brew time .....
hiya sk ,hows you then ? nice to see you on here ,it does get a bit weary when you write virtually a daily diary ,almost to yourself !but thats my choice .Yes Ive got heat pads freeze pads heat lamp freeze spray ..I am missing one important thing ..the patience to sit down ...

hiya Lav sounds like you have more snakes than the white house!!so you have been eaten out of house and home ? are they at the stage of working for their feed?..who ever gets the most weeds in an hour wins sort of thing...dil ..will be down to pick em up today.....You want some tomato plants?oh and leave them mushrooms ...they could be magic ......woodstock again....
hiya ppqp..hows you then? all good ..yep like Lav I planned to retire early ...not in the way it happened but the end result is the keep it together...Is there any guys in your group that are handy?why not build movable raised beds? sounds stupid but its feasable....
hiya sam proudowner of the dirty bridge ..hope all is well...
big shout to everyone else ..have a good one