Good evening Abbers!
Another late check in after a fun filled Canadian day, ha ha!
We are all having a ball, nothing to complain about up here. Canadians really are friendlier than Americans, so far anyway

Very nice weather for touring around especially with a 7 year old. My granddaughter is as happy as ever.
Cindi, good to see you. How’s things?
Sam, if it gets too hot in VA for you hop in your car & drive north. I wish summer was this nice at home.
I hope your daughter gets some relief soon - wisdom teeth are useless.
Pauly, I’ve actually bern to Shoshone falls when my brother lived in Idaho. Yeah, Niagara is definitely bigger!
Glad you got some rain to clear the air.
PQ, you definitely need a new alarm company, LOL
How can anyone conduct business like that? Ridiculous!
No Mick today? Still traveling maybe?
Hello to Pie too.
Have a nice night everyone!