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w/c 27th

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    w/c 27th

    morning all are we all?well its blowing a gale here,and we are going to a bbq...hmm..nice but blowy ,Just found out door neighbour was in the garden ,said he wasnt feeling well ..went to the walk in centre ,he is now in hospital awaiting a triple heart bypass..he doesnt smoke drink to excess nuffink fact he is a vicar..just shows you how life can change so quickly ..
    Memorial day tomorrow over there? Its bank holiday here same result off..Tuesday ,Im at the back man,and taking the peskies to their holiday home ,..ok brew time

    hiya Lav ....hows you the the new wheels...slight difference in size between the last and this one.....whats fuel prices like there? over here for petrol its £1.26 per litre ,diesel £1.31..its not even creeping up ...shooting up!
    the saga with Julies dad continues ..... anyway have a nice holiday tomorrow ...and heres a brew no go and sit in the car and look at it!

    hiya ppqp..of course I dont learn anything!but what she doesnt realise is Im actually doing her a see a womans prerogative is to moan or find something to go on about by cutting the grass that lessens her moan workload. its something less on that list ,and at the same time me having a sore back is a ready made subject there already on the doorstep ,thus causing less brain strain looking for a subject to give me grief over .. logical innit? glad things are working for have had your fair share of crap to deal with you ever think how the hell did I manage this without a drink ?well done anyway..

    hiya Sam hows you then? yep ...laaf isnt always a bax af chaclits...thats my best forrest gump ese!!!!but as you so rightly said sober it is again sit back deal with the issue..and pat yourself on the back for doing so ..instead of bottling it ..literally!!have a good day friend

    hiya pie stood up over a condo? no excuses?oh well they wouldnt be top of my rush to meet you list! hows the k9s doing?how many have you got there now?

    hey pauly ok ?give us a quick yoo hoo..

    hiya det ..hope its going ok for you ..

    tt where ever you are ..

    right peeps have a good one

    Q) What do you call an unmarried female moth?

    A) A myth.

    I went to the doctors with a Strawberry growing on my bum,

    The doctor said "I’ve got some cream For that"

    I remember at school we discussed the great rulers.

    I opted for the Helix 30cm shatterproof.

    If you've seen one shopping centre..

    You've seen the mall.

    Q) Why did the bacterium cross the microscope?

    A) To get to the other slide.

    I got some new aftershave today that smells like breadcrumbs,

    The birds love it!

    I just slipped on the floor of the local library..

    I was in the non-friction section.

    Q) How do you make a Venetian blind?

    A) Poke him in the eye

    Q) What do you call a man with a rabbit in his mouth?

    A) Warren.

    Q) What do you give to a man who has everything?

    A) Penicillin.

    I just bought a suit made from a cactus..

    Looking pretty sharp!

    I met somebody at work today called William Hill,

    What are the odds?

    I bought a rocket salad..

    but it went off before I could eat it.

    I spent most of last night in jail..

    Couldn't roll a double for the life of me.

    A hypnotist once convinced me I was a soft, malleable metal with an atomic number of 82.

    I’m easily lead.

    I've decided to marry a pencil.
    I can't wait to introduce my parents to my bride 2B.

    I just passed a whole field of sheep on the bus today..

    No idea what they were doing on a bus
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: w/c 27th

    Morning Mick...good luck at the bbq with that wind! Sorry to hear about your neighbour, we sure have had our string of sad events lately. Time things turned around I think. Just back from watering the garden everything is looking great. Glad you're looking after Julie's brain drain. LOL

    MAE to the rest of the gang. Have a Super Sober Sunday all....:smile:PPQP
    Last edited by porqoui; May 27, 2018, 11:35 AM.


      Re: w/c 27th

      Good evening Abbers,

      Rain day here but no big storms so far. People are dealing with floods in arears not too far away, geez.
      Our long lost DIL made an unannounced visit this afternoon, I almost fell off my chair when she simply walked in & said hello like nothing ever happened. Weird? Yep, it was weird & I have no ide if tis means she is feeling better & has decided to return to the family fold or what - no idea.
      I turned my cookout plan to a cook-in because of the weather. It's nice to have a cast iron grill pan for burgers, ha ha!

      Mick, I did go for a bigger vehicle this time. No one was comfortable in my small car except me & it had 6 years on it so I went for a trade-in. I took my grandsons on a test ride & they loved it too
      Sorry to hear about your neighbor, you never know what's going on inside, do you? I hope everything works out OK for him.
      Gas prices around here are rising quickly too. Right now we are paying $3.09/gal for regular old gas. It hasn't been this high in 4 years I heard, oh well.
      I hope your back holds up for your vacation

      PQ, sounds like your day was cool, nice!

      Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: w/c 27th

        morning are we today then ...all good I hope..well ..the bbq yesterday ,,,I ate too much etc ..there were a good few people there ...we took Julies dad with us ...he seemed to enjoy himself..the bad news for me is we arent going away much as I wanted to ...I aint in no shape to be climbing mountains we have postponed it till next week ...if it costs it costs,its pointless going down there in pain to just moan all the time!!!but we are hoping to get away the week after if this is sorted out ...Ive got strict orders to do nothing,

        so lets have a brew

        hiya pauly come you arent posting here ? yes Ive seen you were drinking ,but at least ,you are back on it now..come on in ....

        hiya Lav thats a turn up for the books ..irrespective of the hows whys and pleased foryou ..I know how much it means to you here you go ,a brew ....

        hiya ppqp..its the brain looker after are you then today..glad the garden looks well.....hope things are going ok for you ...yep some things havent been that great but hey we move on ,.

        hiya everyone else..hope you are well......

        Why must I prove that I am me to pay my bills over the phone? Do strangers
        call to pay my bills? And, if they do, why don't you let them?

        The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can
        be in a robe, before you start looking like a mental patient.

        My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations.
        I'm pretty sure she was hitting on me.

        My 60 year kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I'm worried about the
        195 lbs. I've gained.

        I'm getting kind of tired always slowly raising my hand when someone asks,
        "Who does something like that?"

        I always wondered what the job application is like at Hooters.. do they just
        give you a bra and say, "here fill this out"..?

        Four-time NASCAR Sprint Cup champion Jeff Gordon announced that this will be
        his final season of racing. You could tell it was time for him to retire
        during his last race when he had his blinker on the whole time.

        The speed in which a woman says "nothing" when asked "What's wrong?" is
        inversely proportional to the severity of the storm that's coming.

        A blonde woman was speeding down the road in her pink sports car and was pulled over by a woman police officer, who was also a blonde.

        The blonde cop asked to see the blonde driver's license. She dug through her purse and was getting progressively more agitated/

        "What does it look like" she finally asked?

        The policewoman replied, "it's square and it has your picture on it".

        The driver finally found a square mirror in here purse, looked at it and handed it over to the policewoman. "Here it is" she said.

        The blonde police woman looked at the mirror, then handed it back saying, "OKm you can go. I didn't realise you were a cop..."

        Murphy goes to his friend Pat and says ... "I'm sleeping with the Pastor's wife. Can you hold him in church for an hour after services for me?"

        Pat doesn't like it but being Murphy's long time friend, he agrees. After service, he starts talking to the Pastor, asking him all sorts of stupid questions, just to keep him occupied.

        Finally the Pastor gets annoyed and asks Pat what he's really up to.

        Pat, feeling guilty, finally confesses to the Pastor. "My friend is sleeping with your wife right now, so he asked me to keep you occupied".

        The Pastor smiles, puts a brotherly hand on Pat's shoulder and says... "You better hurry home. My wife died two years ago".

        I don't need anger management. I need people to stop ticking me off!

        Old age is coming at a really bad time!

        When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment ... Now, as a grown up, it just feels like a small vacation!

        The biggest lie I tell myself is ... "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."

        Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the friends to post my bail when I finally snap!

        I don't have gray hair. I have "wisdom highlights.” I'm very wise.

        My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.

        Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper.

        If God wanted me to touch my toes, He would’ve put them on my knees.

        The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no" which is shorter than "yes”.

        I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do that second week.

        When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people"?

        Even duct tape can't fix stupid ... But it can muffle the sound!

        Why do I have to press one for English when you're just going to transfer me to someone I can't understand anyway?

        Lord, Give me patience and give it to me NOW.

        Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.

        Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud?

        At my age "getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I was wanting!

        A class assignment was to interview an 'Old Person' about their life...

        The granddaughter asked her Grandma 'What was the biggest historical event that happened during your lifetime?'

        Grandma said 'It must have been the Moonwalk'.

        Granddaughter looked disappointed and said, 'Why was that dance was so important to you?'
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: w/c 27th

          Hi Friends,

          Just waiting to hear from canine parents re: pick up of their furry ones. Kinda quiet around here today. And very hot.

          Good call, it sounds, on postponing travel until you get your back squared away, Mick.

          Lav, congrats on the new car! What kind did you get?

          Hey PQ! How's your garden growing? Did you plant any money trees in there?

          Greeting to Pauly, Sam, Det, TT, etal.


            Re: w/c 27th

            MAE ALL....

            Mick...thanks for the kick off this morning. I'm glad you took Julie's Dad with you and that he had a good time, nice. Yes, I agree with Pi, good choice to hold off a week. So did you manage to do nothing today? That is after you had a back adjustment. Doing ok and things are coming together. I'll be glad when Wednesday is over and done with.

            Pi...I knew there was something I was forgetting to plant! LOL If only. Did the furry ones get picked up?

            Pauly...your chair is still here so hurry and come on back.

            Lav...been out cruising lately? Enjoy the ride.

            I've discovered a pot roast in a bag and it's great. It tastes just like mine and it's ready in 30 minutes. So despite the heat that's what we're having for supper. Have a restful evening all....:smile:PPQP


              Re: w/c 27th

              Good evening Abbers,

              Still damp around here but no real rain today. It was a pretty quiet day, no family gathering or anything.

              Mick, sorry your vacation has to be delayed a bit but it's probably a good idea.
              I have no expectations where my DIL is concerned. She made an appearance yesterday but didn't offer any explanations or apologies for her past behavior. I'm just going to go into 'wait & see' mode.

              Pie, our weather dipped down to the mid-sixties today, weird.
              I bought myself a Chevy Equinox, more arm & leg room for everyone, ha ha! I hope your fur parents didn't keep you waiting too long

              PQ, a pot roast in a bag? I haven't seen one of them but I do see Perdue chicken in a roasting bag, looks like a nice idea.
              Cooking when it's hot is not fun, I try to keep that to a minimum, haha!

              Pauly, c'mon back & hop on the sober bus again.

              Hello to everyone & wishing a nice night for all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: w/c 27th

                MAE ALL...

                Mick successfully transferred his rain to me today. Supposed to last the next 3 days, of course with the funeral tomorrow. It is a relief as yesterday was the hottest day we've had.

                Coffee's ready so have a brew before you start your day....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: w/c 27th

                  Mae everybody,stupidly took the day off so now im just laying here bored been a tough week and I only made it worse by drinking like a dummy,ugh I'm just so frustrated! Air unit went out on the house,,great thank goodness for the swamp cooler or we'd be roasting,PQ,i made a roast yesterday too but in the crockpot,turned out good much love to all and wishes for a happy Tuesday for us all
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: w/c 27th

                    afternoon all ...just been to the bone cruncher ...apparently Ive done a fair bit of damage to it ..the 2 bottom vertebrae are out line, disc is out and pressing on the nerves ..and wallet ...ha ha to be honest itssore but strangely enough it isnt a painful pain..duh ...rebooked all holiday stuff for next week weather is bit windy but nice out there.Julie is off today,she is meeting up with amy ...yes I would laaaav to go mall shopping .... ok brew the noo....

                    hiya ppqp the rain no probs ..if you run out give us a shout..hope all goes to plan at the funeral.yep Ive had one of those in bag too...they are pretty good

                    hiya Lav ok ..?best and wait ...see how dolly dimple hows the car?I guess we are at the speck of muck on it,clean your feet stage !!washing it every a couple of here you go ...a dust free brew..

                    hiya pie hows you then?did you successfully offload the k9s?yep Im still at the planting stage ...courgettes ,runner beans ,11 types of tomato ...Ive got 29 spare plants..anyone want some?

                    big hiya to everyone else ..

                    I got work this morning to find a lump of Plasticine on my desk.
                    I don't know what to make of it.

                    A lady and her dog were enjoying a stroll in the park when her dog was mounted from behind by a large Rotweiler. The Rot was really humping away and the lady was frantically trying to break them up, to no avail.

                    A small boy walked up and stuck his finger in the Rot's butt, and the action immediately stopped.

                    The lady was amazed. "How did you do that?" she asked.

                    The little boy said, "That's my dog! He can dish it out, but he can't take it!"


                    If you should receive an email from the NHS Direct warning of catching swine flu from eating tinned pork.

                    Ignore it.

                    Its just spam

                    Birds of a feather flock together and crap on your car.

                    When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle. It makes the neighbor's dog run to the end of his chain and gag himself.

                    The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.

                    The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.

                    Did you ever notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are ' XL.'

                    The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

                    There's always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example, I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt .

                    Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words 'The' and 'IRS' together it spells 'Theirs.'

                    The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

                    Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved..

                    When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.

                    Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.

                    Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today, it's called golf

                    Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.

                    Two old guys were chatting.....

                    One said to the other:

                    "My 75th birthday was yesterday.

                    The wife gave me a SUV".

                    Other guy responded:

                    "Wow, that's amazing!!.....

                    Imagine, an SUV!!..

                    What a great gift!"

                    First guy:

                    "Yup !!.... Socks, Underwear and Viagra!"
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: w/c 27th

                      The pups did not get picked up until this morning, but they're back home now.

                      Lav, I've seen that snazzy orange color that the Equinox comes in. Did you get one of those?

                      Mick, how did you end up with so many spare plants?

                      Good luck getting your A/c back on line, Pauly.


                        Re: w/c 27th

                        Good evening Abbers,

                        Hot & humid & no rain today for a change, ha ha! I hear it will return anytime over the course of the week.
                        My strawberries are ripe & I've picked a good quart or so of them so far. The blueberries need a few days of sun to ripen up

                        PQ, funerals in the rain can be extra depressing I think. I hope everything goes OK for you & your family.

                        Pauly, glad you are back among your non drinking peers. Stick with us, you know it's better.
                        I remember my brother had one of those swamp coolers when he lived in southern Idaho. We don't have them over this side of the country. I hope you can get your AC fixed soon.

                        Mick, sorry about the news on your back, ouch! You really need to take better care of that thing. Rest up as much as you can this week so you can enjoy your trip next week
                        I haven't washed my car yet but I did notice that the birds have christened it in two spots already, haha!

                        Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a nice night!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: w/c 27th

                          morning all

                          had a little bridge work done yesterday, took all boards off and put new ones on, got to do some finishing touches and hopefully will be good for another 10 years.

                          Pauly, glad you came back, so what the heck is a swamp cooler? Any more news from Det?

                          Mick, sounds like a wise choice putting off your trip. hope you're better soon.

                          PQ, Pi, Lav,hope your day is a good one
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            Re: w/c 27th

                            MAE ALL...

                            Mick...I'll let you know if we run out of rain. Sounds like you really did do a number on your back, cheeze! I actually do understand what you mean by it's not a painful pain. LOL Hope the rescheduled holiday comes off without a hitch.

                            Pauly...good to see you back. I know that feeling of taking the day and then being bored. I'm assuming you went to work today. We use swamp coolers for 3 of the rooms at the community centre. My office however has central air conditioning.

                            Pi...better late than never. Does that leave you with just your own crew now?

                            Lav...thanks, it sounds like everything will be fine and for now it isn't raining.

                            Sam...your bridge work definitely is different from Mick's bridge work. LOL I remember seeing a pic of that bridge, an after shot would be great. A swamp cooler circulates water and cools it producing cool humid air. They work pretty good except if there's a leak from deteriorated pipes which was the case with us during our hot spell. At least I was cool. LOL

                            Plans are all in place and I'll be glad when today is over. Hope we all have a great day....:smile:PPQP
                            Last edited by porqoui; May 30, 2018, 09:26 AM.


                              Re: w/c 27th

                              hiya peeps youall ok ...well was stuck in the traffic in the end a jam for 45 mins ..spent this morning back filling everything that jeeves had dug out ...!Im going to have to put some cement in ..back got a real pummelling yesterday,but seems to be a bit better today...Im there again tomorrow...feeling weary ..def be an early night..
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

