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Monday, 18th June

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    Monday, 18th June

    It's Monday afternoon in Sydney, so I'll start the Monday tread.

    All's well with me. I'm on Day 15... half way to my first 30 days...WooHooo!

    I struggled a bit on the weekend and felt a bit frustrated but I'm putting into practice the tools passed on to me from the other successful long term Alcohol free members and that sets me straight. I know it will get easier as time goes by, but also serves as a good reminder that I could easily slip back into that downward spiral with just one drink.

    Bear, jump back on your abs programme... you are doing well! Just take it back to basics and recall the reasons why you're doing this. The Sobriety Toolkit -0 a brilliant post that Irish posted some time ago is a healthy reminder of the downfalls of alcohol, so might be good for you to read, for a refresh.

    Have a great week everyone!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Monday, 18th June

    Morning Scoobs - well done on 15 days.
    I'm back on the abs wagon now, went to family bbq yesterday,was offered wine and said no.

    It's harder with friends for me and it's about fitting in and not feeling excluded,what if I change and they don't like me worries. I need to put myself first and focus on what I want to acheive and why.

    anyway good day all got to prodcue 2 reports by about midday today - aaarghh!
    see you tomorrow xx
    one day at a time


      Monday, 18th June

      Hi All,

      I'm with you about the weekends, Scoobs! Congrats on over 2 weeks of sobriety!
      I made it through the weekend, :yay: ! The first weekend is the worst for me. It felt more weird than hard, though--I just had the feeling of something missing, and I mostly felt bored and out of kilter. I had another drinking dream last night. I didn't drink in the dream but was struggling with myself about whether to drink or not. There was a tempting array of drinks all laid out before me. Arrrgh! I did get a lot done yesterday, which helped.

      Good for you for not drinking at the family bbq yesterday, bear. Keep up the good work. I think you do have to "hibernate" from drinking friends for awhile, or arrange to do things like movies and such that don't involve drinking. It's hard though. I have a good friend, and we have always drank together, so even though we try to do non-drinking things, we always start to salivate like Pavlov's dogs at the sight of each other in non-working situations. We have agreed to take walks together for starters, but I'm not sure that it won't be too tempting for me anyway. She and hubby ALWAYS have wine at home.

      Anyway, I need to get ready for work.

      DAY 7 FOR ME!


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Monday, 18th June

        Hi Scoob...

        Great job on the 15 days!
        Control the Mind


          Monday, 18th June

          Hi Crew

          Well, 8 days down and I only fell off the wagon 3 days of the 8...... whoops....sigh.... so I start again and I am now up to day 2.

          At least I manged to drink with moderation on each occassion last Thurs, Fri and Sat. The most I drunk in one evening was 3 glasses of wine and 2 beers over dinner adn a few games of pool (5 drinks is probably not moderate drinking now I think about it - but good for me. Bugger!)..... Not great but nothing I will get too depressed by....

          The important thing for me is that I am still hell bent on never being drunk again in my life.... My focus is not wavering on that one....

          Binge drinking is what I am most worried about. It has nearly killed me so many times.... I am not ging back there.

          I have started to clean things up in my life.... Today I put an end to the the risky relationship I have been building with a girl from work. I am now 100% focussed on my health and my wife's happiness.

          My next goal is to make it through a weekend without drinking.... fingers crossed.

          Have a brilliant day everyone.... I have to get out on the water training at 5.30am tomorrow so I need some sleep. (I figure 5.30am training sessions will also help scare me off drinking before bed time :-) )

          Wishing you all the very best.



            Monday, 18th June

            Good Morning,

            Made it through our Chicago trip AF. As of Friday Morning I was AF for 12 days. That's the longest I've gone AF since I was pregnant with my daughter almost 7 years ago.

            I've learned by being AF for 12 days that I can have a good time and not be drunk. I've learned that I am not physically addicted to alcohol (maybe mentally but not physically) I got a little grumpy when I was stressed but I did not have any withdraw symptoms. I can sleep when I don't drink (I always told myself I couldn't) I can have fun having sex when I am not drunk ( I always told myself it was more fun if I were tipsy and less inhibited) truth is I enjoy sex more when I am not drunk and I am more fun and "present" when I am sober) I can be a good guest at a party when I am not drinking. I can have good conversation and help clean up the kitchen! Most of all I am a better Mom when I am sober. I always thought I was hiding it well from my kids. I was fooling myself and the alcohol kept the lie going for me.

            I've decided that my drinking problem is one of being permissive with myself to a fault. I'm a spoiled brat. I want what I want when I want it. Well I can't have it when I want it and I think being AF for 12 days helped give me the kick in the ass that I needed to regain much needed perspective. I am not going to spend my life looking at the bottom of a bottle.

            Anyway, I am so proud of all of you! I've made some good friends here in abs and I wanted to let you know why I won't be posting here anymore.

            I have my drink tracker made public. I plan on succeeding this time with moderate drinking. I'll keep you all posted.

            Thanks for being here for me and thanks for listening

            :h :h :h :h


              Monday, 18th June

              Morning All!

              Great job Scoob! You're on your way babe! I've noticed such a positive change in you since you first started here. Keep it up! It looks good on you!

              Good job at the BBQ bear. Kathy has good advice regarding that hibernation. The first few weeks you have to be on guard & make it easier for yourself to remain AB. If you have to decline invites so be it. You come first.

              Kathy-one week-that's great! Keep up the good work.

              Hi thought-keeping busy is the main thing in the beginning. Have a good swim.

              Hi Rocky.

              Have a great day everyone!
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Monday, 18th June

                Good Morning all.
                WTG Scoobs. you're doing great, keep keepin on
                One week Kathy and a weekend under your belt. some great positive thinking to go with it to. You Rock girlfriend! You made me laugh at the mention of Pahlov's dogs. We are going back to Mexico tomorrow and that is the one thing that turns me into a dog. LOL
                Wishing you luck Thought.

                I had a great weekend with family from out of state stay. it was really enjoyable. I'm working at removing negativity from my thought process. Our negative thoughts about ourselves are devastating and keep us from realizing ourselves. So no more negative self talk -- I'm going to aware and change the thoughts when they come in. I am in charge of my mind, my thoughts and my actions. (my axiom for the year!)

                Love and Light (catch you all next week)

                AF 21, March 2010

                "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                  Monday, 18th June

                  Hi Rachele-

                  Missed you while posting. Good job on 12 days. Good luck with the mods & if that doesn't work out-we're always here.

                  Wishing you success.

                  Geez everyone is popping in....have to edit.

                  Hi Pad! Glad you had a great visit. That's it-a good positive mindset is what you need. You can do it & you deserve it! Have a great Mexican trip! Stay strong....adios!
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Monday, 18th June

                    Good Luck to you Quiescent! You made a good point; alcoholism is always equated with instant gratification. I'm glad you are beyond that and wish you the best.

                    AF 21, March 2010

                    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                      Monday, 18th June

                      heya Aberoonioes!

                      some really amazing and heart-felt posts there...I'm in awe and really touched by the honesty and depth. Fighting a bad cold and hanging in there so far.
                      Be well friends.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Monday, 18th June

                        Thought, welcome aboard the abs board from another Sydney-sider!

                        Rachele, you sound like you're in a really good place, and really well done on all of your abs days. My best wishes for a successful moderation for you!

                        Breez & Rocky, thanks for your kindness

                        Determinator... you're obviously not eating enough garlic. More garlic boy! (hope you're feeling better. x)

                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          Monday, 18th June

                          speaking of Sydney, has anyone been to Coogey Beach recently? I was there as a lad and it was so fun. our flat was across the street from the beach. they had big spiders though...ick. but huge pile of chips for an Ozzie dollar in the newspaper...yum.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

