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    hi all...just noticed there was no fred fpor today so here we go..I aint stopped snottering or sneezin ...get that for a pic !!all day it went to my chest so Im coughin like Im on about 60 raspers a day..couldnt sleep last night ,so came downstairs ...nodded off about 4 am this morning so its an early night for me.hope everyone else is doing ok ..will do a better fred tomorrow ,

    99 percent of politicians give the rest a bad name

    A Scotsman and his wife walked past a swanky new restaurant in town!
    "Did you smell that food?" she asked.."it smells absolutely incredible!"
    Being a kindhearted fella, he thought "what the hell..I'll treat her"
    So he walked her past it again!!

    I've just bought a bottle of head lice treatment but there's no instructions on how to use it.

    It's left me scratching my head if I'm honest.

    When I joined school, I was given an ebook reader instead of books.

    I went to kindlegarten.

    My nine year old son asked, "Dad, how many planets were there when you were at school?"

    "I don't remember exactly," I replied, "but it was certainly greater than the number of genders back then."

    Does anybody know anything about washing machines, mines going round but it won't pump any water out?
    And another thing, I can't find my Hamster

    My blonde girlfriend was solving the crossword in today’s newspaper.

    She asked, “ What’s this.. A beverage, 3 letters and begins with T ?”

    I said, “Tea?”

    “Yes the first letter is T what are the other ones ?”

    Only In Canada - Canadian Trains Are Unstoppable | Facebook
    Last edited by Mick; December 16, 2018, 11:10 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 16/12

    MAE ALL...

    Mick..thanks for starting the thread for us. You really do have the man flu! Hope you're feeling better soon. It was a quiet day here. I did manage to get my hair cut though. Stir fry chicken tonight, easy peazy.

    Shout out to the gang....:smile:PPQP


      Re: 16/12

      Good evening Abbers,

      Rained hard today - about 2". The mud will be serious after this mess!
      The temp is sitting at 38 degrees now so the fire feels nice.
      The grandsons & their parents stopped by with food just in time for dinner
      Saw a message from SK on FB today, said she is being discharged tomorrow so she'll be home for Christmas.

      Mick, sounds like we need to put you in ICU with that manful, haha! I really do hope you feel better very soon.
      YB finally dragged the tree inside today, looks nice. This week I need to focus on some cookie baking & gift wrapping.

      PQ, I hope we both remain snowless for the holiday, just easier that way. Long range forecast has us 'snow free' until the end of the month, woo hoo

      Det, so glad you enjoyed your skiing expedition. You are braver than me, ha ha!!!
      I have been hawking pillows everywhere I go, even on my FB page. I have no shame, ha ha!!!

      Pauly, I saw your pics from the mall. How did it go??
      Pauly, I quit the Relizen many months ago when I didn't know what was causing my contact dermatitis. I am actually fine without it now that it's at or near freezing here. It's the spring & summer months that are especially bad for me in terms of hot flashes.

      SK, will wait to hear from you, hope everything goes OK.

      Hello to Cyn & Sam & Pie!

      Have a nice night everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 16/12

        Honey, I'm home!

        Yess, and I'm in 2 boots which will kill me b/c velcro from each of the boots keep sticking, together so will have to do some trimming. Misty very p.o.'d with me and just
        kept moaning and meowing loudy. Hemi is a lot more forgiving. DD was supposd to pick me up at 5:30 so she arrived at 4:30 and was p.o.'d too. If I was expecting her to b happy for me she wasn't. They served dnner at 5:00 so I missed it.

        She was supposed to have gotten some canned cat food for cats, but didn't. I found a can of Peggy's food and gave thm that and they were literally growling as they gobbled it up. DD left saying she would be very busy this week. Disappointed for many reasons. She has permanent PMS.

        Anyway cats were playing while I was away and broke bedroom lamps. Little boogers.

        One thing I will miss is breakfast in bed, I ate so much I would have been as big as a house if I had stayed longer. My own bed, my own sheets, Hermi on my chest, bliss.

        See you in the a.m.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Re: 16/12

          hiya all...early night slept like a top..however they sleep ..I sealed the edge of the kitchen worktops that is them done now for defo..4 sleeps then on to the silver bird .Im at the the back man this morning ,dare I say it ..ithasnt been in the slightest bit sore ...this is just preventative tho how he will take to me spluttering and sneezing all over the place remains to be seen ..then tomorrow take all my trains to the shop get them chipped up and sound cards put in..and get a date when the guy is going to do the wiring for me,Just listening to the planes coming in overhead ,for some reason at this time of the morning its the long haul americans coming in ..Orlando ,NYC,Atlanta..isnt that sad..I can tell when they are coming in ..!when we go toSri Lanka ,we fly Emirate airlines into Dubai and change...without doubt ,Emirates is the best airline I have ever flown..Anyway Im wofflin now ..hope we are all well.

          hiya SK ...hows you then? apart from the cats not being impressed and everyone else not being either ...are you ok?thats what all ready for chrimbo?

          Hiya Lav,hows you ? hope you are ok you Ive been doing a bit of wheelin n dealin .I had a pottery ginger beer bottle ,dont know if you had them over there ,they were the carriers before glass..anyway I had a green print one from Glasgow..sold it for 110 bux !!theres a market for anything was icy yesterday..-2 better not snow for me on chrimbo day!

          hi ppqp...eazy peazy lemon squeezy what a childhood memory bringer back that is!quiet night? is this week mad for yuo or a wind down at work?hope it goes you do secret santa stuff at work? just thinking thats all could get the boss a map..of where his office is ..he struggles to find it ...also a torch for your co-ord ..for those not so bright moments she has.. have a good one .

          hi pauly you ok ?just saw you on the old fred.

          big shout to all ov the others ...

          and finally

          TOP 10 BEST CHRISTMAS COMMERCIALS OF 2018! - YouTube
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: 16/12

            Hello all ---

            I just read back, to catch up, and I see the post I thought I had made about being away for a week did not get posted... operator error! The day after I got back from Long Island we packed up for a week in Cuba. HB had a business thingy in Havana, and his daughter and I tagged along. We have friends from his profession that live in Havana, and they hosted us, though we stayed in strange (interesting) private housing. Much more about that later.

            Internet access was extremely limited and costly, and not much phone connectivity, so of course I am on a tear now to catch up and get my move client ready for his post-January 1st move, and everything else...

            Mick, so sorry you have had the flu, hope you are better; PPQ and Pauly, I love to roast the salmon with Chinese chili sauce- yum, give it a try; Det, I look forward to seeing the pics, Lav, is it too late to order an Xmas pocket pillow?; Pi, congrats on the closing, and you'll have to tell me about the dogs - do you pet sit or foster, or what?; SK, welcome home - SO glad your healing is coming along... poor kitties did miss you - sorry about DD, maybe it's just that it's not all about her? Lol. Hello to musical Sam.

            Thanks all for the greetings and keeping my place warm. More soon, must get going now.


              Re: 16/12

              welcome back tree.
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: 16/12

                Mae everybody,i did post yesterday just in the wrong place Mick,I've seen commercials for the Emirates airline,,,very nice! Now that's a way to fly,welcome back Cyn and SK Lav,your work is beautiful,I love the pillows,woke up latish so off to dry this dang hair,waves to all and have a great BF Monday!
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: 16/12

                  hello, everyone. I had a amazing day I awoke in horrible pain (bear with me) and got up at 5:00 a.m. to feed the cats They stuck to me like velcro, I got upto use the rest room and they were clinging to my robe. I needed to get my rx filled so I did shopping while waiting. I knew I had $1700 cash in my investment cash acct. but my card was declined and my regular bank card was at home. I didn't realize the cash acct. was tied to the dow jones, and we all know what happened this week. I asked the cashier to suspend my shopping o I could sort something out. I had my Cdn chqeues at home and my bank allows use of foreign funds immediatey, I had to leave the groceries to drive to bank. Then the lady behind me told me she would pay for my groceries! I think it she said it was her church. I was so grateful and surprised, such kindness from a stranger. I had bought new ankle and knee braces so the bill was $156.00.

                  I must have looked pathetic limping in those boots. I turned around to thank her again but she was gone.

                  I thought there migh be just enough in there for my rx so went to get that rx and hospital messed up the rx.
                  They had made 2 rx for T-5's and an rx for vits, folic acid and vit d - all of which I had at home and it's $8 for each dispensing fee. I had 23$ in the acct and rx was 28. I came home for Cdn checks, opened my bureau
                  and a $50.00 bill floated out which I didn't know I had! And that's how it can be in TX:heartbeat:

                  Andrea was in line at Starbucks, not just for a latte, but beans as well. She pulled up to the window and the cashier told her the gentleman in front had paid for her order.:heartbeat:

                  The boots I was given just aren't working, they are heavy,ill-fitting, so I hope the new ones work better.

                  It's hard to type on a laptop with Hermi on my lap Misty scrunched in my elbow space. See you later
                  Last edited by SKendall; December 17, 2018, 06:22 PM.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Re: 16/12

                    MAE ALL...

           you're still spluttering and sneezing, get that chicken soup into you. I'm better seem to be ok in the morning then start to fade fast in the afternoon. Right now my eyes are burning! How did it go at the back man? Oooh trains in to the shop for upgrades. You'll have new toys when you get back from holidays. Never flown on Emirate but I've seen the planes. It's basically a wind down week and no we don't do secret santa, but I do like your suggestions! LOL

                    TG...glad you're back safe and sound. Was wondering where you were, figured you were having private time with HB. LOL Interesting choice the Chinese chili sauce, is it really spicy?

                    Pi...did I miss a post? Did the real estate close? Bet you're having a blast with the Ghounds.

                    Pauly...I did see your post, figured you just didn't want to start the new thread. LOL Hope you had a good day.

                    SK...what a day you had! It's great to hear about the kindness of strangers...and found money to boot You take it easy getting back into the swing of things.

                    Lav...we're supposed to be snow free as well except there's winter storm warnings just west of us. Thank god for the mountains as all the snow stays on that side and we get warm chinook winds.

                    Det...have you recovered from your ski trip yet?

                    Sam...been thinking of you.

                    Off to start dinner, have a nice night everyone....:smile:PPQP


                      Re: 16/12

                      Unhung Monday Greetings ABerooooskies!

                      SK is home! and sounding pretty chipper consider all you've experienced... goodness. very good to hear

                      Mick, yer sounding a tad better than yesterday at least, that's good. Glad your ear radar is working too.

                      PPQ, was still just getting 'proper sore' from skiing and then yesterday helped my Uncle re-tile the entire kitchen. wow.
                      lots of back exercise that's for sure. Doing surprisingly well all considered. Tougher than I look it seems.

                      job interview phone call tomorrow so fingers crossed.

                      Tree, quite an adventure you've had, cool. and yes i want to know about this unusual housing setup!

                      pic i snapped. The kid in front with the devious look on his face like he just caused the wipeout behind him
                      Shared album - Xring007 - Google Photos

                      that's it for today I spose...

                      be well loves
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Re: 16/12

                        Good evening Abbers,

                        Not much going on with me, just busy, busy.

                        Mick, can't believe you are about to go away again - have fun

                        Cyn, I can get a pillow out to you anytime. Just let me know what you want.
                        Glad you are back but it sounds like you had a real adventure!

                        Hey Pauly, hope your day was good!

                        SK, sounds like you had an adventurous day yourself!
                        Walking with two boots has to be a giant pain. I had a hard time with one a few years ago
                        I hope the kitties settle down soon, they missed you. Your daughter needs to cheer up, I'll keep my fingers crossed for that.
                        Glad you found an angel in the store today to give you a hand, that was nice.

                        PQ, I have no mountains near me so we are subject to anything that blows in from the west, ha ha!
                        I hope we have snow free holidays - just makes things easier

                        Hello to Pie & Sam.

                        Hey Det - great pic!!!!

                        Hope everyone has a nice night!

                        Last edited by Lavande; December 17, 2018, 10:24 PM.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: 16/12

                          morning all are we today then? good I hope ..I aint spluttering s much as I thats good .we have another storm getting up ..its starting to blow now just been out and took a vid ..Jeeves is sitting in the hutch on the shelf pretty smug all covered up ..supposed to take trains down today ..tomorrow now.ok brew time

                          hiya sk are you? did you getthe finances sorted out?hope so are you feeling ? any improvement on the boots? yes there are still some nice folk in the world despite all the sh.t there is too ..

                          Hiya ppqp ,hows you then ..? good I hope ..Ive flown emirates twice before ...not in the posh seats but there normal class is similar to 1st on any other line ..its the only airline I have been on that I quit eating!!! hows the weather your way?I bought some carriages last night for the locos ..another real bargain!take care

                          hiya pauly hows you? look at this for a flight! bit smart .... hope you are ok

                          EMIRATES NEW 2018 FIRST CLASS - IT'S A 5* HOTEL!!! - YouTube

                          hiya Lav ..yup thats me away again!!I want to see and does as much as I can before its endex! weve booked Sri Lanka for March...

                          Sri Lankan Adventure | Tours in Sri Lanka | Saga this is so that Julie can go to the elephant orphanage!..ok and me on the train! the rain here has turned to that kid on snow stuff ..oops ..oh well have a nice day..

                          hiya det ..I think you are right ..thats some grin on that kids face!! best of luck with the interview my friend ..

                          hiya tree how are you doing ? ok I hope .

                          pie ..hows the greyhounds doing?

                          right peeps orf we go ...chicken soup time !

                          I just heard my 5 year old say “Why doesn’t Theresa May just resign, with over a third of her party expressing a vote of no confidence in her leadership she is on treacherously thin ice. Can I go play now?”
                          I replied “Keep reading the script you little shit, I’ve got to quote you on Facebook for likes”.

                          My next door neighbour was kicking crap out of his car,

                          "Stupid fcking Brexit deal, stupid fcking Brexit deal, " he kept on saying.

                          "No need to damage your car mate over politics, mate, " I said.

                          "This piece of sht is just like the Brexit deal, " he went on, "it's a fcking non starter. "

                          I've been on an Incontinent men for Brexit, Yellow Vest march.

                          You couldn't see our vests. It's just that we tuck them into our pants.

                          I felt like I was on The Voice today!
                          I farted on the bus and four people turned around!

                          I forked out two grand for a trip on the Orient Express for me and my wife Val. I know the railways are in a state these days, but we didn't expect to travel to Venice on a replacement bus service.

                          A judge is to decide whether Veganism should be a recognisable spiritual belief system.

                          Blessed are the Leek.

                          Two buckets of sick are walking down the road, when outside a pub one of them starts crying.
                          "What's wrong?" Says the other.
                          "Just happy memories. I was brought up around here."

                          Appalled to read about 5-year old "Abcde Redford" being laughed at by Southwest Airlines staff due to her unusual name.

                          I'll think twice about flying Southwest with my three kids Dafuq, Stfu and Ffs

                          A Swedish woman, two Swedish men, and another Swedish woman walk into ABBA.
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: 16/12

                            morning all,
                            couple of dry days then more rain coming in this Fursday. got the xmas thing going... annual clean up whether it needs it or not, but I think it needs it. We've become a house of mold because of all the rain we've had. Pretty funky. It's the cleaning up processes that makes you realize I got too much shit, which leads me to thinking this is the time of year where everybody gets more "things". So if anyone here wants to get me a new motorcycle, let me know, ok???

                            hope everyone is well,
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              Re: 16/12

                              Hello all -

                              Surpringly (or not) I am on a train to nyc at the moment... HB left early this morning to drive into the city to have his car serviced and then go for an endoscopy! Since the workers are still at our house, I stayed home as long as I could to be with the boy dog... poor pup, what a revolving door for him, and it’s not over yet... quick post-Xmas trip coming up to see family. Anyway, today I will have to be brave and drive us home from the endoscopy... More nyc fun! Eeek.

                              SK, thanks for that heartening story about the generous strangers - how wonderful. So sorry about the $$ issues, and the RX, and the boots — I hope that all works out. Lav, I think I will order book pillows for my grand-nieces and nephews birthdays - no more Xmas work for you! PPQ, we drove home from JFK in driving rain that turned to snow... now it looks more like Xmas. Sam, good luck w/the mold — been there! Det, crossing fingers for a good interview. Pi, enjoy the greyhounds. Pauly,ha, I love thinking of you posting with your beautiful hair dipping wet! Mick, hope you feel better today. Hello to anyone that I missed... wishing all a great day.

