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    Re: 16/12

    Greetings friends,

    Had a good birthday, no rain or snow for a change, ha ha!
    Got an awesome iPad Pro - 12" screen ~ very cool
    Went out for a locally made crab cake sandwich, yum!
    My daughter sent me beautiful flowers, my son texted me from work - good enough

    Mick, I saw a piece in the news yesterday about planes in the UK having a hard time landing because of the high winds - geez! I hope that clears up before your trip.

    SK, sounds like a half of a Percocet would be better for you, ha ha! If you can tolerate Ibuprofen, take that instead - it does just as good of a job as Percocet but doesn't make you goofy, LOL
    I hope your home visit with PT was useful & they made sure you are safe there.

    Hi Pauly!

    Cyn, last spring/summer when YB was having his carpal tunnel surgeries he was told not to drive. After the first surgery I drove him home. I let him drive home after the 2nd surgery because he wouldn't shut up, ha ha!! Glad you trip went well!

    Pie, good luck with 28 doggie feet - that's a lot!!!!

    PQ, maybe you are fighting off some viral thing? 'Tis the season for that kind of stuff. Glad you are on the mend

    Sam, hope you are preparing for another soaking tomorrow & Friday. I think we have had more than enough rain this year. geez.

    Have a nice night everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 16/12

      Ahoooooodiya ABerooos!

      Happy Birthday dear Lavande! glad you got and ate some good things awesome.
      ipad pro has an amazing screen, super good gear there.

      percoset shopping? boy that's a new one for me but I spose I can relate.

      SK, cracked me up with why the nurse has been calling you

      Treegirl, Washoe doesn't have a lot of festivals but yes a few.. that's cool.

      well, new job prospect sent me a nauseatingly complex questionnaire/test to complete today which I finished
      and think I did well. Hope to hear some news tomorrow.

      and... finally got out for a remedial mountain-bike ride today. Deraliers need some tuning but fairly road worthy.
      I do miss biking.

      not a craving in sight happy to say. doing my best to be hyper vigilant and very aware.

      and it's time for an episode of Dr Who I'd say....

      be well loves
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Re: 16/12

        Hello Abbers,

        Glad you had a good birthday, Lav. That crab cake sounds delish! Mick, how's things'with the bunnies - and who takes care of them when you go away? Det, sorry about the questionnaire, but good for you for getting it done - fingers still crossed! Pauly, how's Xmas plans at your house? SK, love the mental picture of the grey, white and red, sounds like a holiday greeting. Hope your PT was good. PQ, hope you are feeling better. Pi, as Lav said, that's a lot of feet! Hope all goes well for real estate today. Hi to Sam and all else.

        Working close to home today with my elderly client who will be moving to Long Island, getting the move all prepped. I have been slowly cleaning out the garage while they were away, I will be glad to get that over with!

        Wishing all a happy Thursday --


          Re: 16/12

          Mae everybody,Lav,glad your birthday was fun Cyn,sane old plans for Christmas,just staying home! Eat,go to couch to watch Christmas movies,eat again haha,Det,a bike ride sounds fun Mick,are you all packed? I always wait for the last minute,PQ,it's chicken sandwiches and tater tots tonight,,easy much love to all and wishes for a great BF Thursday!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: 16/12

            I feel great this morning! What's remarkable about that, is that it's nearly always the case since walking away from the daily alcohol fest. So normal, that I don't notice it much. I wish that the daily hangovers weren't part of my history at all, but at least they're in the past.

            Two pups went home yesterday, two more later today, so will be back to the status quo through year end.

            Looking forward to our virtual vacation with Mick!


              Re: 16/12

              hiya all here is terrible...The roads are mobbed and really took me 2 hour to get the rabbits to their holiday home..and guess what ...nope not packed yet properly ,on top of that the knock form Gatwick has delayed all the flights out of Manchester ...have you seen it? some asshole with a drone has closed the whole airport..

              Gatwick Airport: Drone sightings cause delays - BBC News - YouTube

              Id shoot him and his fkn drone .

              the good news is brother rang the bell yesterday,,the symbol when someone with cancer is assessed as clear..I am so chuffed,not as much as he is ..He has still got to go for some more exploratory work but he has got an infection at the moment.but hey.

              Glad you had a good birthday Lav ,an Ipad pro...very nice....and a feed ...what more can you want?

              hiya pauly ...hows you then?no not all packed yet but most of it is ..hpe its a good chrimbo for you n yours

              hiya ppqp...hows you feeling? you any better today? mine is starting to shift a bit now longer Captain Snot.hope you are feeling better too..take it you are on holiday now?

              hiyatree ..howsyou then?rabbits are ace..they are getting along fine together,, when we go away they stay in boarding ...and get absolutely spoiled..they both came from there ..part of it is used by the rspca for rescues ..thats why they are really spoiled when they go...they are in the penthouse suite ..a large massive area with an indoor run ..I must be honest ..I hate parting from of luck to you for today..

              hiya sk how you doing ? has the dump nurse been ?ha ha ...hope you are feeling a bit better .

              hiya det well? Is derailleur the gear system ?it rings a bell for some reason..good for you re being aware can sneak in as easy as heck..5 months today Julie sacked the booze hope all is well with you ..

              a big hiya to everyone ..

              Does Santa really live in the north pole? Lets look at the evidence.
              1 Wears red and white.
              2 Good at breaking into houses.
              3 Has loads of electrical goods that nobody can trace.
              4 Drives an unlicensed vehicle.
              5 Only does one days work a year...

              Lapland my arse! He's a fcking scouser !

              Diane Abbott has launched her own brand of face cream in time for Christmas.
              It's called Oil of Ugly.

              A few famous quotes .

              "No need to repeat yourself .
              I ignored you the 1st time" .

              "You are fat so I won't sugar coat it, you would probably eat that as well" .

              "Two wrongs don't make a right .
              ask your parents" .

              "You are the reason the gene pool needs a life guard" .

              "Don't you just love nature despite what it did to you" .

              "There is a glass full of shut the fuck up on the table .
              Have a drink".

              "Some day you will go far I just hope you fcking stay there ".

              Therapist: "I think you have a phobia of marriage. Do you know what the symptoms are?"

              Me: "Can't say I do."

              Therapist: "That's one of them."
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: 16/12

                MAE ALL...

                Lav...whatever it was it seems to have run it's course. I actually the first time in 2 weeks I've got some energy. Very nice, an iPad Pro! Now you won't have to wait to post until the g/kids are finished with yours.

                Det...I think if the job prospect sent you out that questionnaire it's a good sign. Hope you got good news today.

                TG...glad to hear you didn't have to do any traveling today. When will your elderly client actually move? Hope you get some down time over the holidays.

                Pauly...I'm a Christmas movie junkie, I like your holiday plans. Mine will be similar. LOL Tacos for supper tonight as I appear to have the energy to make them.

                Pi...isn't it strange how not drinking feels normal now. Your post sounds very positive. Back to status quo through the end of the year, what will you do with all that space. LOL

                Mick...yes the news of the drone dork has reached us, was wondering if this would affect your travel plans. Gatwick still closed with no idea when it'll reopen. They were considering shooting it down but are concerned with stray bullets. What a mess. Our International terminal was locked down this afternoon due to possible gun shots. Turns out it was a band playing and one of the instruments sounded like a rifle? Mega delays here but at least it's open. Great news about your brother! Must make your heart a little lighter as you try to head out for your holidays. One more day, which probably will turn out to be a couple of hours tomorrow, and then on holiday mode. Good thing as I have a lot of catching up to do.

                Wishing us all a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: 16/12

                  Greetings folks!

                  Rain today, all day. It's supposed to get much heavier over night & windy too so there may be power losses, swell.
                  I am working hard to get as much done as possible before the weekend gets here. I may end up hosting my granddaughter for a night or two so her parents can celebrate their wedding anniversary.

                  Mick, I did see the news about the airport delays & the drones. Some people are so incredibly stupid, what a shame.
                  Hopefully they will get the mess resolved in time for you. Have a wonderful trip & don't forget my pictures, haha!!

                  Det, sounds like there's an interested employer out there for you, nice. Glad you enjoyed your bike ride, something I haven't done in decades
                  AND, just so you & everyone else knows...…………..asking a patient if they've had a BM is routine in the daily assessment along with temperature, pulse & respirations, HA HA!!!!

                  Cyn, getting to clean out someone else's garage must be tough. I can't even bring myself to do mine.
                  I hope it all goes well & you can relax a bit.

                  Pie, it is wonderful to be long done with hangovers, guilt & remorse. You get no argument from me
                  Have fun with your remaining boarders.

                  PQ, glad yo are feeling better.
                  I hope tomorrow is short & extremely pleasant for you.

                  SK, there's a package on it's way to you, hope you are OK.

                  Have a nice night everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: 16/12

                    Hi all.

                    Lav, glad you had such a great birthday, envious re the crab cakes. I'll bet the flowers were lovely.

                    Cyn, such a worker bee. Our neighbour a few years ago kept his like an operating room.

                    Pauly, staying home is good.

                    Det, keeping fingers crossed.

                    Lav, thanks for the medical info.

                    My friend/cleaning lady is making me home made tamales for Christmas eve.

                    Det, Lav and Mick. misled you re the percocet. I bought items online under the influence of percocet, not looking to buy drugs on-line. In TX dr's wont write an rx for percocet, oxy, etc. They have to fill out a form in triplicate with one going to the monitor of prescribed RX narcotics. You can't take an rx home unless it's debilitating pain. In the last 3 yrs I have taken too much tylenol and I have liver damage. My new gawjus surgeon has now rx'd Ultram (sp). Also narcotics are only for 30 days and thenn to receive any more you have to go back to dr. Big Pharma pisses me off they have just got FDA approval for a drug 15 x stronger than fentanyl. More like bribed the FDA and paid lobbyists. Fentanyl is very powerful and China is making a "version" of it. 51% of Vancouver are from China and the rest of the far east so traveling with it to visit relatives and vice versa. Big Pharma has made addictive drugs for decades.

                    Vivian comes for 1/2 a day tomorrow, right after physio, should be fun. I'm trying to find a real pine wreath (real) I've bought from Whole Foods for years, but no luck this year. I think Costco may have them.

                    PPQ, hope you are feeling better and that it didn't turn into Mick's man's flu.

                    Mick, did they fix the drone sitch? As far as packing, it takes me about 5-10 minutes. I do a mental pack a couple of days before than just open drawers and bag for make-up. I also follow the rule of packing and then take a 1/3rd out. I also pack oldish items, then throw them out and replace them with local clothes that you don't see in the U.S.

                    See you in the a.m.
                    Last edited by SKendall; December 20, 2018, 11:59 PM.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Re: 16/12

                      4.35 am ...pitch black out there pouring ...but ready for the offski ...great to hear you are doing better ppqp ..hi Lav ,they lifted the night time flying curfew in uk ...planes have been flying all sorts of places through out and gatwick still closed ..

                      take it easy all ...If by some reason I cant get on here I hope and wish you all the best each and everyone of you xx
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 16/12

                        Safe travels Mick! rest of the gang sound good,hope we all have a great BF Friday!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: 16/12

                          Hello all -

                          A tired TG here, so a quick some tonight...

                          Mick, wishing you safe and wonderful travels! (Great news about your brother!) SK, that's an amazing travel packing plan, good for you. PPQ, hope your day today was short and sweet. Pauly, love the Xmas plans. Pi, thanks for the reminder ... as Lav said, no remorse... what could be better? Lav, are you getting drowned there like we are up here? Aaargh, what a day to have to load and unload my car, I am sopping wet and bushed. Hope you stayed dry-ish!

                          I am worn out from work and the rain, but it is a good kind of tired. I have pasta and sausage ready for HB when he walks in after his jaunt to NYC... without me, for which i am grateful.

                          HAPPY SOLSTICE - today at 4:23 pm or something. It is my personal favorite holiday... the turning of the light, yay. Happy to be AL free in this Celtic new year. Wishing all a light hearts, and I give thanks for the warm friendships here. Cheers!


                            Re: 16/12

                            MAE ALL...

                            Mick...I too wish you safe travels, have a wonderful time. Just when you thought it was safe to's back. The drone shut down Gatwick again today. Glad you were able to get to your destination.

                            Pauly...hope you didn't have to do any last minute shopping today. Do get some time off over the holidays?

                            TG...the day wasn't as short as I'd hoped it would be. Oh well, it's over now and the holidays have begun. Sounds like you had an exhausting day, you relax with HB tonight.

                            Lav...sure you'll be popping in soon. Did you end up with your g/daughter? Snowstorms to the west and north of me and all we got was some cold winds.

                            Det...did you hear about the job?

                   sound like you're feeling good too. I like the way you pack, will have to use the 1/3 rule.

                            Time to unwind and relax. Have a nice night all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 16/12

                              PQ,im only taking Christmas day off and then New years day the following week,not much time off but thats ok
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: 16/12

                                Alooooha Friday ABerooos!

                                Mick, enjoy matey! someday i'll join the ranks of the international flyers again

                                Tree, rest up. sounds like you are ready. hmmm sausage pasta sounds so good darned it!

                                Pauly, sneak in your fun where you can find it, I've worked tons of holidays but this will be weird just still being off
                                work entirely.

                                I did however hear from the job today we are still on track, next interview (3rd!) will be first week of the new year. that's good.

                                Made it to my court date today for bankruptcy and that's it... at this point I just wait and if all goes well it's discharged in 60 days.
                                Jeepers it's been a huge pain but hoping the best.

                                Lav, what's shakin?

                                time to make something with chicken/cilantro/garlic/onions and fresh serrano chiles....

                                be well loves
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

