hiya all,how are we doing today then? we had about 1.5 inches of snow last night ,all gone now thanks to the rain ...Bonnie seems to be on the mend ..she is putting a bit of weight on ...they are medicating and keeping in again tonight review tomorrow ...Fixed the cisternin Julies dads last night it was leaking like mad ...Not really had a lot of time to play with the trains yet ..put a vid up of one Ive been doing but they work great ...will jump in later on ..
No announcement yet.
w/c 13th
Re: w/c 13th
hiya all,how are we doing today then? we had about 1.5 inches of snow last night ,all gone now thanks to the rain ...Bonnie seems to be on the mend ..she is putting a bit of weight on ...they are medicating and keeping in again tonight review tomorrow ...Fixed the cisternin Julies dads last night it was leaking like mad ...Not really had a lot of time to play with the trains yet ..put a vid up of one Ive been doing but they work great ...will jump in later on ..af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Re: w/c 13th
Mae everybody,Mick glad Bonnie seems better!SK,I always overspend at Walmart too,PQ,your dinner sounded fab! I love chicken cordon blue,don't feel like working today boo! Will get through,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Saturday!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: w/c 13th
Happy Sat night fever ABerooos!
oh my, crazy weather and illness here and there in AB land. time to circle the wagons and initiate all the self-care possible.
sounds like you're all improving or at least hanging in there at least.
sun popped back out yesterday which is nice, not that I'm complaining 'bout the rain. Uncle and his wife made it to the airport
last night for their vacation to Colombia... I'm so jealous! maybe later this year I'll be up for a trip myself.
got my meditation bench in from Amazon yesterday so will be trying it today...looks perfect and will help my knees/ankles on
longer meditations.
Pauly, why on earth would you expect your chicken to be inferior to store bought? need some ideas? not sure about an air fryer
as I've not used one but sounds interesting. My RR classes are by a big Asian market so yesterday for lunch i made the family
red miso soup with fresh Korean buckwheat noodles and all kinds of goodies. Was exotic and super yummy.
Still on track for my job but the wait is driving me bonkers. egad!
still faithfully hitting the gym 3+ times per week. cardio/weights/sauna every time and feeling/looking pretty decent which is nice.
well buckos, button-down good for the weather, make sure flashlights etc have good batteries and enjoy a movie and hot tea perhaps?
there's a couple hipster coffee shops in town for me to explore...sounds good. Also a sci fi club and a sci fi lounge.... hmmmm.
be well loves! off to make something weird for breakfastnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: w/c 13th
Mae all -
Quick hello to all. Lav, I am getting the house ready for power out as well - if it was all just snow it would be fine, but this icy bit falling first and last is dreadful, and now it will come at night - how the heck will we be able to shovel frozen cement tomorrow morning, eeek! I suggested to HB that he call the airlines and see if they would move him to a Monday flight, which they did - at no cost. So hopefully by Monday morning the highways here from NYC will be OK. As for me, I'm staying in!
Glad to hear all seems to be plugging along for everyone. Mick, sending good wishes for Bonnie; I hope she comes home tomorrow.
I'm sending good energy to all!
Re: w/c 13th
Greetings Abbers,
Well we had snow flurries for a while then they stopped, hmm. I'm half afraid to go to sleep tonight & wake up to a winter horror show, haha!!
I watched my grandsons again today just like last Saturday & had ZERO problems with them. You think they got the message last weekend????
Mick, glad the weather evened out for you. Sounds like Bonnie is healing well, hope she goes home tomorrow.
Good that you were able to help your FIL out, it must be confusing for him at this point. I really think you should advertise your trains & sell tickets for admission
SK, so glad to hear your are doing better! Just getting out to do some shopping has to make you feel better too.
Gee, if you sell your car you'll save a lot of $$ on gas & insurance & maintenance. Sounds like a good deal, nice.
Enjoy the new phone, they're all confusing at first but you eventually get used to them
We plugged in a small space heater for the chickens tonight. I'm just afraid of their feet freezing when the temp dips into single digits tomorrow. I supplied them with tons of food & water so they should be OK if I can't get out to them for a day or two.
Pauly, hope your Saturday went well
Det, sorry you have to wait so long to hear about the job. That would drive me up the way, honestly.
You seem to have a pretty good routine going & you're covering all the bases, I'm happy for you!
Cyn, that's great that you don't have to venture out on the roads tomorrow!
There's only so much we can do to prepare for these ice storms. I hope you stay safe & the power stays on.
I put a request in to the Universe for both of us & Sam too.
Hello Sam & Pie, hope you are well.
PQ, what's up with you today?
OK, well everyone have a safe & comfy night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: w/c 13th
Woke up to 1F instead of the 37F! How come they only get the forecast right when predicting cold temps? It did make it up to 37F but it took all day. Did a bit of running around this morning, then some house cleaning and when I went to log in my laptop crashed. The fan has been acting up for awhile and my son has one on order from China and it's taking forever to get here. Finally admitted defeat and popped over to the office to get the floater laptop. This one is very old and very slow. Just a little frustrated right now so will check in tomorrow when I'm in a better mood. Hope everyone is safe in the storm areas....:smile:PPQP