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    Re: 16/12

    MAE ALL...

    Det...I guess one way to not sit around and ache is to tile the kitchen. LOL Great picture! Are you adding to your etsy store? How did the job interview go?

    Lav...we're not supposed to get snow till after Christmas, hope the forecasters are right. Can we put in special requests for the pillows? With 2-1 year olds and 1-6 month old I'd like something with their names and birth dates.

    Mick...I can't believe you're getting another storm. Glad you're starting to feel better, I on the other hand woke up to a return of sore/watery eyes, headache, sneezing and coughing. Also managed to have an ache body. It almost feels like my arthritis is acting up which isn't surprising as my immune system is probably pretty low. I can deal with the cold it the lack of energy/appetite that's getting to me. Carriages to add to the trains! Looking forward to seeing everything in action soon. Weather is still above normal with no snow, it's making this pre-Christmas running around so much easier. Is it Thursday you head out?

    Sam...glad you check in and that all's ok. My 2 week break at Christmas will see me sorting and cleaning, I too can see mold is places I need to deal with. Motorcycle is in the mail. surprise here. LOL Hope HB's endoscopy goes fine, I've had one of those and won't relate what they found. You are a brave woman, what is the major road you drive from NYC to home? I'd like to check it out on google satellite maps and see what you have to deal with. Driving rain can be really scary to drive in. Was it easier with the snow or did it turn into a blizzard? Do you have far to go for the post-Xmas trip?

    Pauly...are you almost ready for Christmas? It's great to have little ones around, to me Christmas is for kids!

    Time to heat up yet some more chicken noodle soup. Have a refreshing sleep everyone...:smile:PPQP


      Re: 16/12

      Sup in the hood ABerooooos!

      Mick, glad you're healing up pardner. got to be well for adventures to come that's for sure. And you are first to call if a band of train-robbers attacks.
      (remember the old westerns) ? good stuff.

      Sam, your turn for mold.. oh joy. sorry, fresh out of motorcycles here.

      Tree, good thing HB has you on his team with all that craziness

      interview went super well happy to report! not counting eggs until they are an omelette though.

      got a new saddle on my mountainbike so I'd say tomorrow is good for a test flight.

      in very good news I got my first photoprinted throw pillow sample and it's just adorable:

      Shared album - Xring007 - Google Photos

      so next I need to add it to my Etsy store and do more of them. I took the photo near Washoe Lake state park last year.

      off to tidy up a bit

      be well loves
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Re: 16/12

        Det...I remember that pic, you're right the throw pillow is adorable. Glad the interview went well.


          Re: 16/12

          Greetings Abbers,

          Mick, I am pretty sure hell will freeze over before you see me flying a B777, ha ha!!! That is one humongous plane, wow!
          I will have to depend on your pictures to see some of these places

          Det, love the pillow
          I just ordered canvas prints of Bun bun & wild horses & one of my Swiss mountain dog. I want to hang them together, should be cute.
          Glad your interview went well & hope you continue to pursue your photography skills.

          Sam, I think we very well may reach 60" of rain before the end of the year, geez. Sorry you have mold issues, that sucks. But it's a good excuse to start thinning out your collection of 'stuff'. My husband rode a big ass Harley back in the late 70's for the police department. He enjoyed it but it caused him some back problems. No motorcycles here anymore.

          Cyn, I hope everything went OK for your husband. I imagine you drive on I 95 quite a bit? I just can't handle that road anymore, I'm chicken.
          I'll be happy to do pillows anytime for you for birthdays or whatever. All you need to do is give me an idea of what the recipient is interested in - sports, hobbies, music, animals, etc. & I'll come up with some ideas

          PQ, we are now being warned of heavy rain Thursday night into Friday - 1-3" & we're right in the flood zone for that system - isn't that swell???
          This has been one crazy weather year, that's for sure.
          I'll be happy to send you some pillow ideas on Messenger too. I either have or can find designs for just about everyone.

          SK, hope you had a better day today!

          Pauly, what's up with you?

          Hello to Pie!

          Well, I wake up a year older tomorrow, moan & groan, ha ha! But I guess it's better than the alternative.
          I made a chicken pot pie today & took it to our old friend. We sat & talked while it baked in her oven. I feel bad for her, married for 66 years & now suddenly all alone. Her daughter died back in May & now her son is the only one left. He lives the same 45 minute distance away (in a different direction) that we do. I hope the son can talk her into moving into assisted care somewhere. At least she would have someone to talk to every day. Isolation at the age of 86 is not a good thing.

          Have a nice night everyone.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 16/12

            Hi all.

            PPQ, try tumeric for the artritis, I have certainly experienced an improvement.

            Det, they are beautiful.

            This is part of a looong post which I can't seem to restore. Will try to recover.
            Last edited by SKendall; December 18, 2018, 10:15 PM. Reason: auto restore
            Enlightened by MWO


              Re: 16/12

              auto saved where are you?
              Enlightened by MWO


                Re: 16/12

                I did have a good day despite nurse caling to see if I'd taken a crap.

                8 pkgs were waiting for me when I got home. It would seem I'm a very prolific shopper on Percocet. Sheets I didn't need (2 sets) an ugly watch and other ugly items. Ugh!

                $$ okay, DD forgot to bring me a check to endorse and deposit. That percocet is mighty powerful, and if I had stayed on it I
                imagine I would have bought swamp land in Florida and a holidayy home in Kabul, Iraq.

                I have an early dr' appt. so goodnight.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Re: 16/12

                  Lav, we had 130" rain in WA state - too close to the Hoh rain forest, but better fishing for husband:sad: We had more rainfall than anywhere in the contiguous United States. That's why Twilight was filmed there gloomy and dark and the author had googled those words and up came Forks, WA. Hated it.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Re: 16/12

                    Happy Birthday Lav!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: 16/12

                      happy birfday lav.....another 21st?all the very best ...make sure yb takes you out to bubba shrimps (or whatever it is) for a good meal...

                      thats some nurse youve got sk ...calls to see if youve had a pony and trap?? ha ha what was she going to do if you had said no???Id bin the shopping on percocet ....go for president instead !!

                      just taken my engines down to the shop ..pick them up on 7th jan ..

                      hiya pauly are you today then?hope you are well ..

                      hiya ppqp ....hws canadia today then? more to the point hows you ?winding down ...make sure your boss does too ....ha ha

                      hi sam pie and all da rest of the gang .....

                      You can blame The Addams Family for all this gender neutral old bllocks, They started it all with "Thing" and "Cousin IT"

                      An Englishman moves to the highlands. One night he hears a knock at the door. A giant highlander is stood outside and he says “Englishman, I want to invite you to a Ceilidh” the Englishman says “what’s one of those?” The Scotsman goes “well there’ll be lots of drinking, eating, dancing and maybe a bit of sex at the end” the Englishman asks “who’s all going then?” He says “just me and you..”

                      The government has put thousands of troops on standby in case of a no deal Brexit.

                      Ready to stop EU countries from making bonfires of British money, after we've paid for their goods.

                      A bloke died and went to hell.
                      The devil says to him:
                      - Here are three doors. Behind one of these doors you will spend the rest of eternity. I'll show you what is behind each door and you can choose where you wanna go.
                      So, the devil opens the first door and the bloke sees people being boiled in tar, screaming and begging for mercy. The bloke says:
                      - No, I don't wanna go in there!!!
                      The devil opens the second door and the bloke sees people in flames screaming and begging for mercy. The bloke says:
                      - No, I don't wanna go in there!!!
                      The devil says "Fine" and opens the third door. Behind this door there is a man chained to the wall and a kneeling in front of him blondie giving him head. The bloke says:
                      - YES! YES! I WANNA GO THERE!!!!
                      The devil says:
                      - Fine! You have made your choice. Hey Blondie, you're off! He's taking over!

                      On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a bottle of malt whisky …
                      On the fourth day of Christmas my true love said to me ….. "where the fck have you been for the last 3 days" .

                      "Did you know that a single bite of a black widow spider is strong enough to kill you?" asked my friend.

                      "Never mind," I replied, "Who would be stupid enough to bite a spider?
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 16/12

                        Happy Birthday Lav!!!

                        Good morning to all. I survived the drive, and HB was feeling so chipper after the endo that he drove part way home. That was to save my sanity -- he's a terrible passenger!

                        PPQ, sorry that you are not feeling well - good thing you are going for the chicken soup -- I hope you feel better soon. SK, you completely crack me up, shopping on Percocet! I hope that you are feeling better each day. Pauly, how are all the Christmas plans coming? Det, congrats on the good interview - keeping fingers crossed here. Your etsy shop is great! Ps, the festival where I work in the summer is in Washoe county. Mick, happy packing - you deserve lots of sunshine! No Lav, I don't have to deal with I95, thank goodness. Plenty of other crowded highways, but not that one. You are such a generous and kind friend; what an incredible thing to being your friend food and a visit, especially when she's far away. Hello to Pi and Sam and anyone I missed.

                        Wishing all a centered and mindful day... not so easy at this time of year!


                          Re: 16/12

                          Greetings All, Things have turned hectic here. To be expected tho, given the season and the 7 dogs I have underfoot. PQ, real estate got an extension through tomorrow.

                          Lav, it's your day! Happy, happy birthday to you!


                            Re: 16/12


                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I had to rush earlier for dr's appt - 2 hrs.

                            In any event, I want you to how valuable you have been and are to me and the hundreds of lives you have touched. When I was on subscriber's thread I noticed your name and Lav's every single day.

                            Thank you.

                            In appreciation,


                            [/HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
                            Last edited by SKendall; December 19, 2018, 03:10 PM.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: 16/12

                              Me again. Mick, you are not allowed percocet once you're home.

                              Det, my 2 cats one grey, and one white were sitting side by side on the window sill, staring at a beautiful red cardinal sitting on a bush outside. Priceless.

                              Got rid of te immobilizer (I called it The Terminator) b/c it was dangerous walking with 2, got a smaller knee brace, medicine w/o tylenol, so good day. P.Therapist will be here in an hour.

                              Did It ell you how gawjus the surgeon was - think Matt Bomer on The last Tycoon.

                              Tomorrow I will get these nails cut down.
                              Last edited by SKendall; December 19, 2018, 03:31 PM.
                              Enlightened by MWO


                                Re: 16/12

                                MAE ALL...

                                Lav...wishing you a Happy Birthday and hope your day was good.

                                SK..."8 pkgs were waiting for me when I got home. It would seem I'm a very prolific shopper on Percocet" LOL, you be careful. Hope your Dr.'s appt went well.

                                Mick...feeling much better today but still have no energy. Like the boss can wind down any more than he is! Shouldn't really b*tch so much as I did have another afternoon of cards. LOL

                                TG...thanks, yup am feeling better. Glad you survived the drive even with HB being the passenger. You staying home for awhile now?

                                Pi...didn't realize you had 7 dogs right now. Do you have them over the holidays? Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

                                Off to put the fish and chips in the cooker. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP

                                Pauly...that was a short post but an important one!

