Greetings Abbers,
Sorry about the 7's, that's what happens when I'm too tired to read back before I post, ha ha!!
Hot & humid here, typical PA summer weather so the AC is ON!
We went out & bought a really cool table & chairs set for the deck, made out of recycled stuff like plastic. We bought it from an Amish dealer who gets them delivered from someone in Ohio, go figure.
It has a 20 year guarantee so I guess it will see us thru to the very end

Mick, we're due for T storms tomorrow & Sunday but it's not supposed to be a total wash out for the holiday weekend.
The butterfly garden I planted last fall is actually attracting monarch butterfly caterpillars

Pauly, your posts are short, what's really gong on with you? Do tell

PQ, great news from you. I hope your troubles are soon forgotten. Enjoy your weekend!
Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!