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last one of 2018

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    Re: last one of 2018

    Hello all -

    Happy birthday PPQ! Wishing you a wonderful year to come, full of freedom and good health!

    SK, my goodness but you have been handling a lot! So sorry about the tumble and all the uber travails -- I truly wish you a safe and comfortable weekend to rest and heal. I hope your cleaning lady is OK. Pauly, that was the sweetest story about the tree... and yes, that would have been fun to have you cut my hair! Mick, so sorry about the car issues... never ending, I guess... good luck. Pi, here's hoping that some sales drop,for you soon in the new year! Sam, we are getting slammed with rain here in the NE as well... I almost would prefer snow at this point! Lav, I a man with you about the pets; especially those that help us get through tough times...I have a drawing made from a photo of my dear girl - she is right with me in the kitchen every morning. Det, how's things?

    I saw a post from a day ago when I opened this page, and then it disappeared, no Save,option, so whatever I wrote and forgot to post yesterday is gone now, oh well. I am knee-deep in this move right now - packers there all day yesterday, a little more today, then I will go to Long Island tomorrow. I will be really glad when this gig is over- done and dusted, as they say. Counting the days!

    The light seems stronger each day - love it - to the light!


      Re: last one of 2018

      rning all
      looking like a cloudy but cloudy day. Had great time playing tunes last, but stayed up way too late, dern cobwebs need shakin.

      So a belated (?) happy birfffday to you PQ!! oh, reading back, it's not belated!
      TG, if you don't mind me asking, what part of the NE do live?
      Lav, hMoens are third of the mud. I let them out when I'm around, which was frequent during the holidaze.
      AC, how's the northern clime?
      Pi, how you doing? how are the K-9's?
      SK, sure hope you're doing ok and taking care.
      Pauly, you keep up with your local hockey team? I recall, they did well last year.
      Mick, any detecting theses days or is winter down time for that?
      Det, what is shakin?

      off to go mudding,
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Re: last one of 2018

        Mae everybody,Sam I refuse to hop on the Golden Knights band wagon haha,I'm not a sports person anyways so I'd be a fake
        SK,I'm glad you do have some help,I'm just scared of the falls you've had and it makes me feel terrible for you
        Lav,I seen the boys were farting on each other? That made me laugh my ass off!! Yep need to block out the negative,just hard cuz she works right next to me,grrr
        Mick,love your excitement over the trains,didnt realized the were being programmed in such a cool way
        Cyn,hope you can get some of the pile around your knees outta the way today
        Pie,glad business is good
        Det,where you at?
        PQ,think it's chicken chow mein out of a can tonight,Kell made it yesterday and I remember I like it,sounds gross but it's actually good! Much love to all and wishes for a great BF Saturday!
        Last edited by paulywogg; January 5, 2019, 09:21 AM.
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: last one of 2018

          success ...our internet has been down all day...trouble is its the same provider for my phone ...its great when it works crap when it doesnt ...a gorgeous temp over here of 3 degrees...
          oyt detecting tomorrow its a wrap up well job.....

          ppqp...happy birthday to you ..ok so I got it surprised? you know the score to plan...plan to fail...

          hiya pauly you ok? yep the train set ups now a days are nothing like when I was a kid ...(the first time round) they are all much dcc controlled which means by a chip ..they make the relevant sounds at the relevant times ,there are little pickups on the track which trigger signal lights ...and voice recordings of the announcer as the train enters the station .hope you are having a good day..

          hiya teegee hope that all is well with you today.

          hiya sam...yes Im out dtectin tomorrow..hows the gigs doing or is that it now

          dzien dobry Lav you well? hope so..did you put dets prints up?no bruised thumbs ,plaster missing from the wall etc?guess it must be me then!hope your day is going well.

          hiya pie theres no punchline tho ...just amazed at the price difference,,..and it the exact same make of part too,,not a cheap n nasty are you today then?all good mad regression thoughts?you can beat them anyhow.

          right going to have to shift meself ..once again happy birfday ppqp xx
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: last one of 2018

            Same internet here, Mick. Great when it works, crap when it doesn't. Just put on a 2nd pot of coffee because first appointment isn't until noon.

            I read a question on another blog, that's got me thinking. It went something like, "What would my life be like today, if I hadn't taken steps to stop the drinking madness when I did?" Pondering an answer, has me focused on good things, the opposite of regrets. Sharing here because it feels like a window into the positives!


              Re: last one of 2018

              Dobry wieczór Abbers,

              Mick, I am well, thanks. I hope you don't freeze anything important while out detecting in the frosty air

              Sam, rained all day until 4 pm then the sun came out just in time for sunset, haha! The mud is bodacious, nasty.
              I think I am going to get another dozen day old hatchlings late Feb/early March. My daughter is interested in having a few chickens in her suburban backyard so I'll get some new ones started & she can take what she wants when she's ready.

              Cyn, I'm always looking forward to more light
              I hope the rest of your job goes well then you can take a well deserved rest.

              Pauly, I thought of you when I posted on FB. You know you're going to be in the same boat in a few years with the boys, LOL
              All they do anymore is hit, kick & punch each other. They are creating cuts & bruises on each other these days - so much for brotherly love?? They are much better when they're in separate rooms, seriously.

              Pie, like you I have no regrets. We all had to go thru what we did in order to find ourselves here, right?
              Sometimes I do wonder WHY I have to learn some things the hard way but I do.
              Hope your appointments went well.

              SK, are you OK today?

              Det, where are you?

              Have a good night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: last one of 2018

                MAE ALL...thanks for all the Bday wishes.

                Lav...thank you for your post yesterday..."If you don't feel quite ready to quit tomorrow then don't."...I wasn't ready and started to feel I had to because of everyone's posts and you made it feel ok. I need to work on my plan more. More chicks in the hen house! It's lucky your daughter lives in an area where she can raise them. There's been a lot of controversy over raising chickens in the city.

                Pi...I remember when we were able to smoke at work. Every time the phone rang I would light up before answering and then it would usually just burn itself out in the ashtray. LOL I have a lot of "habits" that I'll need to work on besides coffee. I printed out my first post on MWO so that I'd always remember where I was at when I searched for help. I read it often to remember and often think of where I'd be if I hadn't reached out. My gratitude list grows from there. Hope you can hang on through January and that February brings some new listings.

                TG...hope you're all done and ready for the trip tomorrow. Safe travels.

                Sam...hope you got those cobwebs shaked out!

                Pauly...the chicken chow mein actually sounds pretty good. It was chicken noodle soup (from a tin) and grilled cheese sandwiches for my dinner.

                Mick...surprised you've had a connection as much as you've had with all those storms rolling through. I look forward to your pre-birthday wishes, at least you're consistent! LOL You stay warm out there detecting tomorrow.

                SK...hope you had a better day today staying in.

                Det...thinking of you.

                It's been a productive day for me, just tackling more "should" chores and feeling like I've accomplished something. Wishing everyone a peaceful evening...:smile:PPQP


                  Re: last one of 2018

                  Hi. I got my old computer fixed :yay: I will never get a chromebook again, but but when I click on anything those drop down menus/options keep appearing.
                  75 and sunny today. so the therapist and I got to walk outside.

                  Lav, I love the those stories about the boys.

                  Mick, sounds all is good with you I like seeing the progression.

                  Pi, good luck getting some good sales
                  Enlightened by MWO

