Det...WOW, 100,000 evictions! Where is everyone going to go? Yes, I think people are now feeling "caution fatigue". I can see it when I'm out and about, which isn't often. The patiently waiting for their turn, staying 6ft apart and being polite has turned into "F" you and butting in wherever. The city announced they're going to make mask wearing indoor all public places mandatory starting Aug 1st. They can start it now as far as I'm concerned. Some people are saying they'll simply drive to the next town to do their shopping, I hope they do. I hope your sister stays safe and I know I'd be worrying too.
Lav...did you get your storm? What a catch 22, melt in the heat or hope the storm doesn't do too much damage. You're fritters sounded great, I think even I could do that one. LOL I've never heard of the "Resting Bitch Face". Will have to give it a go. LOL Did manage to get childcare sorted out today so onto the new software. Asked the prog-coord when she wanted to get together and apparently she's busy until the first week of August. Makes no never mind to me if the programs don't get set up. Will email her to set a meeting date and time so I have documentation when the boss says why isn't this done.
Pauly...I remember you saying the owner was going to raise the prices but didn't realize it would be that much. Have no idea where the shop is located, I do know Flamingo though. I'm sure the rent was cheap enough for him. Hope things turn around for you soon, don't give up your delivery job just in case. should just record those cleaning, polishing and tidying up noises then you can take it easy with a book and just play them. The garden is looking lovely. I'm only helping with the potato patch and you can pretty much just let it do it's thing. LOL Gotta say it's been good to get up and go into work, starting to get a bit of a routine going. As long as I can avoid the contractors I can concentrate on one thing at a time. Refuse to setup my phone, the recorded message instructs people to use email, and that'll work for now. No bridge on the schedule at the moment. May have to find a couple of other players to set up a weekly game.
Shout out to Sam, Pi and TG.
It's Kraft dinner and hot dogs for supper tonight so no prep work required. LOL Have a good evening all....:smile:PPQP