Greetings Abbers,
Well, the boys have returned this afternoon & they’re staying overnight too. I have no idea when I’ll get rid of them. Hope I have enough food, ha ha!
Over 90 degrees today & tomorrow will be even worse, yuck. Staying in the AC for sure

Tomorrow is my 45th wedding anniversary but we have no plans, of course, why would we?
Mick, the nagional guard units here are often brought in to help contain those big wildfires. What a brutal job in this heat, ugh.
I was invited to go on vacation with my daughter, SIL & granddaughter this year. It’s really very nice of them because they know YB refuses to ho anywhere which leaves me stuck here. I’ll be on my best behavior, LOL
PQ, I made meatballs for the boys when they were here yesterday. Thankfully I made a double batch so they ate them sgsin today, ha ha. Gotta love leftovers

I hope you enjoy your weekend. I will be getting my hair trimmed before I head north, just in case, ha ha.
Pauly, I don’t care for salmon either, something about the smell. I get my Omega3s using flax seed.
Hello to the rest of the crew. I need to go talk these stinky kids into the shower or something.
Have a nice night everyone!