Hidy ho ABerooooos!
lets see, some challenges in our midst i see... crap motorways, snow, ice, freezing chickens, accountants doing chaotic things....
we shall overcome. our species is indeed so very adaptable, though it's not always big fun of course.
yesterday i was so excited I woke up at 3am and that was it... so made for a very long day but a good one. Learning loads of new info very quickly here.
work environment seems pretty darned good overall with positive attitudes and a supportive team. Even made it to the gym and my meditation group last night
before an early-ish zzzzz which was much needed.
hmmm. not fighting but also not giving up. more of 'transcending fighting' which I realize sounds a bit cryptic. Not quite going with the flow but being more skillful and mindful of directing flow from my present perspective in non-confrontational ways. Self actualization or whatever you call it is a fascinating adventure for sure.
roasted beets! now there's something to get excited about

everyone be careful dealing with the ice and low temps... you all know what to do I'm sure.
i'm continuing home study until back to HQ on Monday. taking tests online for my fire and electrical licenses which is part of da job.
Pauly, new coffee shop! 'bad owl coffee' on Rainbow blvd is a Harry Potter themed place with some fancy food and yummy super-strong espresso. Was
there for cousins Bday and we had a great time.
be well loves!