Arf! Arf! Ahoy ABeroooos!
What a good sleep.. again. wow. I'll take it. Felt good enough to sneak in some weightlifting before work and had a super good day.
No evening social festivities tonight so I made some herbed roasted chicken which is stellar.
Tree, you are a busy bee indeed. Keep those stress levels at bay however you can dear. Sounding good in spite of it all.
Lav, your weather is certainly going to win the prize for excitement that's for sure. Been a bit stormy in sin city but pretty mellow overall.
PPQ, right you are.. Zombieland isn't exactly a romantic movie but we made it that way anyhow LOL. good times.
did I mention that we slow dance to techno? yes, we really do. And we like it

Mick, I certainly wouldn't know how to service those tiny motors in a hobby train either. I have to use blasted magnifying glasses for any tiny tasks
anymore. oh well. Thank goodness they exist.
post attempted to deliver my music synthesizer today but it's got a signature required.. ack! signed it so hopefully they will leave it at the door and
nobody nicks it.
Pauly Scissor-hands, what's the good word?
another chicken for me....
be well loves