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w/c 20th

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    Re: w/c 20th

    Greetings Abbers,

    Sorry about the 7's, that's what happens when I'm too tired to read back before I post, ha ha!!

    Hot & humid here, typical PA summer weather so the AC is ON!
    We went out & bought a really cool table & chairs set for the deck, made out of recycled stuff like plastic. We bought it from an Amish dealer who gets them delivered from someone in Ohio, go figure.
    It has a 20 year guarantee so I guess it will see us thru to the very end

    Mick, we're due for T storms tomorrow & Sunday but it's not supposed to be a total wash out for the holiday weekend.
    The butterfly garden I planted last fall is actually attracting monarch butterfly caterpillars

    Pauly, your posts are short, what's really gong on with you? Do tell

    PQ, great news from you. I hope your troubles are soon forgotten. Enjoy your weekend!

    Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: w/c 20th

      Hey Lav...met with trustee, signed paper work, lost 50LB's of stress. LOL It was a great experience and I feel confident moving forward. The 7's were a mystery message, look forward to the next one. LOL Patio table and chairs from an Amish Dealer imported from Ohio, what's wrong with that picture. So I'm expecting time lapsed photography of the monarch butterfly caterpillars just so you know....:smile:PPQP


        Re: w/c 20th

        hiya folks ..yes Im here between plating up tomatoes ,sorting stuff for going away with , chasing rabbits , and going to shops now,will be back on in a wee while. x
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: w/c 20th

          morning all,
          looking and feeling like a hot sticky day coming about, been kinda a long week, personal issues that creep in every once in a while to remind me life isn't always a bowl of cherries (or cherrieo's, captain crunch, etc) but some of it moved on and some will always return in a different way. No matter, still sober!

          lots of tunes last night so that was a blast.

          PQ, dreams are really strange at times, aren't they? Your's sound like it qualifies!

          off to work, be well friends
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Re: w/c 20th

            MAE ALL...

            Mick...busy as usual I see. Wednesday will be here before you know it.

            Sam...sounds like you got your priorities right cause we all know life keeps happening.

            Cooler this morning so a great time to get over to the garden and water. Will check back in later....:smile:PPQP


              Re: w/c 20th

              Hot, sticky day dawning here too. I've just been stood up for a condo showing, but as Sam just said, "No matter, still sober!"


                Re: w/c 20th

                hiya peeps ,tis me Im back,got most of ther things done ,back started playing up a bit ...I cut the front grass and madame went a tad mad at me..been invited to a barby tomorrow..this diet aint doing too well at a lll...tomorrow....

                anyway heres a couple of jokes ..see you in the morning ..

                A little girl was leading her dog through the park when an old man stopped her, saying, "That's sure a pretty dress you're wearing."

                The little girl smiled, "Thank you, Sir. My mama bought it for me.
                This is my dog Porky."

                The old man chuckled, "I'll bet a nickel I can guess why you called him that."

                She shook her head, "I'll bet you can't."

                He laughed, "You called him Porky because he's so fat."

                She shook her head. "No Sir, we call him that because he screws pigs."

                Q) How do you stop moles from digging up your garden?

                A) Hide their spades.

                I don't know why anyone would ever want a pocket calculator..

                It's really easy to count how many pockets I've got.

                I tried to sign up to a website the other day.

                I put my password as "BeefStew" but it said password wasn't stroganoff.

                I recently went on a positive thinking course,

                It was crap.

                A dentist and a manicurist had a terrible fight,

                It was tooth and nail.

                I got really emotional this morning at the petrol station..

                I don't know why.. I just started filling up.

                I've got no problems with genetically modified food!

                I've just had a lovely leg of Salmon.

                Q) What do you call a kid with long arms, buck teeth, a monobrow and an eyepatch?

                A) Names.

                I've been thinking about selling my John Lennon memorabilia on eBay.

                Imagine all the PayPal..
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: w/c 20th

                  Mick...Madame being a bit tad mad at me is not a good sign. Have you not learned anything? Sod the diet until after the camping trip! LOL Funeral is on Wed, autopsy ok, Ex out of the house, garden plot planted and am going to enjoy a peaceful evening, come hell or high water. LOL

                  Thanks for everyone's support posts, I see the light at the end of the tunnel....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: w/c 20th

                    Good evening Abbers,

                    Hot & sticky here as well Sam & Pie, yuck. I am eternally grateful for the AC.

                    Mick, I hope you didn't mess up your back too much buddy. Backs & knees are things we really, really need to keep us going.
                    I'm sure you must be excited for this coming week

                    Sam, we have learned how to endure the tough times & I think we appreciate the good times even more when we have clear hearts & minds, right?
                    I hope your day was a good one.

                    Pie, I hate being stood up for anything
                    I don't appreciate people wasting my time either. Tomorrow is brunch day, I hope we have a nice one!

                    Yesterday YB bought new deck furniture so today I bought myself a new car, LOL
                    I've been thinking about it for a while so I took advantage of the special holiday pricing & got a decent amount for my trade-in. I got a 2018 Chevy Equinox in my fav color, red
                    Drive really nice & has a ton more room inside than my little Cruze.

                    Have a peaceful night everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

