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    Re: July5

    Greetings Abbers,

    Pauly, the virus is spredaing like wildfire. No one is paying attention to CDC guidelines
    My son-in-law started feeling sick on Sunday & got tested yesterday. 2 to 5 day wait for results. Shocking because he has been extremely careful. We all need to remain alert & vigilant to survive this shitshow! Take care of yourself!

    Mick, glad you’re on the mend! Takesa little time so be patient.
    I loved Vista for my home PC but everything has to be newer these days. Remember when we didn’t have home PCs???
    We ended up getting a ton of rain last evening, everything is well watered now!

    PQ & Det, hope your days were fine

    Hello to Pie, Sam & Cyn!

    We got out for a short bit today. Stopped in Lancaster Co. for a socially distant lunch & I was able to grab some mask fabric so i can get back to sewing. YB tells me he ordered 15 locally grown chickens to put in the freezer & plans to grow veggies in the greenhouse all winter. I guess we will survive whatever comes, haha!
    Have a nice night everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: July5

      MAE ALL...

      Been one of those days, non stop computer work, where did the day go.
      I now have a headache and my eyes are sore so it's time to shut it down.
      Will pop on after my meeting tomorrow morning.
      Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


        Re: July5

        Mae everybody, Mick are you feeling better? PQ, I know that eye and head strain all too well had it last night cuz I started playing a new game(which I should not have even downloaded cuz I get too addicted!) It's like candy crush was and I just kept playing til my eyes went buggy, Lav, Brady got an email saying that 2 people tested positive in his Amazon warehouse, he's scared, I hope your SIL is ok, although c-vid isn't a death sentence it's still unpredictable! I don't wanna mess with it, our governor is supposed to be coming up with something at some meeting today, I wonder what he's gonna do, mentally another lockdown will cripple me yet I think it's coming, maybe I'm wrong, I just don't know what the answer is. Much love to all and wishes for a great BF whatever day it is!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: July5

          MAE ALL...

          Up early to prepare for my meeting so I thought I'd pop in.

          Pauly...sometimes we're our own worst enemies aren't we. LOL I consider myself very lucky through all this covid stuff. Even though we are shut down I still continue to get my regular paycheque. My anxiety level would be off the charts if my income suddenly stopped. Sorry to hear about Brady's work place, I hope he is not affected by it. Just remember you can't control what happens with covid but you can control how you react to it. Hang in there, we will get through this.

          Lav...I hope your son in law is ok, very stressful for everyone. It has been raining all night and is very dark and gloomy out there this morning. Kind of days I don't mind working inside. Sounds like YB has a plan so don't be surprised if you get a few of us visiting if everything goes to hell.

          Mick...I remember Windows Vista, man that was a long time ago. Glad your mouth is feeling better but you keep whacking those tablets, you've been through enough.

          Hope we all have a good Wednesday....:smile:PPQP


            Re: July5

            hiya alll..hope we are ok?mouth is getting better ..not as sore now thank goodness.its a real pain having to eat ice lollies ...and choc ices ...Ive lost 6lbs since I got the tooth out thats how much I didnt eat !!but things are on the mend I hope .

            Pauly ,stay safe stay positive ,do what your head and heart tell you not some idiotic politician...what they are doing over here is localising lockdowns ,prolly similar to what your state governor is trying to do .I went to the shop earlier aSDA ..I saw 3 people in there wearing masks ...and I was one of them!couldnt care less ...I will wear it until such times as I feel safe not some half baked politician!!

            hiya ppqp..hows you then? all good I hope,yep Ill be taking the tablets thats for sure .hows the cards doing ? is it this aft the school is on?best ov luck .

            hiya Lav how are you then? good I hope..any word on sil?hope he is ok .I planted a load of that kale this morning so the peskies will have food!!thats if the snails dont do it in ..a socially distanced meal?how does that work then? do they fling pizzas at you like flying saucers .?you take care of you n yours ..

            right folks ...take care everyone ..think of yourselves and your families ..sod the politicians ..

            big shout to everyone else .

            BBC News "Travellers invade Prince Charles's estate"

            Lazy, tax dodging, work shy parasitical waste of oxygen..

            and dont get me started on travellers..

            I asked the little Chinese lad next door, Wuntoo, what he wanted to be when he grew up,

            "A sound engineer, " he replied.

            The National Health Service is planning to allow only post op male to female trans patients into female wards.

            A spokesperson said that it was vital to ensure the policy was implemented willy nilly.

            After months of lockdown, it was great to finally visit a second household and stay over. Unfortunately I was woken up by the Police at two in the morning.
            Apparently it has to be people you know.

            Answers given in an R.E exam with spelling mistakes left in.

            1. Moses led the jews to the red sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingredients.

            2. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.

            3. The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery.

            4. David was a hebrew king who was skilled at playing the liar. He fought the Finkelsteins, a race of people who lived in biblical times.

            5. Solomon, one of Davids sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.

            6. When the three wise guys from the east side arrived they found Jesus in the manager.

            7. Jesus was born because Mary had an immaculate contraption.

            8. One of the oppossums was St. Matthew who was also a taximan.

            9. St. Paul cavorted to christianity, he preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marraige.

            10. Christians have only one spouse. This is called monotony.

            Wuntoo, the Chinese lad next door is is having his exams today.

            Testing Wuntoo.....

            What's my favourite part of the swimming pool to jump in?


            The good thing about wearing a face mask at work is that nobody can see you mouthing 'fck off' when they ask you to do something.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: July5

              hiya alll..hope we are ok?mouth is getting better ..not as sore now thank goodness.its a real pain having to eat ice lollies ...and choc ices ...Ive lost 6lbs since I got the tooth out thats how much I didnt eat !!but things are on the mend I hope .

              Pauly ,stay safe stay positive ,do what your head and heart tell you not some idiotic politician...what they are doing over here is localising lockdowns ,prolly similar to what your state governor is trying to do .I went to the shop earlier aSDA ..I saw 3 people in there wearing masks ...and I was one of them!couldnt care less ...I will wear it until such times as I feel safe not some half baked politician!!

              hiya ppqp..hows you then? all good I hope,yep Ill be taking the tablets thats for sure .hows the cards doing ? is it this aft the school is on?best ov luck .

              hiya Lav how are you then? good I hope..any word on sil?hope he is ok .I planted a load of that kale this morning so the peskies will have food!!thats if the snails dont do it in ..a socially distanced meal?how does that work then? do they fling pizzas at you like flying saucers .?you take care of you n yours ..

              right folks ...take care everyone ..think of yourselves and your families ..sod the politicians ..

              big shout to everyone else .

              BBC News "Travellers invade Prince Charles's estate"

              Lazy, tax dodging, work shy parasitical waste of oxygen..

              and dont get me started on travellers..

              I asked the little Chinese lad next door, Wuntoo, what he wanted to be when he grew up,

              "A sound engineer, " he replied.

              The National Health Service is planning to allow only post op male to female trans patients into female wards.

              A spokesperson said that it was vital to ensure the policy was implemented willy nilly.

              After months of lockdown, it was great to finally visit a second household and stay over. Unfortunately I was woken up by the Police at two in the morning.
              Apparently it has to be people you know.

              Answers given in an R.E exam with spelling mistakes left in.

              1. Moses led the jews to the red sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingredients.

              2. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.

              3. The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery.

              4. David was a hebrew king who was skilled at playing the liar. He fought the Finkelsteins, a race of people who lived in biblical times.

              5. Solomon, one of Davids sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.

              6. When the three wise guys from the east side arrived they found Jesus in the manager.

              7. Jesus was born because Mary had an immaculate contraption.

              8. One of the oppossums was St. Matthew who was also a taximan.

              9. St. Paul cavorted to christianity, he preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marraige.

              10. Christians have only one spouse. This is called monotony.

              Wuntoo, the Chinese lad next door is is having his exams today.

              Testing Wuntoo.....

              What's my favourite part of the swimming pool to jump in?


              The good thing about wearing a face mask at work is that nobody can see you mouthing 'fck off' when they ask you to do something.
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: July5

                top o the morning ABeroooos!

                Mick, that's great news...real food soon hopefully.

                Lav, how was the electrical storm? I do miss those.

                did manage to pick up a couple shoots this week including a big one at noon today which is a relief. it appears I have an annoying
                'scarcity mindset' which flares up when I hear there are no shoots booked and I tend to catastrophize like it's over and I have to do
                something entirely different. I guess the market is just moving in weird ways as we plough through these weird days.

                Managed to get to the gym 2 days in a row after entirely too many months off and now I'm mega sore but it feels great. ....mostly

                girly is away at a friends house for sleepover so all is tranquil on the homefront.

                ok, what to have for dinner? hmmmm...

                took some of my spare time yesterday to learn more photo techniques which is good. I try to keep learning always.
                I've really slacked on Italian language practice so I'd better go do a couple sessions.

                PPQ, recovering from your trying day? I really get whiped out when I have to do a big computer day. Do you use computer

                off for another cuppa and then... things...

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Re: July5

                  top o the morning ABeroooos!

                  Mick, that's great news...real food soon hopefully.

                  Lav, how was the electrical storm? I do miss those.

                  did manage to pick up a couple shoots this week including a big one at noon today which is a relief. it appears I have an annoying
                  'scarcity mindset' which flares up when I hear there are no shoots booked and I tend to catastrophize like it's over and I have to do
                  something entirely different. I guess the market is just moving in weird ways as we plough through these weird days.

                  Managed to get to the gym 2 days in a row after entirely too many months off and now I'm mega sore but it feels great. ....mostly

                  girly is away at a friends house for sleepover so all is tranquil on the homefront.

                  ok, what to have for dinner? hmmmm...

                  took some of my spare time yesterday to learn more photo techniques which is good. I try to keep learning always.
                  I've really slacked on Italian language practice so I'd better go do a couple sessions.

                  PPQ, recovering from your trying day? I really get whiped out when I have to do a big computer day. Do you use computer

                  off for another cuppa and then... things...

                  be well loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Re: July5

                    Good evening Abbers,

                    I see there’s a tropical storm named ‘Fay’ moving towards the east coast ~ swell! We’ll see what happens as it turns north & makes it’s way up here on Friday.
                    Still hot & humid today, yuck.

                    Mick, testing Wuntoo - haha!! Love that
                    You better find some liquid calories to consume so you don’t lose too much weight. Mashed potatoes always go down easy. Glad you’re on the mend!

                    PQ, I think I’ll feel better when he gets his test results. He’s continuing to work from home so he’s not down & out completely. Meanwhile my daughter is helping the granddaughter with her online camp activities. Last week it was a camp where they actually learning programming & writing code so they produced their own online games, pretty cool. This week it’s a science camp where they do experiments every day with the supplies that were shipped to them. So my daughter is overseeing all that, haha!!

                    Pauly, work exposures are pretty common. Remember my son was exposed at his firehouse early on in the pandemic. If Brady has close contact with the two who tested positive he should quarantine & possibly get tested himself just to be safe. We are all going to get thru this thing, we need to stay calm & focused!

                    Not much going on with me but that’s OK. Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a nice night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: July5

                      and good afternoon to you all?how are we today then?good hopefully ..pouring down with rain during the night floodedfirst thing this morning but it has subsided now ..though it looks like more rain is on he way..had to go to shop this morning ...a lot more folk wearing masks today ...the world health organisation has said it could be air borne ,hence the need for masks..This black lives matter stuff is getting crazy over here is gradually turning into rascism in reverse!! yes I do support the ethos behind all lives are equal irrespective of creed colour or race,and yes I do agree that slavery is and was a no no should be blm as well.As for the wrecking of things where does it stop? should we smash down the Bridge over the River Kwai and the Burma Railway made by Commonwealth and American prisoners used as slave labour ,should we investigate and rip up the motorways in Europe created by the Germans with slave labour, the stuff in South Africa when the Boers used slave labour ,or the things the Russians have built using slave labour ..the Colosseum in Rome ,the Pyramids in Egypt ?surey it is better to stop ,pause and reflect,than destroy and ignore...I dont really do political ,it just makes sense to me we have got Harry the ex prince running about bumping his gums off ...conveniently forgetting his rascist remarks and comments in the past.thats it he jumps off his soapbox.

                      Back at the dentist tomorrow ..

                      hiya Lav hows you then today?all good I hope heard anything about sil...hope its good nooze .Im managing ok on ice lollies as food !!!I had some rice last night..wrong move ..a grain got stuck in the hole and I had to get it out ...a big ouch.

                      hiya pauly are you? hope all is is Brad any test news?fingers crossed for you girl.

                      hiya det ..hows you then mate? good I hope well done on the photo shoots matey .stay safe

                      hiya ppqp...hope all is well inCanadia ..did you have a card school?if so how did you get on ...?enough to retire ? take care ..

                      big shout to everyone else
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: July5

                        MAE ALL...

                        Mick...back to the dentist? Just a check on how things are going? I cringed when you said you had rice, yup just what I thought would happen. Like Lav said, mashed potatoes. Meeting yesterday was productive especially since now the boss is out of things. Did manage a bridge game last night. To be honest I'd rather play bridge than poker.

                        Lav...GOT MY HAIR CUT!!! Just got home, boy does it ever feel better. A little shorter than I usually wear it but don't want to have to go back any time soon. We're under a severe thunderstorm watch and looking at the skies it's going to hit the east side of the city again. Man, they've been through a lot. I'm glad your granddaughter has a virtual camp at least. It's amazing what they're teaching kids these days. Too bad our program coordinator hasn't a clue about anything virtual. Just trying to get into our online meetings is challenge for her. Probably still too early for any test results for you SIL?

              's Brady doing? Did he get tested? When I phoned to get an appointment for a haircut she said I can take you in 1/2 hour if you want, yes I want. I just lucked out on the timing. There was only me and one other person in the salon. Then a client came in for her appointment and started moving all the waiting chairs around so she could sit down. Some people just don't get it. My stylist had to stop and go tell her that she'd have to wait outside.

                        Det...I kinda can't blame you for your "scarcity mindset" with every thing that you've gone through. Good job on getting to the gym, bet that felt good. Yup, recovered from the marathon computer work and no I don't wear computer glasses but am thinking of looking into it. Gotta save my eyes for bedtime reading. LOL

                        I hope TG is doing ok and that she'll make an appearance soon, I miss her.

               are things going with you? Have you got the dog sorted out with meds yet? I'm almost finished my book, time to make a trip to the Little Free Library.

               surviving out there? Any storms on the horizon?

                        Off to get something for my lunch. Hope you all have a good day....:smile:PPQP


                          Re: July5

                          Good evening friends,

                          No test results back yet for my SIL but he’s OK at home so far. My daughter had to do her first instacart shopping order today since they’re all quarantined for the time being. Hope that worked out OK for her.
                          Still hot, humid & gross. The storm moving up the coast is named ‘Fay”, off of North Carolina (where Byrdie is) & will reach us some time tomorrow. Lots of rain & wind on the way. I bet Sam will be getting some of it too.

                          Mick, I told you to eat mashed potatoes dude, haha!!!
                          Glad you’re doing OK regardless. If we get rivers of rain running through the yard again like we did last summer I’ll try to get a pic.
                          Stay dry & stay safe!

                          PQ, congrats on the haircut :yay:
                          I know that wonderful feeling of finally having the hair helmet lifted off your head
                          I think maybe your program coordinator needs to attend some conferences & get herself updated on things, don’t you think?

                          Hello to Pauly, Det, Pie, Sam & Cyn who has arrived safely at her western destination!

                          Have a nice night everyone!
                          Last edited by Lavande; July 9, 2020, 06:12 PM.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: July5

                            Mae everybody, PQ, glad you got your haircut! Yep these customers get offended when we tell them that they 1.hafta wear a mask even while I'm cutting, 2. Can't touch the sign in sheet capacity and only 2 can wait inside the rest outside regardless of the heat! Governor shut bars down again tonight, bars that serve food can remain open? Whatever. Yes Lav, tell your daughter to keep using instacart cuz that's how I make my extra money haha! Lately I've only been taking the low paying ones cuz it's been hot and don't feel like lugging 14 bags of groceries and 3 pallets of water anywhere, Mick, hope the tooth socket is better, Det glad you got a gig woo hoo! I see Cyn posted pics of her drive to Tahoe, what a sweet soul she is, hope she's coping ok-looks like it, much love to all and wishes for a great BF Fryday!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: July5

                              And good afternoon everybody hope you are all well it's a chirpy me went to the dentist this morning nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be it is healing up nicely x read my jaw as well just to check no problems there air.and the possibility exists that I'm going to get a couple of implants putting in there in the future obviously once it settles down a bit really windy here today, but very sunny so the rabbits are stretched out on the lawn planted up my kale plants this afternoon a mere 55 plants all for the rabbits in the future in case you haven't noticed I'm doing this on my phone hi there it needs to learn Scottish or I need a Scottish phone well Friday night it is Friday night is curry night so fortunately my face has healed enough to eat one so I've just started making it will see if I can get some jokes up later on in the meantime have a great weekend everyone
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Re: July5

                                MAE ALL...

                                Lav...thanks for keeping us up to date with TG. Do you actually communicate with her? Perhaps you can ask her to pop in for a visit? I think the prog coord needs to attend a conference on how to fill out your unemployment forms. LOL Is the storm still on it's way? It's hot here today but so far no thunderstorm watches. Glad your SIL is doing ok, sounds like he may have got lucky.

                       may be hot here but nothing like there so no sympathy for those who have to wait outside. They can always book their appointment and not come early, duh! I don't blame you for taking the lower paying grocery deliveries, I wouldn't want to be lugging all that either.

                                Mick...good news on the dentist front. Bet that curry tastes extra good tonight. I can just picture the peskies stretched out on the grass. 55 kale plants, you don't do anything small do you. Popped over to the community garden this morning, everything is looking great. My potato plants have flowers on them, probably means I need to do something with them? I'm sure my gardening buddy will know. Posted my "No Visitor" signs and just as I was leaving noticed one of them was upside down. Almost left it that way. LOL

                                I'm taking the rest of the day off. Hope we all have a great weekend....:smile:PPQP

