interest in pretend meat/chicken products either.

Pauly...little balls freak me out too!....Mick got that covered with some morning jokes? LOL I will keep you posted on my Lentil Quest! Trust me you don't want to be perfect, too much to maintain, just be you cause we love you as you are. I totally agree with "Mick,you do give back in many ways,I take things from allover the board but you have been one of my hero's through all of this" Mine too!! And I appreciate the fact that he will keep this thread going come Hell or High Water!
Had one of our "Mobility Challenged" gardeners come by to check out his garden plot and he and his care giver prepared my plot for planting. What goes around comes around. LOL Will head out tomorrow to apply the compost and and plan the plot. LOL
Det...thinking of you. :hug:
Tomorrow's another start!.....:smile:PPQP