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w/c 4th

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    w/c 4th

    mae all,,wow 1435 over here and no thread ..oh well here we go are you all this weekend .been busy this morning ,and Julie has got this walk on this aft ..Storm Otto is gone as quick as it came ..cold but sunny ...bonfires are over fireworks done ,the next one is Christmas!!
    ok lets have a brew ..

    hiya SK are you today then?still on the heating pad? does it make easier for you? I hope so nurses uniform for me!!!man that would be some recruiting poster ...not!!

    hiya ppqp ,hows things with you today?you good?the weather didnt put them off to watch the fireworks..the place was mobbed..and they aint cheap either" you wouldnt believe this weather its really sunny today..

    hiya Lav how are you doing?hope you are good ...yep the rabbits dont need sweaters ..they have got covered hot water bottles,though they dont really get them,the reason being bonnie the brave will eat it ...your food menu sounds pretty good..

    hiya tree and everyone else....take care

    Warnings are being issued to people all over the country to be extremely careful on bonfire night as high winds are forecast.

    Do they really think we are that stupid?

    This is why I have moved my planned firework display into my front lounge!

    I just met Bruce Lee’s vegan brother
    Brocco Lee.

    Every time something goes wrong at work, I'm the one that gets thrown under the bus.

    Well no more. They can just go and find themselves another mechanic.

    Bono has finally explained why he always wears sunglasses.

    It's because he's a dick.

    Paddy and Murphy walking through a graveyard and paddy spots a grave at the entrance, "fecking hell Murphy this bloke here was 200 yrs old " Murphy says "feck me paddy that's good what's his name ? "..."miles" says paddy "from London" ...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: w/c 4th

    MAE ALL...

    Mick...08:30 here and I took advantage of the extra hour and slept in. It was marvelous. All the snow and freezing rain appears to be sitting just north of us so it looks like another nice day here today. Will have to take advantage of it and get outside. Hope Julie's walk goes well.

    Shout out to the rest of the gang.....:smile:PPQP


      Re: w/c 4th

      Good evening Abbers,

      Decent weather today but rain predicted for the next two days. I hope the rain doesn't keep people home on election day on Tuesday.i That would be a disaster
      I am encouraged seeing so many Democratic party lawn signs around my area. This is something entirely new in this rigidly conservative part of the state. I can't wait to go vote the A-holes out of their jobs!!!
      I'm trying to make arrangements to meet up with my daughter & granddaughter tomorrow. They both have the day off for some reason so we want to go shopping & have lunch somewhere

      Mick, your poem on FB was wonderful. We have Veterans Day here next Sunday.
      I hope the bunnies stay comfy & don't chew their water bottles, ha ha!

      PQ, glad to hear you escaped the bad weather - phew!!!

      Hello to everyone else & wishing a nice night for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: w/c 4th started raining a couple of hours ago, but still mild out there. If it continues it'll be pure ice tomorrow morning as our high is below freezing. Hope your arrangements work out for tomorrow.

        Det...saw your post on last weeks thread so thought I'd copy it over to this weeks thread. Nice sunset but the link doesn't copy here.

        Ahoy hoy ABeroooskies!

        oh my, down with a nasty cold but I'm keeping me chin up pretty well. even managed to clamber top of this trailer to snap a sunset pic tonight:

        Shared album - Xring007 - Google Photos

        Lav, what the heck is white whole wheat flour? most curious here...

        SK, health report? report to sickbay at once! worrying us a tad ya know?

        Mick, please tell me you got some firework pics? they are good fun, despite what the rabbits have to say on the subject.

        PPQ, interviews are going so well I'm a bit freaked out. .......really. One has offered me over 6 figures annually for an outside sales job
        I'm really damn good at but it's for the 13 western states and I'm just not sure I'm up for that anymore.....ugh... agonizing over this one.
        and another one much more local travel but 45k. hmmmm. what's a boy to do?

        so between that and not sleeping for poop thanks to this flue/whatever the heck, I'm in a bit of a spin. no rushing.......ommmm ommmmm... no rushing.

        and... that's about all the energy I have currently, more to come soon.

        be well loves

        Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: w/c 4th

          MAE ALL...

          Had one of those sleepless nights so am up quite early this morning. Coffee's ready so brews all around. Have a great day all....:smile:PPQP


            Re: w/c 4th

            hya all how are we today then?good I hope..been to physio this morning ,another load of needles but definitely feels good now ..going to redo thefencing at the back of the garden in my attempt to keep foxes out definitely works for kangaroos ,I havent seen one !cloudy but warm today...well warm ish....8 degreez..!

            ok lets have a brew..

            hiya Det (proxied by ppqp) hows you then?no ,I never took any pics of the fireworks ,I watched them through the window though..doing good on the interviews mate ..well done..traverlling all over the place vs local?hmm quality of life versus of luck with that decision mate..hows bunny?

            hiya ppqp..hows you then?the extra hour in bed eh?Julies walk went well...did I tell you it was in the prison?they walked the internal perimeter think it was 7 times she said..There were a group of prisoners did it too ...they raised 982 pounds for the charity ...Is the weather holding off for you?hope so ....have a lovely day...

            hiya Lav ,how are you?well I hope ..and yep I hope that itall holds well for you ..especially in the elections..Thank you re the poem,Ive had literally loads of messages ,and an invite to join a poetry society .!As I said I do one every year ...I have been in the army ,I have been in conflict ,but there is no way I can equate what I did to the life living and conditions they had it gets up my nose when you get some dingbat saying its past.... leave it there!going down that road so is Christmas .!going out for dinner later on ..its wedding anniv today 84 months ..but whose counting!wehave actually been together 24years..took me a while to think about it...hope you manage to meet up with your daughter and grand daughter..

            hiya tree and sk ...hope you are well..

            hi pauly you ok?

            My family treat me as though I’m a God...

            They ignore my existence until they need something.

            In the news this week:

            A school claims an asylum seeker pupil is actually a 30-year-old man.

            He must be thick as absolute fck if he's been held back that many times.

            I always said that laughter is the best medicine.

            Until those gits in the General Medical Council had me struck off.

            Having a mobile makes it really easy to cheat on my wife.

            My son stands behind her and texts me what cards she's got in her hand.

            Sitting waiting at the doctors for a while, I asked the man sat opposite me what he was in for, "I have really bad piles," was his reply, "Ah", I said, "Is that why your sitting on that bean bag?" "Look again", he said

            A nun goes into a library and asks for a book on the immaculate conception. The librarian tells her where the theology section is and says to her,

            "Are we having a little refresher then sister?"

            "No, " she answered, "I'm pregnant and I want to make sure I get my story right. "

            A study has shown that 47396486 people can't be bothered to read long numbers.

            You're one of those people, aren't you?

            "‘No Russian money’ in Brexit donation, says Arron Banks"
            Glad to hear it. He could have been in real rouble over that one.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: w/c 4th

              Hi everyone.

              PPQ, that is a big decision. If it were me I'd take the 100K for a year and then
              look locally. If not you will be wishing you did when a financial crisis happens. Back okay, but not great. My cleaning crew was in and they don't want me in when they clean. I thought I' do some shopping and by the time I got home it was raining very hard and there were no parking spots near my door. I had to park away and make several
              trips. Heavies in left hand lightweights in the right and it as too much for the muscles. Will have
              delivery next time and go somewhere for a nice lunch.

              DD daughter brought Viv and DD was sooo nice again. I don't know what flipped the switch, but it's good. Viv told me she is
              just finishing a 700 page book!! It wasa Harry Potter book. She didn't get any toothbrushes or raisins. She saw Hermi yesterday and ran after her and Hermi ran under the couch so Viv tried to stretch and pull her out by her leg, nope so she and tried to pull her out by the tail and hissing and growling took over. She isn't EVER going to see her

              See you later.

              Det, too many colds.njhhjjjjjjjxcccccc6y777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777`````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````qqqqqqqq Misty

              Anyway get more vit .C.

              Mick, it seems as if all is well and bunnies happy. When you go for back treatment is it accupuncture?

              Lav, the weather has been crazy here too. We had several days of heavy downpour and today it is a sunny 65. Glad your diet is relaxing a bit.
              Last edited by SKendall; November 5, 2018, 07:52 PM.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Re: w/c 4th

                MAE ALL...

                Mick...Glad the physio is working for you, about time you got some relief. Also glad Julies walk went well and no I didn't know it was in the prison. Nice to hear the prisoners taking part and great job raising that amount of money. Weather has turned, it start snowing around 10am and it's freezing out there. Crashes everywhere on the drive home, just enough snow covering that ice out there. Supposed to continue until around midnight then let up till the morning, just in time for the drive into work.

                SK...that was actually Det's post about the job offers. I just re-posted it here on this weeks thread. I'm sure he'll see your suggestions. I am lucky that I have a reserved parking spot, that's the pits having to carry groceries that far. I like the idea of deliver and lunch, you go girl.

                Det...did you make any decisions? You take your time and think it through.

                Lav...were you able to get out with your Daughter and G/Daughter today. Looks like the bad weather finally arrived, oh well that's winter for you.

                Have a warm and restful evening all....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: w/c 4th

                  Good evening Abbers,

                  Yep, rained all day but I did get out to meet the girls for some shopping & lunch, nice
                  I also had some fitful sleep last night - must be something in the air, especially the political air, moan, groan.

                  Det, your pic is awesome
                  Sorry you came down with something, take care of yourself, please.
                  I think a travelling job would take you away from your local support systems you have in place. That could be tricky, think about how you would handle things. There's a reason they pay people big bucks for those jobs...….big bucks can't make up for the loss of time with family & friends, right? Something to think about anyway.
                  White whole wheat flour = White Whole Wheat Flour | King Arthur Flour

                  Mick, Happy Anniversary to you & Julie
                  Keep supporting your veterans & let the dingbats go screw themselves. People can be ridiculous!

                  SK, the Harry Potter series really pulls the kids in & holds them there, ha ha! My grandson has been reading HP for a few years, he's hooked.
                  Glad youhad some pleasant time with your daughter & granddaughter. We have a cat here who hides when the grandkids come over. I don't understand cat behavior, ha ha! I am in tune with dogs, LOL
                  I don't care how hard it rains tomorrow - I will get to the polls & cast my ballot! I can't wait to see half of the Congress lose their jobs!!!!

                  PQ, sorry about your weather. Be careful out there, I'm sure you are. It's the other idiots on the roads that scare me.
                  It was nice to have a day out with the girls, lots of giggling of course.

                  Hello to Pauly & Cyn & Sam!

                  Have a nice night everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: w/c 4th

                    morning are we today then?all good Ihope..nice day today the guy coming to fix the cooker today...between 0930 and 1530..both the rabbits are out playing was bonfire night last night ,the smell of smoke lingers in the air ..managed to get the fencing done last night..looks a lot better ..ok lets have a brew shall we?

                    hiya Lav ,and welcome to Hogwarts !how are you today then?glad you had a decent nights the political circus starts today does it?best of luck with that the Harry Potter ...when we were in Florida,I went on the Hogwarts Express I think it was 9 times!!I think we are back there in 2020..oh amongst my trains I have the Hogwarts Express..starting to cut the garden back ready for winter ..have a lovely day.

                    hiya ppqp are you today then?all good I hope ...whats the weather like ?you be far are you from work?yep Julies walk was around the nick..maybe we should have started our own one..Julies dad worked in the nick,so does she so did I and her nephew does too ,and her other nephew does work for them and the police..hows work doing then ?

                    hiya Sk ,hope you are better today ,sounds like you didnt have abad day yesterday..we are in the process of getting a cleaning lady/man for Julies dads house ...its being a bit tricky ,but we will get there .the Harry potter books are good ...JK Rowling certainly did well out of that one..Glad you had a good time with Viv..

                    hiya everyone else ..I hope you all have a lovely day.

                    Rather than buying a new dog I'm thinking about getting a Meerkat. They're friendly, they're cute, they'll guard your house AND they'll give you 20% off your car insurance.


                    Single? Lonely?

                    In future just shave one leg and then when you turn over in bed it will feel like you have a man next to you

                    Just been sacked from my job on the synchronised fireworks display team. Apparently, I was bang out of order.

                    During my check-up I asked the Doctor, "Do you think I'll live a long and healthy life then?"

                    He replied, "I doubt it somehow. Mercury is in Uranus right now."

                    I said, "I don't go in for any of that astrology nonsense."

                    He replied, "Neither do I. My thermometer just broke."

                    Question 1:
                    If you knew a woman who was pregnant,
                    Who had 8 kids already,
                    Three who were deaf,
                    Two who were blind,
                    One mentally retarded,
                    And she had syphilis,
                    Would you recommend that she undergoes an abortion?

                    Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.

                    Question 2:

                    It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts..
                    Here are the facts about the three candidates.

                    Candidate A:
                    Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists.
                    He's had two mistresses.
                    He also chain smokes
                    And drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

                    Candidate B:
                    He was kicked out of office twice,
                    Sleeps until noon,
                    Used opium in college
                    And drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

                    Candidate C:
                    He is a decorated war hero,
                    He's a vegetarian,
                    Doesn't smoke,
                    Drinks an occasional beer
                    And never committed adultery.

                    Which of these candidates would be your choice?

                    Decide first ... No peeking, and then scroll down for the response.

                    Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
                    Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
                    Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

                    And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question:

                    If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.

                    My neighbour knocked on my door at 2am this morning and said, "Bob, I can't fcking sleep."

                    "Well it's your lucky day." I said, "I've got a party going on in here, come in."

                    Bought a can of fly spray from the supermarket today. ........ Sprayed it all over myself.

                    I still cant fecking fly.

                    A policeman knocked on my door yesterday.

                    "Where were you between 4 and 6?" He demanded.

                    "Fucking primary school!" I replied.

                    The instructions on my microwave meal say 'stir and recover'
                    How tiring do they think stirring actually is?
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: w/c 4th

                      Mae everybody,just wanna say bueno and wish everyone a happy BF Tuesday!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: w/c 4th

                        Hiya Pauly, hope all is well.

                        PPQ snow over ice just saying it makes me cringe, that was the reason for my accident. Be careful walking and driving.

                        Det, any improvement? I'll try to get to UPS this week.

                        Weather sunny 75 and t/storms tonight.

                        Lav, good day with g/daughter and dd, happy memories.

                        Worried about stock market. DD told me to get out out of it and into CD's. I didn't.

                        Sleep was non existent for me last night.

                        Oh, please let the democrats win Congress.
                        Last edited by SKendall; November 6, 2018, 12:16 PM.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Re: w/c 4th

                          Hello all -

                          So sorry to be away... long days working and driving to and fro to my clients and then taking the train nto NYC and back - all since Friday, over and over. I did have a nice time with HB on Sunday; we managed a walk in Chinatown and some dim sum, so that was good.

                          Good to see you Pauly! Thanks!

                          PPQ, so sorry about your weather - ice then snow is absolutely the worst... please take care out there.

                          SK, having groceries delivered really sounds like the way to go! Glad that DD has been behaving and that you are having good times with Viv -- lovely. Are you feeling any better? Did the heating pad work its magic?

                          Lav, I just read that this is a powerful new moon tonight, and there are all sorts of wild planetary things going on in these next few days - let's hope the Energies get this country back in a course of compassion and truth. It was a wicked morning here with cold and slashing rain, but I got out there and voted. This year HB had to send in an absentee ballot, but he got it all done.

                          Det - wow, good for you on the job offers! I also think that a support system is crucial - good luck with these decisions. Loved reading about your Halloween costume!

                          Mick, so glad that the sock-eating Bonnie turned out to be OK. What our pets put us through! You are a great pet-parent. So interesting about so many family members in prison work - that was good to hear - I have a terrible fear of prisons, so hearing about the walk there was good for me.

                          Hello to anyone dropping by... I am enjoying a client-free day today, but I still need to keep at some errands and house work - so I better get out there while the rain has abated a little. Wishing all a safe night (and a blue wave).


                            Re: w/c 4th

                            MAE ALL...

                            Lav...glad you were able to get out for some shopping and lunch. According to Tgirl, that something is in the sky. I know quite a few people affected by the moon, glad I'm not one of them. Snowed off and on again all day but temps were much warmer, which really didn't help the road conditions.

                   did the cooker get fixed? Did he show up before 15:30. I hate those time estimates. Good job on getting the fence finished. I'm only a couple of blocks from work on a well traveled road so my commute is pretty easy. Went to the grocery store over the lunch hour and almost slid into a truck that was parked on a hill. People do the damnedest things! Sounds like you could have done your own walk with that crew. Work is going ok, keeping busy with website and online program registration updates so my day goes by pretty quick. Off for my annual checkup tomorrow, the snow is supposed to stop tonight so we shall see.

                            Pauly...good to see you popping in, hope you had a good day.

                  's harder to walk in these conditions than drive. At least I'm not under any pressure to get anywhere quickly. Maybe you're also affected by the moon.

                   have been a busy lady. Glad you were able to have a client-free day and get some other chores done. I'm hoping for a blue wave as well.

                            Got to get the pork chops into the oven so must run. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: w/c 4th

                              Waving a BIG BLUE WAVE to all tonight!!!!

                              Cyn, there was a bigger voter turnout here by 10:30 this morning than I have ever seen! Wow, looks like people are finally getting the message
                              I'm going to flip thru the local stations & CNN tonight until I am satisfied that folks voted with compassion like you said.
                              Glad you had a nice day in the city - love dim sum! I hope you enjoyed the rets of your client free day!

                              Pauly, hello to you!

                              SK, please do not sell your stock - yet!
                              We are keeping in close touch with our financial guy & if/when he tells us it's time to dump it I'll let you know! I have developed pretty good faith in this young guy - knows his business.
                              We drove thru heavy rain to go vote this morning but that's OK. It's one of those days where mud is running off the farm fields right onto the roads. My chickens were running around in mud up to their knees, ha ha! My granddaughter had a visit with the eye doctor today for the first time. He said no glasses this year, maybe next. My daughter was the same age when she started wearing glasses so I know it's coming.

                              Mick, your family has been in policing business one way or the other for quite some time.
                              Have you ever been to Alcatraz prison? Now that's quite an interesting trip. I was totally creeped out on that tour, Lol
                              Too wet outside to do anything, hopefully the next few days will be dry.

                              I'm going to the allergist tomorrow to have the skin patches placed on my back to find out what I am allergic to, should be fun (not). Then I have to go back on Friday to have then patches removed & get results. I hope I don't scratch myself to death in that 48 hr period.

                              Greetings to Det, PQ & anyone dropping in later.

                              Wishing everyone a restful night!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

