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May Movers & Shakers

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    Re: May Movers & Shakers

    Hello all -

    Well, back home. These overnight flights really take the starch out of a person! or maybe it's the 2 hour drive after we land -- HB had taken Tylenol PM to sleep on the flight, and it really drugged him... he let me drive all the way home -- that was a first! Then I went right over to a client's house to meet with a garage clear-out vendor, and then came home and crashed for a bit. But I will say that I have done better than I expected with this crazy schedule... maybe my food choices are really helping.

    Sorry to be away from the thread -- it sounds like it was a good weekend. I usually watch the royal weddings, but there was no chance... I'm getting the 'gist' of it from a lot of people's reports.

    SK, so good to hear from you - how is your spine journey going? Glad that you have your sister to share things with... is Peggy still enjoying her little dog-walker?

    Star, sounds like rain is perfect for all your plantings! I bought those flowers for my deck but haven't gotten them formally in their pots yet, so that's definitely a to do --- before they get root-bound. Glad you are enjoying your meetings.

    Pauly, did you finally get some rain? We were in a different part of NV, and it was a little rainy yesterday - I hope you got enough to clear the air where you are. How is Kell feeling? Has she adjusted to 2 little ones? How are you feeling?

    Lav, it sounds like now we can call YB the Boardwalk King! So glad that he is protecting your pathway and making it safer. How are all the teenage chicks? We had a business meeting yesterday morning, and the Executive Director lives on a small 'hobby' farm (goats, chickens), and she brought a bucket of eggs to our hostess... I thought of you! They were so pretty, all those pale colors... I hope all turned out well for you cholesterol test today.

    OK, wrapping my head around getting back in the groove here -- wishing all well for this Tuesday night. While we were away we got news of a friend's passing - he had struggled with cancer for the last 3 years -- he was in his late 60s. Life is fragile...

    "I am kind and I attract kindness"
    May we be well --


      Re: May Movers & Shakers

      Good evening friends,

      The nice weather left 7 the rain returned but no storms.
      I got a call from that elderly ex-neighbor today to tell me that her daughter died. She doesn't remember us talking about it last week, sad
      I told YB to clear his schedule so we can take some lunch over to them tomorrow & just visit for a while. I'm also going to take her a little pillow I put together (for no reason) a few months ago. I think she'll appreciate the message. I'll be back with a pic.

      Hello to Star & Pauly, hope you had a good day!

      Cyn, hopping right on the highway after flying across the country stinks, sorry you had to deal with that. Glad you're back on familiar territory
      I am also taking eggs to the neighbors tomorrow, they love them. We only have brown egg layers now but we get all different shades. The teenagers are 14 weeks now, doing great.
      My medical office called today & said the bloodwork was perfect - no complaints from me!

      SK, hello to you as well & hope everything is OK.

      Have a nice night everyone!


      Here’s the pillow
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Lavande; May 22, 2018, 08:36 PM.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: May Movers & Shakers

        Good morning...

        Not alot to post, just the usual which is not a bad thing.

        Lav, our weather has been perfect, today sunny and 70s, I have the windows open for now. Very nice of you to plan on visiting your neighbor and gifting a pillow.

        Pauly, hello to you, hope things are going well.

        Cyn, busy busy as usual. Planting is such a joy, hope you find time to get those pots planted soon.

        Skendall, hello to you have a great day.


          Re: May Movers & Shakers

          Morning friends,having a hard time getting my posts to post so just saying hello for now
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: May Movers & Shakers

            Hello all -

            I am sitting on the deck, sipping green tea and taking in the fabulous evening light, soft sunshine and cool breeze. Not too many days like this, so I feel that I must get out and enjoy it! (Unfortunately the big rigs are over at our neighbors, cutting their lawn and blowing stuff around, but they are far enough away that I am pretending not to hear them!

            I am getting back in the groove, and HB and I are remembering how to co-habit. I think the disturbance in sleep over these past days pushed me into a little bit of a manic state this morning -- I awoke early, and had so many ideas going through my head that I had to get up and write them down. (Mainly business ideas from the meetings we had over the weekend). Then I put my haz-mat suit on and did an hour of pulling garlic -mustard up. Made me feel like I was in control of one small thing! I had an interesting time with a client who is a very creative type and was paralyzed because she is in the middle of a theater project that she thought had been preempted by an upcoming documentary. She is brilliant, but a visual learner/rememberer, and she lives alone, so she can lose sight of things, physically and psychologically. We talked and she got out of her terror, and we've made a plan to work on her project to get it out into people's hands soon to take a look at. She's already spent 10 years on it; I said "it's time!" That was much more fun than re-arranging juice glasses in kitchen cupboards...

            Lav, I'm sorry that your neighbor is having memory issues... the shock maybe plays a part too? The pillow is PERFECT! How nice of you to share that, and remarkable that you had already made it.

            Pauly, sorry that you had trouble posting - I hope all is well.

            Star, so glad things are chugging along!

            SK, hope that it is not too steamy in your neck of the woods... I would send you some of this refreshing air from CT (I am enjoying, as I know it won't last very long...). Peggy doing OK with the thunderstorms?

            I have not done my meditation/affirmations for a couple of days... must get back to that...

            "I draw good things into my life"
            May we be well ---


              Re: May Movers & Shakers

              Good evening friends,

              Well, we made that visit & I'm glad we did. So sad to see a couple of 86 year olds mourning the loss of their daughter, geez. We took lunch as planned & they loved that. The pillow made them cry but they loved it too.
              There's a memorial service in the works for some time in June, we will attend.
              The weather here today was nice, not too hot & mostly sunny. I see the forecast for the holiday weekend includes spotty thunder showers, swell. We haven't made any plans, don't even know if I want to at this point.
              My daughter just informed me that her neighbor had surgery today for a malignant brain tumor, dear God. She has two girls she's raising on her own & will have tohave chemo & radiation. This situation does not look good
              I have to keep my head in the positive side of things. Too much bad news lately feels dangerous.

              Star, glad you are moving right along. Go ahead & send us that nice weather when you've had your fill.

              Pauly, hello & I hope you at OK.

              Cyn, I've noticed my elderly friend having short term memory problems for quite a few years. I am also concerned about her physical capabilities right now. She's had knee replacements & has some weird situation where her left foot & ankle are turned outward that walking with a cane is almost impossible. If she falls & fractures a hip - it's all over, you know?
              I'm glad you got your client situated with the important things, ha ha!!!

              Hello to SK, hope you are well.

              Have a nice night everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: May Movers & Shakers

                A quick goodnight from me. I don't know where the day goes.

                I must do some patio gardening myself. I ordered 2 more roses.I have grown the Peace rose for years and bought a new one from Lowe's when it just had buds on it. A Peace rose as some of you might know is pale yellow with pink edge sand pink in the centre and smells divine. TheLowes one is deep pink and has no fragrance. So I ordered one from Jackson and Perkins and a Mr. Lincoln, too.

                Lav, how sad for your neighbors. You did exactly the right thing with lunch and that gorgeous pillow. You are special.

                Cyn, my appt. with new spine dr. is next week. I hope he creates magic!

                Peggy is loving Kirsten and wags her tail when she knocks on the door.

                Hi Pauly.

                Not much else going on.

                Lav, you are right about Congress and James Comey tweeted this morning on how will they explain this mess to their grandchildren?

                Good night.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Re: May Movers & Shakers

                  Good morning...

                  Day 109 AF today and counting on keeping it up. Was a hard day yesterday due to things going on with my son, but I made sure to eat healthy and at regular intervals, so was able to stay AF. Alcohol would numb the emotional pain for a short time, then that would not work, I know, I have tried it a million times. Lots of good things happened too, the weather was gorgeous, had grandson for hours, we worked on the hot tub, fertilized and watered roses and flowers, cooked out, took a walk, soaked in the hot tub. Today meeting with my sponsor and later with my son. I want to contact my neighbor, something is going on with her, she is very sweet. Another perfect weather day too. Funny how I get in my own head and focus on the one difficult part of my life, not all the daily miracles happening all around me. Does anyone else find that happens?

                  Lav, getting older is scary. My SIL thinks we have about 15 good years left. That has really got me to thinking about alot of things. We have tentative plans for Monday, but our grill broke and we have to buy a new one. Then, a big tragedy, the dishwasher is not washing, it is so expensive to get them repaired, I am just going to get a new one. This one is not even four years old, they do not make them like they used to.

                  Pauly, I hate when I have problems with this website. Hope things are going well and do you have plans for this weekend? We bought cases of soda, though not good, better than booze for sure.

                  Cyn, how interesting to talk to your client and refocus her attention. I would not do well living alone either, I get to into the craziness between my two ears. LOL. Good to reach out and talk to others. Very important to get a different perspective. So happy you are able to enjoy the weather and spend time with your husband. Very precious.

                  Hello Skendall, I love roses so much too. I miss the ones with fragrance that I used to have, but will settle for what I do have right now.

                  Take care and have a lovely AF Thursday.


                    Re: May Movers & Shakers

                    Morning friends,Star yes im going to visit my family this weekend,congrats on 109 days yep drinking night help the stress for a few minutes,hours but think of the DAYS of recovery,,not worth it! Cyn,glad you're getting your groove back,Lav,the pillow is very nice,I feel so sad for your neighbors SK,I never knew that variety of rise was called a"peace rose" I love roses glad Peggy loves her new walker,wishes for a fab,free Thursday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: May Movers & Shakers

                      Evening all -
                      Lav, you were so incredibly sweet to help your neighbors, I'm sure they will treasure the pillow. But the news about your daughter's neighbor...oh how sad. But who knows what miracles are out there for her --- best to send the positive energy to her -- try not to let it get to you, I know it's hard...

                      Star - congrats on your days! I love to think of you busy with your garden, as it should be...

                      Pauly- do take care of yourself as you prep for this family trip. Stay YOU, stay strong! You are fabulous, and can walk away from any weirdness to protect yourself. I hope it is a great time for you.

                      SK - I remember the Peace roses from the 50s and 60s - spectacular and so fragrant. Also Mr. Lincoln - deep red, right? I love them all. So glad you are ordering from Jackson-Perkins, they are the best. I never seem to get around to roses here... too busy fighting the invasives, ha. I do have 2 roses that don't receive enough light -- i should at least move them to a different location...

                      Cheers all for a good night - I am spent from a long day, and have work to do tonight...

                      May we be well -


                        Re: May Movers & Shakers

                        Good evening friends,

                        Long & busy day here too. We made the trek back to the 'homeland' to visit cemeteries, leave flowers & flags for the Memorial Day weekend. Both of our dads were veterans, I order flags by the dozen online
                        The traffic between here & there was absolutely awful ~ one of the many reasons we moved to cow country. I don't miss that hectic lifestyle, really don't. I'm still feeling sad about my elderly friends but hey will be OK. My daughter's neighbor has a rough time ahead of her. Her poor girls, one in junior high & one in high school I believe. Sending them all positive thoughts.

                        Star, I don't like living in my head either. It's something I became aware of when my kids were very young. My spouse was never home or uninterested in listening. I had no time at work to talk to friends about anything, we were just too busy. I never had any chance to unload all the sh*t that piled up. I couldn't even talk to any of my real life friends. I think my time here on MWO has probably been the best therapy for me. I just let it all out & feel better. You can do the same
                        I hope you get the house stuff straightened out easily - house are truly money pits. I also hope everything is OK with your son. I know his journey has been tough on you.
                        Keep your head in gratitude mode, it works, it really does!

                        SK, good to hear om you. I'm glad you are getting out & about a bit & enjoying some patio gardening. I love roses too but haven't always had a lot of luck with them. I have one red June rose that I actually brought with us when we moved here. It was a Mother's day gift from my kids, gosh maybe 20 years ago
                        I hope your appointment gives you the answers you have been looking for. Tell Peggy I said hi!

                        Pauly, I know I've mentioned this before but I have deleted the drama queens from my life, relatives included. I knew I had to if I wanted to survive & live a healthy, peaceful life.
                        Keep your head on your shoulders & step away from any family drama, OK?

                        Cyn, I know you are still working hard, probably too hard. Please try to schedule some ME time in so you don't burn out. That was something I have learned to do, it didn't happen naturally, ha ha.
                        Why is it that some of us are willing to work ourselves half to death while others are not? One of those crazy things I guess.

                        Have a nice night everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: May Movers & Shakers

                          Good morning...

                          Another beautiful day, but getting hotter and more muggy.

                          Lav, lots of sad things happening, here too, we do what we can and try to help. At the same time there are good things going on, life is such a mix of challenges. I bought a few flags, wish I could go to my parents graves to place flowers, but it is about three hours away, so later this summer I will plan a visit.

                          Pauly, hope your weekend is OK, lots of feelings to deal with for sure. It took my family years to have fun visits after our parents' deaths. Very hard, but again, good to see each other and celebrate life. You have such a loving immediate family and I am so happy you get to be involved in your grandsons lives on a daily basis.

                          Cyn, Hope you weekend is satisfying and filled with work and fun.

                          Skendall, greetings to you, have a great holiday weekend.

                          I have lots of paperwork to take care of today, yuck, but I want to get it done, then I can chill out tomorrow. Have a great AF Friday.


                            Re: May Movers & Shakers

                            Morning friends,Star,good luck with the paperwork today,too tedious sometimes waves to SK,Cyn and Lav wishes for a fabulous,free Friday!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: May Movers & Shakers

                              Hi all -

                              Lav, I am revising my schedule, a tiny bit by tiny bit, but moving in the right direction. My path forward is becoming clearer, and it doesn't include overwork! Thanks for your thoughts: ( OK, just had to share this... when I typed "thoughts", it turned out "thong hats" ha!)

                              Star, how does life feel to you now? I think you are dealing with a lot, but handling it so well. Congrats.

                              Pauly, how are all the kids and dogs and everything ... work OK? Love to hear the details...

                              SK, I think about you and pain every day... I hop that something is easing your situation... greetings to Peggy too!

                              I am working with a new client -- very creative, who is writing a theater piece -- it is a nice break from unpacking and moving juice glasses around! (Maybe I said that already)

                              I will get back to my affirmations tomorrow - in the meantime, wishing all well!

                              Happy Saturday to come...


                                Re: May Movers & Shakers

                                Good evening friends,

                                OK, today was the day to finally turn that AC on - so tired of tossing all night. It's hot & getting more humid, not my fav weather, ha ha!
                                We took a ride about an hour north today to buy a new table & chairs set for the deck. It's made of recycled plastics & other stuff by people in Ohio. It just fit into the back of the truck & we unloaded & carried it up onto the deck. That's my work contribution for the day!! We also stopped at the car dealership, thinking about trading my little car in for something a bit bigger. YB has never fit into my little car & now even the grandkids seem crammed into the back seat with their booster seats. Their arms & legs have no where to go. I'm heading back tomorrow to talk prices 7 do a test drive. Thinking about a Chevy Equinox. We shall see.
                                I'm happy to report I found a monarch butterfly caterpillar on one of the plants I planted last fall in my butterfly garden. Little stuff makes me happy

                                Star, would you believe me if I told you that we don't even know where YB's mom is buried? Talk about a dysfunctional family. We were responsible for flying the woman up to PA from FL when she could no longer function on her own & picked her up & drove her 2+ hours to his sister's house. We also flew one of his brother's down to FL so he could drive her car & her belongings up here. A few months later when she passed away the sister decided to not tell any of us where she buried her mother. Freakin weird people? YEP! Don't feel bad about not being able to visit often, at least you go when you can. That's what we do too.
                                Hope you got thru your paperwork.

                                Hi Pauly, how are you? What's the plan for the weekend? I'm hoping to at least put a few burgers on the grill, nothing special.

                                Cyn, 'thong hats', now that's a totally new concept to me, LOL
                                I'm glad to hear you are taking control of your schedule. We owe it to ourselves, don't you think?

                                SK, hope you had a good day!

                                Have a nice night everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

