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w/c 23rd

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    Re: w/c 23rd

    Greetings Abbers,

    Mick, thanks for the pics - very nice
    Have a safe trip home. Amy & B/F can figure things out on their own, right?

    PQ, sorry you had to deal with the ex. He really has great timing. Sounds like a typical narcissist to kick up shit on a holiday
    I decided I wanted something lighter for dinner so I baked up a quiche with eggs, turkey bacon & dairy free cheese & dairy free milk. Turned out really good - even YB liked it, ha ha! I have to thank my girls for the fresh eggs

    Pauly, what was the Rx for? I think he's a bit young for Tamiflu but who knows these days.
    My DIL was here Christmas evening c/o tinnitus in both ears r/t double ear infections. Weird for an adult.

    Hello to Det, what's up today?

    Hello to Pie, Cyn & Sam.

    We are under flood watch starting at 5 am until 7 pm tomorrow. The Midwest is getting snow, we are to get a ton of rain that will likely put us over 12" this month ~ crazy!!!! I hope 2019 is a bit drier, for real.

    Have a nice night everyone!

    Last edited by Lavande; December 27, 2018, 07:17 PM.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: w/c 23rd

      happy trash day ABeroooos!

      well, it's trash day here anyhoo

      Mick isn't a witch. He floats! spectacular good fun my friend, so good to see.

      Pauly, pigs are indeed cool critters. Yes, gotta keep up the cheer all year. Get our fun where we can
      find it or make it. That's my plan anyhoo.

      Lav, batoning-down the hatches yet again, so different than the desert here. quiche sounds yummy.

      PPQ feeling for you on the drama zone. So, spaghetti with maple syrup? (kids made me watch the movie 'Elf' the other night)

      well, quiet clean-up and laundry day here. going to wind down with a movie with the kids tonight. 'hotel Artemis' which is
      my fav genre: dystopian scifi dunno why they cheer me up so much. A matter of perspective justifixing perhaps.

      gotta get off the homemade tamale diet! darn things are too yummy and there are tons of them. eeeeeeek. oh well, temporary.

      optimistic about new job (will know for sure next week) looking at rental properties here. Prices are low which is handy for me.

      well, brain and sobriety are all in acceptable parameters here happy to report. Holidays didn't even give me any cravings. A win for sure.

      that's the news for the day.

      be well loves
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Re: w/c 23rd

        Originally posted by Determinator View Post
        PPQ feeling for you on the drama zone. So, spaghetti with maple syrup? (kids made me watch the movie 'Elf' the other night)

        I watched it too!


          Re: w/c 23rd

          Originally posted by porqoui View Post
          MAE ALL...

          Pauly...yes it's been awhile since Ex reared his ugly head. It had more to do with the boys, just upsetting for everyone. I hope Romeo is doing better. Glad you clarified CTN before I went googling it. LOL I feel the same about the week between Christmas and NY's. More out of sorts really. I tend to do better while in my routines. Never thought of getting a Pig Calendar though. LOL Leftovers finished here, it's homemade spaghetti tonight.

          Mick...I can't believe it's your last day. Gorgeous pics, so peaceful. And yes peace has returned to my house. Like Pauly said, safe travels home.

          Shout out to the rest of the gang, will check back again later....:smile:PPQP
          Hi folks at the airport now waiting for flight hope you all have a good day
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: w/c 23rd

            Mae everybody,Mick fly safe! Thanks for taking us on your vacation with you(vicariously of course) Lav,yes its Tamiflu,some antibiotics for an ear infection and something else I can't remember,poor kid still looks miserable PQ and Det,no Elf for me I watched Christmas Story of course,Christmas Vacation,Harold and Kumar's Christmas and Christmas with the Kranks and by then I was over all movies haha,did wanna watch Bad Santa but I couldn't find it anywhere,LB made homemade cheesecake for the very first time and it's absolutely addictive! Perfect consistency,perfect sweetness just perfect everything but if it doesn't get put of my house soon it's gonna give me the perfect fat gut I don't want haha Pie,Sam hope you're both bueno,SK,you've been quiet,hope you're OK,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Fryday!!
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: w/c 23rd

              MAE ALL...

    's the weather situation? Hope you're not getting flooded out.

     Lav said, Amy and B/F can sort things out themselves. You were there for her the first go around and she knows you're they're for her now. Reminds me of leaving my ex and then going back after 10 years and then leaving again. Put my family through a lot of stress but all worked out in the end.

              Pauly...I'm still watching the Christmas shows. LOL I'm not one for sweets so not tempted during holidays. Hope you're having a good day and work goes by quick.

              Cooler this morning, actually had to scrape the windows this morning. Got an air compressor for Xmas which was put to good use this morning. I have one tire that keeps losing air, need to deal with that. Wind warnings issued for tomorrow, chinook blowing in and temps rising 18 degrees. Will wait to do my running around till then.

              Have a Fantastic Friday all....:smile:PPQP


                Re: w/c 23rd

                Afternoon greetings Abbers,

                Rain & fog outside - yuck!
                So I'm just sitting here doing nothing for a change, haha!! Even the chickens only step out for a few moments then go right back in their house.

                Mick, I hope your trip home was smooth.

                PQ, we've had an inch of rain so far, more on the way tonight. The mud is looking fierce of course.
                The air compressor is a good idea, we have one here too. Got to keep those tires inflated properly for safety, especially this time of year.

                Det, keeping my fingers crossed for you. Starting the new year with a new job would be awesome
                I imagine the tamale diet wouldn't be good for any of us, ha ha!
                Glad to hear the cravings are in the past - leave them there for all of eternity!!!

                Pauly, poor Romeo - hope he feels better soon. My younger grandson had his cast removed yesterday, broken arm all healed. Now I wonder how long it will be before he pulls another dangerous stunt
                I used to love cheesecake & even made some pretty good ones myself. Your daughter has some good skills

                Hello to Cyn, Pie, Sam & SK. I hope everyone is having a good day.
                Have a nice evening.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: w/c 23rd

                  Lav...the mud is the worst. Hope you don't get too much more rain. Good for you sitting doing nothing, you deserve it. I went around to a couple of shops looking for a certain adapter with no luck. Other than that I've been home and have a pot of homemade spaghetti sauce simmering on stove now.

                  Confession time: the reason for getting the sauce started is the kids downloaded Mario World 3 (Nintendo) for me and I've been sitting here playing this afternoon. Brings back lots of memories and I'm enjoying doing nothing responsible.

                  May check back when the fingers don't work anymore and I need a break. LOL

                  Otherwise have a peaceful evening all...:smile:PPQP


                    Re: w/c 23rd

                    Sounds fun PQ
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: w/c 23rd

                      Hi all.

                      Had physio and then the post office. Lav, the cushion is so beautiful, I can only use superlatives when describing it. You are a serious artist, friend. Thank you:thanks::happy2:

                      It was a so-so day before I went to the mail office. I was instantly"walking on sunshine".

                      Mick, hope you're home safely.

                      I'd better read back.

                      Det, will cross all of my fingers for you. Don't drink if you don't get a job immediately. You will get very sick again - and you know that.

                      PPQ, sounds and smells delicious! So glad you got a compressor.

                      See you later.

                      I think I will get a pot going myself.

                      have a great weekend everyone, Lav made my weekend for sure.
                      Last edited by SKendall; December 28, 2018, 08:24 PM.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Re: w/c 23rd

                        morning all ...back in good ole yoonited kingdom..Manchester lived up to its name of being britains crappiest airport ...all the way through ...brill...until you get here hour for the bags to come off ...jeez..Off to pick the rabbits up ...Amy and b/f at Inverness castle ...yep its down to her ..Iaint got any issues with it ,sort her own life out .Yes Det I float ..I aint one of the Pendle ones...will nip in after
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: w/c 23rd

                          Mae everybody,welcome home Mick,glad you made it back safe not much going on here,I swear all the day off then back to work,day off is getting confusing and I wake up not knowing what day it is haha,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Saturday!
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: w/c 23rd

                            Brrrrrrr, top of the morn ABerooooos!

                            good grief it got cold in ye old trailer this morn... currently 35F, should have left the heater on! dang. chattering away here but
                            managing to type sort of.

                            Mick, welcome home adventure bunny!

                            SK, yes thank you for the heads-up on not crashing if i get a surprise problem on new job process. Something I'm indeed thinking about.

                            PPQ, how fun and my cousins have introduced me to the new Mario games here too. We played Mario Kart last weekend and it was a hoot.
                            It's a coop game that allows 4 to play at once. I like the fun silly games that allow several to play at once.

                            Pauly, I hear we got a light dusting of snow...didn't see it myself but not surprised. brrr! comon heater....

                            Lav, a nice change of pace for you, bravo. my diet has indeed been challenged here with festivities... even had cheese cake myself. moink.

                            today doing some exercises with my uncle. he wants to learn some basic workouts he can do at home so we'll be doing that this morn when
                            I get defrosted.

                            Sam and Tree... all groovy?

                            time for hot coffee

                            be well loves
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Re: w/c 23rd

                              MAE ALL...

                              SK...I hope you continue "walking on sunshine" today. Email, facebok, twitter, instagram have nothing on getting something in the post!

                              Mick...glad you're home safe and sound. You won't even have to to put the bags in the attic before you're re-packing them. Bet the peskies will be happy to see you. Oh, and it's good to know you float.

                              Pauly...I've actually had to check the calendar to see what day of the week it is. LOL This must be a work day for you.

                              Det...little nippy in the trailer this morning eh? That'll get the blood flowing. Exercise sounds like a good idea, with the warmer weather today I plan on getting outside. Probably take pop bottles to the depot, will see.

                              Thinking of taking the tree down today and sorting things out around the house. I do have another week off but don't want to waste it all playing games. I'll see what strikes my fancy first. Hope you all have a Super Sober Saturday....:smile:PPQP


                                Re: w/c 23rd

                                Forgive me for checking in while in cranky bitch mode. Can't seem to shake it, and not sure what's wrong. Holiday ups and downs? Too much sugar? Alcohol oblivion keeps calling my name. Thanks for being here; I'm leaning heavily on my accountability with you guys. Off to go run some mindless errands, as if getting air in my tires will change anything! Sheesh...

