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17th Mar
17th Mar
morn all...happy St Paddys day is also my mums birthday...wherever you are ...thinking of you x well the rain has gone orf ..ish away detecting ..will be on later since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: 17th Mar
Mae everybody, Mick hope you find something coolSam and PQ big hellos and Happy St.Patrick's day,we don't do anything but I know Kell got some gold dollar coins from the bank for Lou to pretend a leprechaun came by,so cute
went to the eye doctor yesterday just cuz I haven't been in ages,waste of money cuz my vision is great except I need readers like everyone else over 40,well I'll just use the 99 cent store ones instead of unloading a few hundred for prescription ones,I just got the exam and left,supposed to be in the high 70's this week I'll be fine,hubs will say he's roasting haha,gonna see if Lou wants to join us for breakfast this morning, much love to all and wishes for a great BF Sunday!
Last edited by paulywogg; March 17, 2019, 08:26 AM.I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 17th Mar
Hello Abbers & Happy St Patrick's day!
I think I sneezed quite a bit less today so that's good, haha!!
Made plans to meet friends for lunch tomorrow & I'm looking forward to that. We're still gathering tax stuff for the accountant, every year it just seems like more & more, ugh.
Mick, I hope your day of detecting went well.
Hey Sam, run into any leprechauns today?
Pauly, I remember arguing with my eye doctor when I was 40 something because he wanted me in bifocals, haha!! Once the temp hits 80 I get uncomfortable too. I have no tolerance for heat & humidity.
Hey PQ, hope your day was good!
Det, SK & Cyn, Pie - hope all of you are well.
Have a nice night everyone.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 17th Mar
whew! heya ABerooos!
one tired dude here in crazy town. Tonight will be first night at condo and my whole life is in boxes here and there with no
logic to much of it. Isn't moving a hoot? weeeeeeeee... thud. Anyhoo, don't feel like it but I know heading out in a couple
min to meditation is a good idea for me. My fridge contains: eggs, cilantro and butter. well.. it's a start. Ordered a fancy new
coffee maker and burr-grinder on Amazon just now so in a couple days I'll have gourmet coffee action.
Mick, that was an epic pile of jokes on the other thread! any luck detecting?
Lav, need your advice on an IP. I'm ready!
I'm going to miss my little home on wheels. It was actually pretty darn neat. And it didn't smell like cigarette butts and
barf like this new place. oh boy.
brain not working...must find a coffee someplace on my way to meditate. then i can vibrate/meditate. hmmm.
Hope to get caught up here soon as i get my bum organized.
be well lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: 17th Mar
hiyaalll...its pouring with rain ,just come back from physio ..hadto walk,car isnt here the garage so had to walk.hopefully pick car up later thisaft ..went detecting yesterday wasnt a day,went for the morning only ...found nothing at all and lots of it......not long now till the offski....
take care everyone
I just said "No comment" all the way through the police interview.
I didn't get the job.
I've often wondered, where did house spiders live in prehistoric times.
Never do cocaine with an optician
The first line is quite big, but then the lines get smaller and smaller and smaller.
"If you don't have internet access, you can still renew your library loans by phone or in person."
But if you don't have Internet access, you won't know that because you can't read this fcking message.
Just seen a pop up on my computer.
'Single women in Liverpool want to meet you now'. Then the small print.
*will probably include kids.
Having just seen my mate Paddy climbing through a greenhouse window,
I asked, "Paddy, what the feck are you doing?".
He said, "I just want to see what's inside."
I was in the building site stores when paddy came in and said "have you got any quick drying cement"
I said "over there fill your boots".
Half an hour later paddy came back in and said "do have any boots, mine are full of cement now?"
Now that our identical twin daughters are adults, they absolutely hate me and my wife for doing everything exactly the "same" for them when they were kids...
We dressed them in the identical outfits, same hairstyles.... gave them the same first names.
Did you hear about the narcoleptic that took a walk along the clifftop.
He dropped off.
I wanted to help out people in need, so I went to the clinic to donate my blood.
The nurse just looked at me blankly and said, "We can't accept this;" as the bucket I brought in sloshed around on the since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 17th Mar
Mae everybody, Mick sorry you found nowt yesterday, I love the bucket of blood joke hahahope you feel OK,kinda quiet? Det,glad you got moved but sorry your condo stinks, load up on some febreeze
got to get more serious about a part time job,I'm too picky if it's not in the right area,don't like the hours,etc plus it gives me anxiety to work somewhere else
but shit..I do need something different in my life,PQ,I made ham and swiss sliders on those Hawaiian rolls baked in the oven last night,twas good
much love to all and wishes for a great BF Monday!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 17th Mar
PQ, your getaway plan for May sounds as delightful as Pauly's ham & swiss sliders!
Mailed off Dad's tax return earlier; such a relief to have that done! I have a neighborhood meeting, dentist visit, and veterinarian appointment scheduled this week. Easy enough.
So I heard this said recently, "Happiness is so amazing! It doesn't matter if it's yours, or not." Indeed!
Re: 17th Mar
MAE ALL.... day yesterday was better than today. Feeling a bit down but it will pass.
Det...sorry the new place doesn't have an inviting aroma. You'll get that sorted soon enough.'ll be glad to get away from all those storms. Better luck next detecting time, may be awhile.
Pauly...your ham and swiss sliders sound good. I made chicken thighs roast potatoes but cooked everything a little too long. Oh well. Not sure what's up for dinner tonight.
Pi...yup I think I may also take some time off in April, just for the hell of it.
Signing off for now, will check in with you all tomorrow....:smile:PPQP
Re: 17th Mar
Good evening Abbers,
I have my grandsons here tonight & probably tomorrow night as well. Both parents are out of town on business. Getting them up & to school on time in the morning is the hardest part, haha!!!
Det, sound like your new condo wasn't cleaned between tenants. That's a shame. You probably want to rent a rug cleaner if the management isn't going to take care of it, ugh. I would tell them to paint too, haha!!
Here's the Instant pot I have:
I have the 6 qt. size & it's plenty big enough for a big pot of soup or a whole 6 lb chicken
Accessories can be purchased separately, depending on what kind of cooking you want to do.
Mick, you found no goodies Sunday, oh well. It will probably stop raining when you leave for vacation, LOL
Pauly, is there any chance of picking up a PT job doing something other than hair styling? Maybe that would lessen the anxiety a bit?
Pie, happiness can be contagious so if you see someone happy ~ join in
Glad you got the tax situation under control. I think we finally are done collecting items for the accountant for ours.
PQ, how's your day going?
SK, we haven't heard from you, please check in with us.
Hello to Sam & Cyn, hope you guys are OK.
Have a good night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 17th Mar
Hiya all just on the tram to Manchester..then across Manchester pick up train to Warrington..van ready to be picked up..hope all well..looking like it's going to rain..planted a load of plants earlier..Amy gets her new house on Friday so already planning to get the garden done ..take care allaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 17th Mar
Mae everybody, Mick,careful in that rain! Lav,they could've cleaned Dets condo up and down but as we know cigarette smoke gets stuck in every crevice! I never understand peeps who smoke in the house,yuck! Det, good luck on the new coffee set up,sounds awesomewaves to all and wishes for a great BF Tuesday!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 17th Mar
hi all ...van back ...tested service and brakes done ...£300 ...pretty good.look atthis ..wentto the toilet at manchester station ..this is in the cubicle in the toilets ....check the dome camera !!!sitting on the lavvy with my bestest smile!!!!!
20190319_132926.jpgaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 17th Mar
Oy oy ABerooos!
taking a break whilst studying my presentation material. regular or extra crispy? oh dear.....
Mick, a camera in the dunny? that would be an instant lawsuit here. egad. Sounds like yer a pro on the city transit.
Dunno what the busses are like here but there are quite a few of them.
Lav, thanks on the IP. looks like an amazing piece of kit.
My new happy discovery? lemon scented bleach! spraying it all over everything... ahhhhh.......
Pauly, I think we are still hiring if you want to get into a very 'different' industry. it's really not a bad gig from
what I've experienced so far.
made my first meal at the condo last night. BBQ with briquettes on my little balcony.. was great! except I forgot I don't own
any dishes...brilliant. thankfully eating off the cuttingboard was just fine. Not exactly ready to entertain a date yet it would seem...
hope all our 'yet to appear for the day' peeps are good and well.
the learning continues....
be well lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)