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21 June ...summer solstice

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    Re: 21 June ...summer solstice

    MAE ALL...

    Det...WOW 108F, we're sitting at 55F today and for the rest of the weekend. Dinner turned out good but the veggies were a bit soggy. Still haven't gotten this roasting down right. Nice that you get a meal made for you once in a while. I have never seen a dead body, except at a funeral. That must have been hard. I hope it cooled off a bit for your Twilight shoot. Interesting about the warm drinks on a warm day.

    Mick...thanks for the pic, you were a handsome man. Still are but in a different way. LOL Saw the mobs at the beach on the news, same thing is happening in Ontario. People are just going to do what they want till they ruin it for everyone. Sorry to hear Julie's Dad isn't doing to great. This is a tough time to go through for everyone. We finally had to put our foot down with my MIL and do what was right not what she wanted. You're going to have to stay out of the loft for awhile me thinks. Did the storm arrive and cool things off for you? jealous, I haven't ventured out for my haircut yet. I may not have everyone high stepping in the office but did get what I needed from the prog-coord. Wonder if the boss said anything to her. I think I'm making potato salad today. Won't be the hot German kind, maybe a loaded one.

    Pauly...and yet again the theory "You can't fix stupid" holds true. At this rate Canada will keep the border closed forever. It was nice LB could stay longer but all it did was postpone the inevitable. You've been through it before and you'll continue to get through it.

    My day started at 7am yesterday and finished around 8pm. Got a lot accomplished but trying to update one of the websites was a nightmare. Trying to get everything finished so I can get ready to start the onboarding of the new software program now that the boss made a decision. The one nice thing he did was instruct the company to go directly through me for everything. At least I won't have to wait on him for anything.

    Wishing everyone a great day and hope the heat isn't too bad.....:smile:PPQP


      Re: 21 June ...summer solstice

      afternoon all ...hope all ok ..we are in the middle of a big storm ,and pretty blowy too..and yep been up in the loft too...
      did you make your Kartoffel salat ppqp ..?yes you are right about Julies dad sometimes it has to be done fro the best ...not what necessarily what he wants .that was a pretty long day you had yesterday .oh and thanks for the compliment hairstyle has changed a bit !!

      hiya Lav hows you then? feeling better now the ole napper has been cut?you got the rain there too?I was out yesterday and stumbled across loads of pyramid orchids growing wild ..they are doing pretty good in my garden now ...and dont half attract butterflies .

      hiya Det hows you then? well did wet n wild open up ?Sounds like you have had the hot temps too .take it easy mate ..

      hiya pauly ok? I hope so doing anything over the weekend?take care

      right folks everywhere stay safe

      I hope nothing goes wrong with government plans because I'm banking on pubs re-opening on July 4th.

      Inn dependence day.

      Liverpool police chief ourside Anfield: ''these scenes are disgraceful. I'm not putting up with this every 30 years''

      Formed a band called the micro penises.

      We cover Little Richard songs.

      As a social experiment I asked my son to wear a Trump 2020 t-shirt for two weeks to gauge people's reactions.
      So far he's been spat on punched and abused countless times.

      I'm curious to see what happens when he goes outside.

      Brazil's chief health officer has been slammed for the country's recent rise towards the top of the world's COVID-19 league table.

      That's what I call a panned medic.

      Liverpool FC condemns fans who left the city centre strewn with rubbish after tens of thousands gathered to celebrate.

      How could they tell?

      Top Tip.

      Leaning forward in your car while overtaking will nurse an extra 10 mph out of it.

      Guy walks into the pub with a giraffe on a lead. Leaves it sitting at a table and goes to order a pint.

      Barman says, you cant leave that lyin there.

      Guy says, its not a lion its a giraffe.

      Two fish in a tank.

      First fish says to the other, "Do you know how to drive this thing?"

      Two monkeys in a bath

      One turns to the other and says 'OOO AAHHH AHH AHH!'

      The other says 'Put some cold in then'

      What kind of dinosaur always had difficulty sitting down ?

      The Tyranno sore ass.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: 21 June ...summer solstice

        Hola abber's!

        Hope all are doing ok amid the madness. Big waves to evabody. Have a great weekend.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: 21 June ...summer solstice

          Hello Abbers!

          Somewhat nicer here today. I guess the torrential rain we had at daybreak had something to do with it, haha! Still under a thunderstorm watch until 8 pm tonight.

          G, nice to see you stop in!

          Mick, yep, feeling much better today with less hair! I hope you’re keeping your head covered in this heat.
          Now I’m going to have trouble getting the picture of a Tyrano sore ass out of my head, LOL

          PQ, sure sounds like you made a good bit of progress at work this week, good for you!
          I also make Italian style potato salad with green beans which is good. Trying to stay away from all the heavy mayo recipes. Hope you get a chance to rest & relax this weekend. I’ll gladly take some of that cool air when you’re dine with it, please!

          Pauly, sorry your daughter had to leave but glad you had a chance to be together.
          I will remain careful on the Covid front, I really don’t want to get sick. Next Tuesday I am meeting my old friends for lunch now that the restaurants are re-opening. It will be the very first time out for a meal since the beginning of this mess.

          Det, hope your day is going well.

          Hello to Pie, Sam & Cyn!

          Have a nice night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

