Thought I'd get this weeks thread started for us. Apologies for not posting yesterday but was a little busy. Early out this morning so I'll pop back later. Have a good day all....:smile:PPQP
No announcement yet.
w/c Feb 24
Re: w/c Feb 24
Mae everybody, thanks for the kickoff PQSam,good to see you,who knows why someone would be sober for sooooo long then decide to pick up again, really sad
Lav,glad the party went well and everyone had fun,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Monday,where's Mick?!?
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: w/c Feb 24
Hello Abbers,
Hope everyone got some rest and is OK --- Mick, feel better -- you too Det! Pauly, I hope that you manage to dodge whatever is bothering you. Lav, great that the bday party went well, and that the chicks are doing well too. PPQ, how was the weekend? I hope you got some rest. Sam, good luck with the mud - I'd love to hear you do some St.Paddy's day tunes! SK and Pi, hope all is well.
Off to accomplish a few more things before falling into bed. Wishing all well and happy for tomorrow's Tuesday!
Sorry for the short post, but between traveling and running around doing stuff for the house, I am pooped. We did meet with our (beloved) realtor today before hubs had to go back to the court. We have a deal, knowmthe price, and it will officially be on the market March 12th! Holy Mloey Rocky! Well, I am taking the rest of this week off so that I can finish up. The wall space of the 1000-ft basement is nearly done, so I will be working my way upwards. Just hoping for a day of good weather so I can de-mold the deck!!!
Anyway, onward. Sending love to all ---
Re: w/c Feb 24
Good evening all,
Yep, it's been crazy windy today, trees down all over the place BUT we didn't lose power - go figure!
I just heard the local weather folks say March looks like it's going to be cold, oh well.
Mick, I missed you, sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. Hope you get over it quickly :hug:
PQ, are you able to get out & about in the cold & snow? Geez.
Pauly, the kids did have fun at the BD party. I was amazed at how well behaved they were too. Most of the girls are in my daughter's Girl Scout troop & they seem to respect her which is nice
Sam, the feed store was offering barred rocks in addition to the buffs so I got both. Just hope they are all girls.
The mud is ridiculous after such a damp winter, yuck. I hope you behave yourself while the boss is away, LOL
Cyn, I wish you a quick sale without any hassles. Have you located your future home yet???
My deck needs a serious power washing & if YB won't do it I'm going to just hire someone. There are actually 2 power washers sitting in the garage but he won't use them, duh. I cleaned the deck myself years ago but I'm not wanting to do it again myself.
Hello to Det, hope you are on the mend
Hello to PIe & SK.
Have a nice night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: w/c Feb 24
Pi...glad you got the blood work done with your Dad and that the wife is stepping up for the rest. Hope things are going good with you.
Det...hope you can get over your cold quick. You got too much to do to be sick.
Sam...I don't envy you your mud. It makes everything so hard. Hope the wind dries some of it up. Are you going to be playing St. Paddy Day tunes at an event? That is a quandary, why would anyone decide to start drinking again? I guess he has his own reasons.
Pauly...still snowing in Vegas? Not snowing here but we're in the deepfreeze at -18F and we're staying there for a couple of weeks. Spring is supposed to hotter and drier than normal, sure hope BC doesn't catch fire again. Had cabbage rolls late in the day so that's my supper done and dusted.
Mick...suffering from heat stroke? LOL Seriously, I hope you got some rest today and are feeling better.
TG...I did get some rest this weekend. I had brought some work home with me and decided F that. Kept busy with other things. I bet you're pooped. Wow, March 12th! Nothing like putting the pressure on. "....hubs had to go back to the court" oooh there's a clue in there. Law court? Tennis Court? Court of Public Opinion?
Lav...glad the Bday party wasn't cancelled and the girls got out to tap some maple trees. More chicks! I see you were sensible and didn't get a couple of dozen. LOL Yup, it doesn't matter how cold it gets life just keeps happening. However everything seems to take a lot longer to accomplish.
Boss walked into his office and made a comment to the program coord that he's upset/frustrated about a few things this morning. I almost said I'm right there with you, but held my tongue. When he left today he asked me how my day went and I said I got the new program up and running for the program coord but didn't appreciate the 2 days lead time. Told him she is going to have to step it up and do her own work. He agreed but we'll see if anything comes of it.
Have a restful evening all....:smile:PPQPLast edited by porqoui; February 25, 2019, 07:49 PM.
Re: w/c Feb 24
Happy unhung Monday ABerooos!
on the mend already happy to sayI'm doing too many healthy things to stay sick for long.
PPQ, that is a deep freeze for sure, you are a seriously tough person!
good job on the work boundaries also.
Lav, that's a LOT of girls at the party. So glad things are going mostly well.
Treegirl, mega kudos on the estate project!
Had to take the truck in to get the airbag recall repair done so that's all good now. Got more repairs to do on
it but nothing super critical so I'll wait for paychecks to start rolling in. soonish! Have a training seminar
for work tomorrow which will be interesting.
Have an enormous batch of 'all the veggies in the world' soup on the stove
shouts to Pauly, Sam, Mick (heal up're turn!)
be well lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: w/c Feb 24
morning all..its me ...still feeling a bit rubbish ,but there are to sit and moan or do something ..and moan!so I chose the latter are we today then kidz?the weather over here is fantasmaglorious...Ive made all sorts of dens for the rabbits ..they love it ...the trouble is when its time for them to go away it isnt happening ..they lie in the sun (22 degrees yesterday) and suddenly become alert when its time to go in..Planted up the front garden ,now I need to do the back..trouble is ..this week is brilliant week is freezing rain and ice forecast...brew time.
hiya Det ..ta mate ,hows you then?did you get the truck fixed ok?My van goes in for its annual roadworthiness test this month thats a few quid even for the test .best of luck with the training job mate.
hiya ppqp...nope it wisnae heat stroke ..but I feel a bit better now ,tho def not 100% so hows the weather your way then?Ive got 2 friends who live in Calgary but havent heard from them for a while .I was watching a programme all about the "Hector"...and Nova Scotia.did you you know that 15% of all Canada is made up of Scottish descent?then theres a few Irish etc chucked in too..twas an interesting prog ..they class the Hector as Canadas "Mayflower"
lets see if your boss keeps to his word re prog co-ordinator ...Have a good one ..
hiya Lav ...thank you .yes dont know what it is/was but something just banjoed me !I saw the pics that you put up ...they looked a well behaved bunch ..children that is not the chicks .Nothing detecting on Sunday ..the place we usually go ..but didnt ..someone found a celtic gold stater...Ive got gerboras flowering in the conservatory ...spring is here .well this week anyway .
Ive got all the drive and pathways as well as all the roofing guttering and fascias to power wash ..that will be fun aint happening today! take care and have a good one..
hiya Sam are you doing mate?hows mudsville?drying out at all?
hiya pauly ...hows you then today? good I hope ..yep been feeling pretty rubbish here ,but hopefully on the mend ..a pma (positive mental attitude)hows work ?same old same old?have a good one ..
hiya pie are you then? you feeling any better?hope so .I made an appt at the docs ..the first I could get is a week today ..Ill be cured by then glad I wasnt wanting an appt for being short of breath !
hiya sound busy ..Like ppqp ..I picked up on th court is that a red herring ..or a keloo?Is he in the judicial system ...judge, barrister ,lawyer, coroner..or construction? architect ,surveyor planner builder?the only other person that goes to court on a regular basis is Trump!....
hia everyone else ...
When asked what procrastinate means Theresa May said "its a good question, and one that I am fully prepared to answer in more detail, in the coming days and weeks ahead".
I've just got my first big acting break in a play about Neurosurgery.
I'm a bundle of nerves
On local news this morning:
A woman in Bristol escaped a fire in a block of flats by jumping from the top floor onto a trampoline below.
Several times.
Apparently, up until the age of ten, Sean Connery's son thought Humpty Dumpty shat on a wall
If you're fed up with the corruption in your political party leave and form your own political party so you can tailor the corruption to suit your personal needs more.
Two blondes are talking "I had a pregnancy test today" said the first...
...the second said "Were the questions hard?"
red sky at night ' shepards delight
blue sky at night
...... day
A former campaign staffer who worked on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign has sued the president, alleging he kissed her without consent.
join the queue theres a load want to sue him for fcking the country without since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: w/c Feb 24
Mae everybody Mick and Det,glad you're both on the mendvery quiet around the site lately,not just here but allover,yep job still crazy but trying to stay positive
Brady is 21 today,hope he stays responsible cuz I get really scared these kids might get my crazy drinking gene,so far they've all been pretty good with it tho,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Tuesday!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: w/c Feb 24
Hi everyone.
Been AWOL for a couple of days. I had a frozen cursor and it's hard to find how to fix it when you can't click on it. I managed to tab my way through. This computer has been the bane of my existence with it's upsets. Frozen cursor is apparently common with Windows 10. Also, the problem with the drop down boxes had me so frustrated so I went to Best Buy for a fix. Due to an incorrect set up, whenever I left clicked Windows behaved as if I had right clicked. I was trying to re-install windows and couldn't. Seems to be fixed now.
Feeling dizzy and nauseous today which is a leftover from the brutal attack of vertigo yesterday. it's getting worse and the vomiting is endless. It also leaves me with a banging headache. When I stand up, I;m actually weaving. Anyway just had 2 one minute microwaved eggs, so we'll see. Dr. says it's stress related.
Lav, the birthday party sounds as if it was a huge success. The maple tree tapping was a very cool thing to do. Love your chicks.
Pie, your temps are usually higher than ours, because you get the Mexican gulf influence.
Sam, I really am thinking about your mud. I'm sorry your wife has to deal with this vertigo, also. It's just miserable.
Since I started writing this the headache is improving.
Mick, sorry you're sick too with a banging headache.
Det, I know you are very vulnerable when you're sick, but after reading your post it's quite clear that you have taken this by the horns and fought it. You've got this, Det.
TG, preparing, staging and maintaining a spotless home when selling is a big project. you seem to be a Marie Kondo in organization. I envy that because I'm messy, but want to be better. I wish I could hop the train, this uber is expensive well it's cheap but I use it a lot. I miss my car because I like to be out and about, and I was sneak-driving my car and saw Andrea's, she has a white topped Toyota, so she's not hard to miss. I'd still be doing that but the key is missing.
Pauly, that roast sounds so good. I think I'll find a small one to do. There's just me here, so I don't bother.Enlightened by MWO
Re: w/c Feb 24
Good evening folks!
Had a lovely day except for the nearly two hours I spent at the dentist, haha! That guy invents problems to fix, I swear.
Today is actually my granddaughter's birthday but the party on Sunday was fun. The chicks are getting bigger & eating like little pigs.
Mick, glad to see you are still among the living
I am jealous of your early spring, even if it is only temporary. We haven't had our blizzard yet this winter season so I guess it's going to be a late one.
Hope you feel better very soon!
Det, veggie soup is the best
Glad you are feel better, stay that way! I hope your training went well!
Pauly, happy birthday to your Brady! Seems to be a popular day for people to be born, I've seen a few others on FB today.
Keep that positive vibe going!
PQ, you must be getting tired of winter as well, ho hum.
Yep, I only got 8 chicks this year. I have 12 hens now so adding a few more won't be too bad. My daughter thinks she may want a few this summer but I'm not sure if she'll follow thru - we shall see. I'll be happy to give her a few
SK, sorry you are still having vertigo issues. I'm not entirely sure what stress has to do with that. Did the doc recommend any testing or anything?
Please don't attempt to drive when you are feeling like that. It's only natural to want to get out & about but let someone else do the driving, OK?
I think your laptop is a lemon!!! NO way you should be having so much trouble with the thing!
Cyn, think of you during this crazy time
Hey there Pie & Sam!
Have a nice night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: w/c Feb 24
Det…that was a quick recovery. I’m sure it’s directly related to you healthy lifestyle. Well done. Yes it seems like this deepfreeze has been going on forever. The sunny days do help though. With this climate change and everybody’s weather changing I’m moving to where the Chinooks end up! Your soup sounds great.
Mick…glad you chose the latter, might as well get active, at least you can feel you’ve accomplished something. Hope you don’t get the predicted freezing rain and ice next week. After the week you’ve had that’ll be tough to take. I actually did know that a lot of Canada was made up of Scottish decent, me included. Well it looks like the boss actually kept to his word. The program coord realized she had all these new programs starting in March and had forgotten to ask me to update the website and create new online registration. Think she was scared to bring it up to me as she went to the boss instead. Chicken! Or maybe idiot is the word. Boss asked me to clone the existing online programs and she could do all the updates. Works for me. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes her, not to brag but I would have had it completed by end of today.
Pauly…more power to you staying positive at work. Remember you can’t control what’s going on but you can control how you react. You and I are peas in a pod, constantly worrying about everything. I think they’ll put “she was worried this was going to happen” on my headstone. LOL Hot chicken sandwiches for supper tonight.
SK…yup, I thought the mouse was configured for a left handed person. You should have just switched hands all would have been ok. LOL I can relate to having to tab through screens. Haven’t experienced the frozen cursor in Windows 10 but a lot of my programs will hang for periods of time. Frustrating if I’m in a hurry to finish something. Sorry you’re still experiencing the vertigo and like Lav says, don’t you be driving.
Lav…you’re getting pretty good at beating me to the post, must be g/kidless today. I am so done with this winter!! So do you know if all the new chicks are female yet? I don’t know but I think actually raising chickens might be an eye opener for your daughter.
A coworker/friend’s mother passed away last week and the funeral is tomorrow. So I’ll be taking the afternoon off and I won’t worry/think about work. I’ve come a long way. Temps are supposed to soar to 24F so that’ll be nice. Then it’s right back to the deepfreeze for the next 2 weeks.
I’ve learned to beat the system, typed this in word so am going to copy and paste it onto the thread. Wish me luck.
Success!!! Have a great evening all....:smile:PQP
Re: w/c Feb 24
heya hey ABernoooodles!
Mick, sorry yer feeling rubbish...this too shall pass and I'm living proof. Cool info on our northern neighbors. i had no idea.
SK, yes you're so right... in the past being sick was a strong trigger for me and I'm so grateful that my program is strong
enough to allow me to grow into a better place in my life. yay! that sums it upi sure hope there is something tangible
you can do for the vertigo. I'm sure they've checked for inner ear complications?
PPQ, doesn't sound like the funeral will be a bad stressor for you which is great. i think I'd be able to manage my emotions/stresses
much better these days under most circumstances. That's the idea i suppose... we experience and we grow best we can.
Glad to hear you're getting somewhat warmer at least. Any ski trips on the books?
Lav, maybe your dentist is bored? LOL Happy Birthday to your wee one!
work training went very well. This is a company and service that i can get behind. yay! Then made it to the gym at a new location.
I'ts way newer/nicer than the location I normally go to. Even the benches in the locker room are fancy granite. wow! and it's clean
lymph glands are almost not swollen anymore... feeling mostly decent and looking forward to a really solid sleep.
new podcast report: 'philosophize this' which is big fun for hobby students of philosophy as I am. Epicureanism last night which was neat.
Into the stoics tonight! I'm such a geek
be well m'loves! zzzzzzzzzzzznosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: w/c Feb 24
mae all are we today then?all good i hope ..Im feeling a bit better again today ,the weather is helping methinks!it was almost 80 yesterday here,thats hotter than some of our summers ...just to put in perspective tho Sri Lanka atm its thats about 90 in old money ..Most of you saw the pics I took of the rabbits yesterday ..for those that didnt here you go ...I couldnt believe that shot of them
Julie is off work today ,Im going to pilates with her ..give it a go and see .then off bimbling round garden centres ...
ok brew time it is ...
hiya SK are you doing?ok I hope have you still got the vertigo issues ..headache has gone thank goodness..and do you know what ? I havent had a cup of coffee for 2 days ..any connection I wonder .how are things your way?is the laundry lady ok with you?
hiya pauly ..glad your ok .hope Bradys birfday goes ok ..and that he brings no drama home to momma !have a good day
hiya doing ok? so you wanna go where chinooks end up you go then...
so you are of Scottish descent eh? I liked youre way of spelling it better ...decent!! did the co-ord finish the programme?your temps are doing similar to ours ...get you nice and good thinking the hot weather is here and then bam have some of this icy stuff!!have a good day anyway
hiya Lav ...yep early summer for us ..hopefully get a wee bit more than this ..
first flowers starting to bloom on the Camelia bush . off to the garden centre this dinner time ..Ive got a couple of ideas in my head ....hmm ..Ive also put another station on my model railway with ana underpass /subway and lighting ...the wiring is a nightmare I need to figure it out properly ..but it works ..will put up pics after .Ive just fed those 2 outside ..hope you have a good day
hiya det you doing ok mate?good for you with the new gym sure you dont mean Greek as opposed to geek?take it eezee mate .
hiya everyone else ..
The inventor of the jigsaw puzzle has died today...
...his wife is said to be in 1500 pieces!
50 years late but Donald Trump finally went to Vietnam.
This irish guy takes his donkey into the pub and says "£100 to anyone who can make my stubborn donkey lie down £5 a go"
Loads try and fail eventually a big scottish guy says "ok I will have a go"
He takes a big run up and kicks the donkey in the balls, the poor animal brays in pain and drops to the floor in agony and the scotsman takes the £100.
The next day paddy is back with the donkey he says "£100 to anyone who can make my stubborn donkey nod then shake his head" he smiles at the scotsman thinking that will stop that trick.
The scotsman steps up and calmly whispers in the donkeys ear "remember me" the donkey nods his head "do you want me to do what I did to you yesterday" the donkey shook it's head and the scotsman took his £100.
Be on the lookout guys for this hot girl and her sexy friend. They are hanging around some of the big 24 hour tesco carparks. When you're putting your shopping away they ask you for a lift to McDonalds. They are very convincing and hot as fck, once in your car one of them starts climbing all over you rubbing herself against you l while the other one steals your wallet! I've had mine taken on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th, twice yesterday and probably again tomorow!
I phoned the doctor’s receptionist the other day for the results of my medical tests. Initially she refused to tell me them over the phone, but after I verbally roasted her for her God complex, she relented “the glucose results are fine, your blood pressure is within normal limits, but your cholesterol level are marginal” then she added “your colonoscopy results just came in and the proctologist says they finally found your head”.
What's pink and sits at the bottom of the sea shooting fish?
Al since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: w/c Feb 24
Mae everybody, yep Mick those shots of the bunnies were perfectlove the girls at Tesco joke and them finding the guys head haha,Det,glad your new gym is fancier and clean and the job is better,PQ,I'm doing something with chicken tonight haha,Lav,yep Feb seems to be a popular birthday month,had the blues last night,think just all the kids grown up makes me a sad sack,I told Kell to enjoy everyday with the little Ines even on the days they're driving her nuts haha,much love to all and wishes for a great BF Wednesday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!