afternoon all ...running about likea nut this morning of Julies nephews sons birthdays imprormtu party was required ...unfortunately longingly as I wouldhave lovedcto have gone ,Ihad to go and get a tyre (or so I thought) changed ...Ive got more hair rthan its got tread..turns out 2 reqd changing a mere £150 pounds.....its sunny here but very blowly and hazy ..we are obviously getting the remnants of someones sand storm..
Det that was a cracking picture ..well done you...what are you doing this weekend?any plans ...
hiya are you doing today then? good I hope inspections this weekend?

hiya Lav...yep seems like there is a superman strains in bugs nowadays...I think re my brother is part of the problem ..he doesnt do anything he is told ...worse than was funny lecturing him the other day ..pot kettle and black..was thinking of getting a few thomas engines to put away..have a nice day.
hiya pauly doing ok today then?hope all is well with you ..have a great weekend.
hiya tree goil are you doing?:hope all is well with you..
yoohoo..SK how are all things with you ?hope all is well ...its lovely out there ..pretty blowey out there too..
just going to let the peskies out ..Im detecting tomorrow..
I bought a book about the dangers of deforestation. The first page says, “You’re not helping!”
A mean looking gunslinger ties his horse up outside the saloon.
"Whiskey" he says to the barman.
The barman serves him a whiskey and the gunslinger walks out only to find his horse has been stolen. He walks back into the saloon and orders another whiskey.
Sipping it, he announces to the crowd, "I'm going back outside now and if my horse hasn;t been returned the same thing is going to happen in this town as happened in Tombestone last week."
He finishes his drink and goes back outside to find his horse tied up where he left it.
He gets on his horse and an old timer sitting on the the stoop say's "Exactly what DID happen in Tombestone last week?"
The gunslinger gives him a dirty look and says, "I had to walk home."
Why is it that the loudest snorer is usually the first to fall asleep?
I've just killed my best friend, I didn't mean to...
All I did was give him a spoon full of sugar after his insulin...
...That Mary Poppins is full of fckin sh.t!
I met my new girlfriend at a fancy dress party where coincidentally and bizarrely, we were both dressed as dolphins. We just clicked.
Whilst waiting to turn at a junction I said to the wife "Is it clear on your side?"
She replied "No it's pssing down"
I started my new job as a clown today,and found my feet immediately.Not surprising really,they're bright red and absolutely enormous.
I hate it when I don't forward a chain message and then my entire life ends up becoming a country song.
In the news: scientists redefine the kilogram after 129 years
My dealer has been doing that for years
And redefining baking powder and rat poison as 'Cocaine'
Immigration:."what is your purpose for visiting Hungary?"
Me: [holding huge bag of marbles]
..."to see the Hippos!"
I walked into a bookshop and said to the girl behind the counter "I'm looking for a book by Shakespeare."
"Which one?" She replied.
Breaking news, midget holds seance for charity and runs off with the takings.
Small medium at large.
Talk about coincidence - BBC NEWS: Three Cliff Walkers have fallen to their death on an expedition....
Can't believe they all had the same name....
Jokes about sugar are rare.
Jokes about brown sugar - Demerara.
I couldn't believe it today when my son came home with two armchairs and a settee.
I've told him a million times, never accept suites from strangers.
I've been diagnosed with a chronic fear of giants.
I couldn't undo the buttons on my jumper, so i tried pulling it over my head but got it stuck.
I'm in A&E now waiting to see a cardyologist.
Mail online: "world's oldest paperboy dies at 92."
94 are wondering where their Evening Telegraph's got to.