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afternoon all ...just back from the local cenotaph ,absolutely pouring with rain ,got soaked through...I can dry,small price to pay are we all today then|? good I hope ...going to get something to eat ...starving!!!need to let the rabbits out I will be back later .af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: 11.11.18
Mae everybody,Lav,glad grandson is ok,he seemed pretty chipper in the picMick,I'm jealous of your rain,wish it did more of it here,much love to all and wishes for a super,sober Sunday for us all!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 11.11.18
MAE ALL... rain here, just the white stuff floating down. Just below freezing so not too bad as we've had worse temps for our Remembrance Day ceremonies.
Pauly...wishing you a Super Sober Sunday as well.
Off to mimic mick and get something to eat. Have a great day all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 11.11.18
X-post PQ,i want to go get food but waiting to see if LB wants to go,,she went to a wedding then reception last night and I'm not sure what time she got home so who knows if she's even willing to get up yet hahaI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 11.11.18
got back to the internet world, for now anyway, I swear keeping up with plans, data usage blah blah, what's a poor boy to do?
well was a kinda bumpy week for me, last Sunday got knocked backwards and landed on my back and hit my head on the ground by crazy big steer, then Wednesday slipped on our wet steps going down to the porch and hit my lower back / ass and shoulders. Sitting is ok but lying down seems to be the best. Today is much better, going try cutting a little firewood.
need to catch up with what everyone's been up to.
be well friendsLiberated 5/11/2013
Re: 11.11.18
Oh Same,hope you're ok that sounds awful!I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 11.11.18
Good evening Abbers,
First - I feel the need to apologize to the people of France & to essentially everyone in the world for the antics of our POS President this weekend. He's such a horror, an embarrassment & is as dumb as a damn rock
With that said -
Hello to Mick, I hope the rest of your day went well & thank you for supporting the veterans today & always. You weren't afraid to go out in the rain like our POTUS was.
Pauly, did your daughter finally get up & out today? Ha ha!
PQ, sorry about the sn*w...…
We are expecting rain Tuesday but it's been raining in the western end of our state for a few days so who knows?
Sam, glad to see you back. Sorry about your rough week. It sounds like one of my typical weeks, ha ha!
My chickens are producing at about 50% right now, not bad considering the short days.
SK, hope you had a chance to visit with your favorite little friend today
We had a hard frost last night that killed off my big planting of nasturtiums & some were still in bloom, believe it or not. I pulled down the climbing scarlet runner bean vines I had growing up the chicken yard fence. I found an 11" bean pod hiding in the leaves, crazy!
Cyn, feeling frosty up your way too I imagine.
There's so many things that I did not tend to outside over the past few months, feel bad about it now. My allergy symptoms had me scared to do any outside work. So, I did a little today & hope I didn't contact anything nasty.
Quieter here today with no kids.
Nice not to hear myself repeating 'BOYS, SEPARATE, NOW', ha ha!!! They constantly have their hands, feet or legs on one another in a continuous battle.
Pauly, did you hear that???? That will be your grandsons in another year or so, LOL
Det, how are you today? Better I hope.
Everyone have a good night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 11.11.18
morning all and how are we today then? start of another week...raining most of the night ,but sunny now so the peskies are out playing..that is when Bonnie decides to come out of the television cabinet..ok,so letsstart with a brew...
hiyaSam ,,its great to see you ,congratulations on taking up my American position as the accident prone guy!..hope you are feeling better though mate.apart from that ,how are you doing?you been gigging recently?
Pauly want rain? we have got more than enuff!...howare you today then? hope asll is going well ...did you get the story on the wedding?you have a good day.
hiya Det ..weeeeeeeeelll mate how goes it today then?you feeling any better ? I hope so did well matey ,which shows you can do it ...address the issues ,and job done ..are you still getting advice from the centre you were at? rain ..just white stuff???Its rainin ice cream ??? sounds good to me are you doing?Yes I noticed that there were quite a few remembrances going on for and in Canada yesterday ..The Field of Crosses and Central friend was there...he is an ex tankie too. So what has the week in store for you today then|?you still got the circus at your place? the boss and the co-ordinator?best ov luck!
hiya Lav ,how are you today then? hope all is well with you..yes pretty insensitive remarks and actions made by 45..I think most of the world know he is a albeit a dangerous one..thats some size of a bean..Jack and the beanstalk eh?so your chicks are only producing eg? (50% of eggs)Im just watching the news know you look at it ...and they keep going on ...heres the fake news...another world wide Trump legacy ...fake it not called lies or b/s?oh well...hope you have a good day ..
hiya SK ...hope you are well ...did you have a decent weekend
hiya tree you ok?
right peeps to get my porridge ..take care all
I'm so lucky to have you," I said, "You support me, take my crap and let me hug you when I'm drunk."
I love my toilet.
I don't think I'm strong enough anymore for my job as a personal trainer
So I guess I'll hand in my too weak notice
Trump blames Californian fires on trees catching fire.
So Trump pulls out of a an Armistice tribute due to bad weather.
Its 'lest we forget' Donald! not, 'best not get wet.'
Replacing words with the names of musical instruments in a sentence often goes undetected accordion to a recent survey.
My wife has been sacked from her job in recycling.
I can't believe she has gone and thrown it all away.
Trump has just announced "Under my administration, the year is 2018. . That's the highest it's ever been in history!"af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 11.11.18
Mae everybody,Mick,that avatar is throwing me off,need a bunny onejeez,I didn't watch the news all weekend what did he say/do now? Gotta google,,drama at work as she has to fire the new girl,,just problems with her being bossy,going to the small casino I used to favor throughout the day,falling asleep yesterday on the job,meh,I think she has either a drink problem or some kind of pill problem,she's so goddam spacey! So now we'll be on the hunt for a new girl,it's actually really hard to find people,much love to all and have a great BF Monday!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 11.11.18
morning all,
my ass is set on "re-sit". actually getting better, woke up with less pain in the you know where. Mick, been playing here and there with 3 different groups of folks. Played a square dance a couple weeks ago with a really good fiddler. His wife was the caller.
Pauly, hope you co-worker scene works out.
meeting with client here soon so must dash.
later.......Liberated 5/11/2013
Re: 11.11.18
Hello all -
Crazy busy weekend, as HB was able to come home for the first time in 7 weeks, so he helped me clear the heavy stuff out of the basement, and then we purged some other rooms and I cleaned shelves, etc. exhausting! I put him on the train to the city this morning, and I think he will be glad to get back there, away from all the house work!
Lav, glad you had a quieter weekend. Completely agree about POTUS... tired of apologizing for someone I didn't support for the job. Pauly, sorry for more work drama - hope it all turns out OK. Mick, love the poppies avatar, thanks for that, and thanks for your service to your country. Sam, I hope you continue to heal - those injuries sound painful. SK, hope you are well. PPQP, we joined you with some snow here yesterday - quite a surprise since it had not been predicted, but it didn't last too long. Bitter cold though! Det, sending you healing and good vibes, lots of light.
I will read back now to see what I missed in the end of last week. Wishing all well for the beginning of this week...
Re: 11.11.18
MAE ALL...seemed to be an extremely long day and I came home with a headache.'s unbelievable what numb nuts comes up with! Glad you were able to have a quiet Sunday. You're getting rain and we're getting a heatwave. At least 57F will feel like one. Bonnie has found a new safe place. Bet Jeeves is happy. LOL I love the Field of Crosses along Memorial Drive. They get a constant crowd going through. Boss took the day off today and pro-coord is taking the week off! YAY! Going to need to take some time off on Thursday as that's when I'm scheduled for the fireplace inspection. What a shame. NOT!
Pauly...firing people is tough but it sure sounds like it's the right thing to do in this case. Childcare hired someone who said they could work 5 days a week. She worked Tue then phoned in sick Wed, then announced she needs to leave early on Thursdays as she's taking a course and if she worked today would she get time and 1/2. They let her go. LOL Hope you had a good day.
Sam...glad to hear the pain is easing somewhat. You take it easy getting back into things. HB was glad to come home. LOL Not quite sure where you are, do you get much snow?
Det...hope everything is still heading in a positive direction.
Supper is going to be Clam Chowder Soup and then it's early to bed. Hope we all have a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP
Re: 11.11.18
Good evening Abbers,
Chilly, glad for the fireplace tonight
Made a trip back to the allergist today & now have a 4th item (chemical) added to my allergy list. It's the stuff used as a preservative in soaps, shampoos, & basically all liquid things we use on ourselves & around our homes. I certainly can & will continue to read labels on products but it's not going to be possible to eliminate these things entirely. What can I do but the best I can do?
Mick, we are all so paranoid here waking up each morning & wondering what stupid or dangerous sh*t 45 did overnight. I hope the end of him comes sooner rather than later
Sam, we are all happy to hear your ass is feeling better, ha ha!!!! Really, we are all friends here & care deeply about one another
Are yo expecting a rain, sleet, snow mix on Thursday as well?
Pauly, so who hired the drama instigator? I can remember three different times someone showing up for work in some sort of altered state, ugh. They were promptly sent home by me & later fired by the bigger boss. There was no way I was going to allow them anywhere near patients I was in charge of keeping safe & alive, geez!
Cyn, so you had snow when I had rain?? Lucky you, haha!
Glad you got caught up with some things at home this weekend.
SK, how's the weather out your way? I'll bet it's not 40 degrees & raining like it is here.
PQ, how much snow have you gotten? I hope it's not too bad.
Det, how are you doing today?
One small thing got my attention today - my DIL, out of no where posted that she now has alcohol out of her life for 50 days. I didn't know it was an issue for her so I'm confused!!!
Well, I guess this is a good thing then??
Anyway, have a nice night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 11.11.18
Good evening ABers of the fine places here and there,
yes, healing well and keeping the front end to the front. Applying for jobs, got my ch7 papers printed so going through them tomorrow.
Helped do a bunch of painting today so feeling that. So nice to be eating again...yeesh.
Mick, yes in contact with the rehab center and going way way beyond in my own research which is fascinating. Giving myself a crash course
in neuroscience which is a trip to say the least. check out the work by Prof Marc Lewis sometime if you get bored. Also a self-help book on a new
offshoot of CBT I just got today.
Sam, you walking ok? yowch
certainly exhausted here. getting Chinese takeout which is odd for me
cheers to the gang, Lav Pauly Treecritter, SK? PPQ and....?
be well lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)