That just isn't the case in our families & there's nothing I can do to change that, I've tried.
                    Still raining here but no lightning tonight. That lightning strike that hit us last evening & knocked a picture off the wall was frightening. It fell & hit YB right in the head!!! He was a bit stunned but otherwise OK. The picture frame is not in such good shape, ha ha! It's not terribly hot here but it sure is humid. I didn't sleep much, felt like the sheets were sticking to me, ugh. A few more days of this & I'm turning the AC on just to dry things out.

                    Pauly, there are so many things that cause fatigue. I swear just being alive & going about your everyday duties are part of the problem. I decided today to add Vitamin K2 to my regimen. It's supposed to help the Vitamin D & Calcium supplements work better to rebuild strong bones. I am doing everything I can to not end up a broken old lady, ha ha!

                    Cyn, I sure hope your appointment went well - waiting to hear

                    Have a nice night everyone. I think I'm going to turn the AC on now instead of spending another crappy night

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: May Movers & Shakers

                      Good morning...

                      Well, things changed for me in one day. My son is no longer working, and although I knew it was coming, it is still upsetting. There is of course more but I hesitate to say in a public forum. Either way, this is a difficult time and I am feeling anxious. No drinking, that would not help me. I was supportive, but it is emotionally exhausting. I am praying for miracles for him. He needs several.

                      Lav, keep the air on, we do if it is too humid, life is too short to suffer. I don't know what they did in the old days, but keeping the air on is worth it to me. Looking back on when your husband took off, I don't know how you did it. It is a miracle you two worked it out. I have so much to do today, I have to make a list and get working. It will be fun and chaotic, never had six people spend the night before, just four.

                      Pauly, hope you feel less tired, I am throwing back some coffee, I have been up since 3 am. Not fun, but par for the course when my kids have problems. How is Michelle doing?

                      Hello to Cyn and Skendall, have a great AF day to all.


                        Re: May Movers & Shakers

                        Hi all --

                        Sorry to miss yesterday - Tuesday and yesterday were just crazy , long, exhausting days because of the bad weather here. Tornadoes, hail. I had unexpected overnight guests, HB's journey to NYC was a 30 hour commute, I ended up driving for the second time into NYC again yesterday, just a lot of stuff. I am behind in all aspects of life and work!! So I am tired and cranky, I admit it.

                        Pauly - you keep experimenting and figuring things out, we are all individuals! I did hear that anything having to do with hormones is best taken at night... that was new info to me. Good luck!

                        SK, I can feel pain in your post... I cannot add anything that has not already been well stated -- just sending you lots of healing for your spirit. So good that you found a good walker for Peggy.

                        Star, so sorry about your son, good that you are keeping on with your journey first and foremost. Good luck with that houseful!

                        No earth-shattering news with the nitritionist, I am doing everything "right." She suggested adding things in one at a time to see how I tolerated certain new foods. Going to completely avoid nightshades. We didn't get into the whole lectin sensitivity, I just can't cope with any more information now. Ho hum.

                        Personally I have come to believe that the center of my health will fall in place when I get some balance. I can't sustain the way I am living now.

                        Wishing all well today...

                        "I am creating a wonderful new life"


                          Re: May Movers & Shakers

                          Morning friends,Star,sorry about the upset with your son's situation I feel so close to my kids that honestly their upset and pain feels like its happening to me,Michelle is doing well for the first time in a loooong time,thabks for asking she's still with the new and is working her little tail of building stages for events,shes hoping to go union but is having a hard time with the math part of the test(got that from me) Cyn,you do need some balance,sounds like you run,run,run! But some people are just like that,hope you start feeling better soon,thanks for the hormone info,it does make sense to take it at night if its making me tired,not so much tired just maybe over relaxed? Lav,crazy weather youre having sheesh! SK,hope things are well,had a terrible thought of drinking yesterday and I just had to come home and eat like a pig to get my head back in straight,I don't like that! I think the upcoming date and the upcoming trip to see my family is messing with my head,I changed the calendars I see most to June,I want the rest of the month to just be done"I am creating a wonderful new life" have a fun,free Thursday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: May Movers & Shakers


                            Star, I'm sorry that your son is unemployed and isa worry again.:hug:

                            Lav, that four years must have been an awful strain and the uncertainty of it all.

                            Cyn, what a weather report. Hub's commute was crazy, it pays to keep the gas tank full. Take care.

                            Nothing new here. I just had peaches and real cream for dessert, it was very good.

                            Pauly, good job on not acting with your drinking thoughts. I think the key is to think it through to the inevitable result. I hope Det is doing well.

                            90+ degrees here, a.c. is definitely on.

                            I don't know if anybody is going to watch the wedding. Megan's family are a bunch of losers, she must be so embarrassed. I was living in Victoria, B.C. and there are so many Brits there and there is a hotel called the Empress one of those old huge hotels and if you booked, you could come in your pj's and have coffee/tea and breakfast. I wanted to go but my friend is a bit of a cheapskate, so we didn't go.

                            Last edited by SKendall; May 17, 2018, 07:35 PM.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: May Movers & Shakers

                              Good evening friends,

                              I am in my basement level shop at 8:30 pm. Why? Because it’s cooler here, much cooler, ha ha!
                              I never did turn the AC on last night because the house just suddenly felt more comfortable & I slept pretty well, yay.

                              Boy, I hear a whole lot of distress coming from you ladies, I’m so sorry.
                              Why I does all this sh*t creep up just when we think things could possibly be going OK?

                              Back in the early days of my quit & again when YB left the house I immersed myself in a lot of reading & found some books on thinking like a buddhist. Also I started up my membership again at the ToDo Institute. Japanese psychology helped me too.
                              I think it boiled down to really learning how to detach & how to understand that I just cannot make other people do what I think they should do, if that makes sense. Sometimes we just have to let go of things for our own sake & sanity. I guess that’s another way of saying we have to learn to accept people as they are & not as we want them to be.

                              Star, sorry about your son. For your sake & sanity focus on your big weekend coming up. Sounds like you will have plenty of good distraction

                              Cyn, I feel your frustration too. I wish you could throw your hands up & just tell everyone that you’re done!!
                              You really do need the time & the peace to make things right for yourself. What’s the sense in working yourself 3/4 of the way to death just to please everyone else? That’s just not right. Take care of you, please :hug:

                              Pauly, girfriend......
                              Visiting your family has always been a big trigger for you in the past. What can you do to ensure your safety for this trip? Plan ahead, it’s mandatory. We sure don’t want to see you thrown off your path.

                              SK, thinking of you as well & hope everything is OK.

                              It rained lightly off & on all day. Tomorrow heavy rain moves back in, flood warnings issued again. This has been a tremendous pain in the a$$ for eveyone. I feel sorry for the farmers around here.
                              Wishing everyone a peaceful night. Love you all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: May Movers & Shakers

                                Good morning...

                                Sitting her with my first cup of coffee, it's good. Thanks for all your support re: my son and his situation. I felt panic and anxiety big time, but was able to give it to the Universe and say the serenity prayer, over and over. It just IS, that is all I can say. I am sure there will be good days and bad days, and he WILL find another job, one where he is not being discriminated against, it is just ridiculous.

                                Pauly, good job on getting through the craving. It's insane, isn't it? I had a big craving too after the sh** with my son happened, and I realized my first thought is never good. So, I went to my second thought, what would it solve, nothing, I would feel terrible, I do not want to give up my sobriety over this, I have tried over and over to control my drinking and it never works. Always worse, never better. So I ate too. Good job. I wish when a craving came up you had one of us to call, immediately. Just stopping and sharing can help. Do you have anyone to call? We can connect if you want to. I have called a couple of ladies in AA a few times when the craziness level in my head was rising. This is a thinking disease, it just is. Being with family is hard enough but drinking over it will make it worse. My heart goes out to you. I am happy that Michelle is doing well, good for her. Finding work she likes, going out with someone who is nice to her, I mean, what an improvement. We just want our kids to be functioning and in good relationships. Happy is a bonus by having the other things.

                                Cyn, you are so right, when you have balance, your health will find you! Your day yesterday sounded rather difficult, yikes. I would love to work part-time in the fall, full time is just too much with all the homemaker things to do around the house. I am enjoying my four pots of flowers, watering them, and my roses. I already have a rose or two, this early! I cleaned out my pantry, a 2-3 hour task, and it is nice and satisfying to have things in order. Peaceful somehow. If I could find a job working two to three days a week, I would have time for other important things too. I know working full time was exhausting, but no work is having too much time so again, balance is the key. Your weather sounds stormy, we of course are forecast for rain this weekend. No control over the weather.

                                Lav, focusing on spirituality, you got through. I love the ToDo Institute as you know, and find Buddhism a great path to peace. I have several spiritual books my sponsor shared with me and find them helpful most days. Acceptance is key to having a peaceful centered life. Focusing on acceptance with my son's situation is helping me not panic, this has happened before and may happen again, I have to get through this and realize I have no control.

                                Skendall, hope you are doing well, AC on here too, and for the duration. Life is one challenge after another sometimes. I too am enjoying the fruit being offered at the grocery store, so tasty. I am definitely going to watch the Wedding, and think that the royal family, Charles and Camilla, are losers. LOL. Of course there had to be some drama, I just hope the young couple can find a good strong relationship as Will and Kate seem to have. It is so hard to find a good partner, and requires so much patience and forgiveness, plus a lot of work. I love the clothes, ceremony, circuses. Let's enjoy and discuss soon. Hope your pain level has improved, the CBD oil seems to be working for me. I woke up today with little to no pain, what a relief.

                                Have a great AF Friday. I may not have time to get online till Monday, so know I am OK, just busy with visitors.

