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    Re: 16/12

    Greetings folks,

    The rain let up today, finally. We traveled a little north of here for a few things today & actually saw some sun
    Shopping & wrapping done, cookie baking almost done - tomorrow meatballs & sausage day, haha! Some time this weekend will be perogie day. Yes, we are eating internationally for the holidays, Lol

    Mick, glad you made your destination safely. Enjoy your time in sunny (almost) Spain & have a very Merry Christmas

    Det, I cook daily with our homegrown garlic & onions & always think of you.
    Good news about the 3rd interview, yay! Congrats on getting your bankruptcy work done. Things will improve for you in 2019!!

    Pauly, I always worked thru the holidays too. The hospitals won't let people use vacation or personal time this time of year, isn't that swell?

    PQ, no granddaughter today, maybe tomorrow or Sunday? Not sure. My daughter & son-in-law have so much going on, not sure what they plan to do. Their elderly cat died today, he was end stage renal disease. There apparently were a lot of tears in their house this afternoon

    Cyn, glad you are home & getting stuff done.
    The full moon has been harsh on me this week - no sleep. How about you? Looking forward to more light & a very happy & healthy new year for all of us

    Greetings to Pie & Sam.

    Wishing everyone a nice night!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 16/12

      Morning all how are we. Went for my first run this morning. .. painful but enjoyed it. 1.63 miles all hill! Weather is nice and warm and sunny this morning. . Hope you are all well
      For those who never saw. .here ya go.. This is the view from the room

      Have a great day everyone
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: 16/12

        Mae everybody,Mick the place looks beautiful! Glad you got to go for a run even though it was painful haha,I forgot to say the other day that it's great news about your brother,now there's a happy chrimbo present! Lav,I could take the time off but I'll be honest,,I spent waaaay too much money on presents for everyone,gotta start doubling up on credit card payments yikes! This is after I swore I'd just buy everything with cash but for some reason it feels painful to see actual money go haha,Pie,you sound fab,PQ,you've inspired me to make tacos tonight,ugh,last night I felt so nauseaus,not sure if it's stress or too much grease at lunch but I just threw chicken nuggets in the oven for everyone and said there it is,,,I just didn't want anything,Det,interview #3 sounds promising Sam,hope you're drying out a bit,SK,hope you're well,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Saturday!
        Last edited by paulywogg; December 22, 2018, 09:01 AM.
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: 16/12

          MAE. You sound like you all have got it sorted. A check is in the mail of course is stuck there which shorts my rent money. I askd Andrea to help out and got the most ridiculous feedback. She now wants me to hire someone at my expense b/c I am not competent to manage my own. I told her it's the mail strike (stupid).

          Trump has ruined Christmas for everyone except for the wealthy old men and the privileged.. Can we not demand more. Winston Churchill faced a general strike (everyone). Wouldn't it be great if Trump had no bodyguards (hee hee). No One and
          cooking for him except Melania who would just throw a bagel at him No one to fly his plane, no-one to fix the whispy, plumes

          above his mango colored face., etc. And, if it's true he bleaches his anus, there's that too. Ho, ho, ho.

          Det, that must be a huge relief.

          I'm guessing his goal is total control (ie," "hello Vladamir how).

          Mick,what a great view, I hope you are enjoying Yourselfves. No need to be in pain 1st day.

          Cyn,what a wonderful, hearty dish :yay: to come home to.

          PPQ, glad you're feling better AND our our government is still functioning.

          Lav, hopefully you will see g/kids on Xmas Day. I'll bet your Xmas dinner will be amazing!

          Th sunflower seeds I scattered has an amazing response. Cardinal, finches and junco's. Also 3 squirrels who could barely waddle.

          Went with Uber to target. I had to turn around and go home. In lots of pain, and dang that boot is heavy. Back to bed
          with frozen peas and elevate the ankle and :cuss:
          Last edited by SKendall; December 22, 2018, 07:12 PM.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Re: 16/12

            Good evening Abbers,

            No rain & part sun today, not bad at all
            Finished up the cookie baking then baked 2 lbs of meatballs & a lb of Italian sausage. Have that stored in the fridge, will plunk it in the crockpot Monday morning & let the sauce simmer thru the day. I also have the polish sausage (locally made) cooked so I'll brown that up Monday as well. Found my recipe for dairy free green bean casserole. No canned soup involved in this - I make it with fresh mushrooms, onions, garlic & almond milk, yay!! My hands have been in water all day so they look like prunes tonight, haha!
            Now I just have to send a request out to the universe that IF my DIL decides to show up Christmas eve that we can keep it peaceful. I'm almost afraid of my SIL wanting to punch her in the face or something, LOL
            My daughter & granddaughter went into Philly today to see the Nutcracker ballet & had lunch at the Ritz Carlton afterwards. I'm glad they had this day planned, it cheered them both up after losing their cat yesterday.

            Mick, vacations are for relaxing. Why are you running up hills? Ha ha. Have fun!

            Pauly, I have learned to set a fixed amount to spend on the adults & also on the kids. That way I don't get myself into a money jam buying gifts & everyone gets the same amount
            I hope you're not coming down with a holiday virus, feel better.

            SK, I sincerely hope next year brings you health & wealth. You have had enough BS this year to last a lifetime.
            Since there are no stores nearby I do 90% of my shopping online & start early. It just pisses me off too much to have to drive an hour to get to the stores & then deal with the crowds & the parking issues. I don't like people that much & the main reason we moved down here to cow country, LOL
            I hope you don't overdo & hurt yourself. I know those walking boots are a pain in the a$$. Take care :hug:

            Cyn, Pie, PQ, Det, Sam - hello to all of you.

            We are getting our granddaughter sometime tomorrow, fun times
            Have a nice night everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: 16/12

              Mae everybody,Mick,winder what you're up to today? Something fun more than likely Lav,I hope you can have a peaceful dinner,sheesh,it's been too many years with the DIL feud it's gotten old and I'm sure you're over it going on so long,SK,dunno why Mango man has all of his surrounding people getting into trouble yet he's untouchable! If your personal lawyer is gonna be serving prison time,obviously there's been monkey business going on jeez have had nonstop anxiety for the past week,it needs to GO,why stress over one day? It's so dumb I hate anxious feelings,everything I need to do is done except the food part but thats easy so why do I stress,maybe flashbacks of last year when I was so drunk I could barely function during Christmas,,gross! The past is the past right? Waves to all my wonderful friends here,I don't have many in real life cuz like Lav I hate most people haha! You all are very important to me,online or what it doesn't matter,wishing you all a happy BF Sunday!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: 16/12

                Mae all -

                Mick, what a beautiful place, enjoy! PS, I know what you mean about leaving the bunnies -- I swear that I am the one with separation anxiety, not the dog.

                Lav, loved the story about daughter and granddaughter - sorry about the loss of the cat, hard for little ones to understand. Crossing fingers that al stays calm for the holidays at your house, sorry you have to worry about that. All the food sounds yummy.

                SK, I think that the post is still working during this 'modified' shutdown - hopefully your check will appear soon. Thanks for the reminder to get my feeders out - it's still warm enough here that I am a little worried about bears, but I must give the birds their Christmas treats.

                Det, hope all is well - I finally joined Etsy, so if I can wrangle the time, I'll be getting the horse pic - beautiful!

                Pauly, you sound a little exhausted... I hope you can get some rest before the 25th!

                Hello to PPQ, Pi, Sam and all. I hope all is well.

                Guests coming over for dessert tonight - I couldn't face making a whole dinner. So, must clear all my work off of the table! That's a good thing...

                Hang tight everyone in these crazy days -- To the Light!


                  Re: 16/12

                  Hiya all. How are you doing today then..all good hopefully went to stretching classes this morning...don't laff!And then went for a walk just back. Went to dinner.. here is a picture I took looking down from our table20181223_144908.jpga few more pics20181223_133706.jpg
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: 16/12

                    Glad you were able to fly out for your vacation, Mick. Such bizarreness with those drones!

                    Lav, that was a laugh-out-loud question you put to Mick about why he's running up hills while on vacation!

                    Pauly, so sorry to read of your anxiety, but the rest of your post cracked me up. Thanks for the giggles.

                    It's a world-class weather day here. Even left the front door open so the pups can run in and out, while I experiment with listening to IHeart radio on the TV. Later, I'm going to a country Christmas open house at the home of some old friends. They're actually former in-laws, and I very much appreciate being included.

