Good evening Abbers,
It’s actually 75 degrees out with much lower humidity - Wow! NICE!!!
I know it won’t last long & tomorrow we’ll be on the road half the day for the memorial service for DIL’s mom.
Sam, they’re called covidiots these days, haha! The are everywhere & hard to avoid even though we try. I hope you have a lovely evening playing some tunes
Mick, what kind of caterpillars are you getting on the kale? Haven’t had much problem with insects in teh veggie garden this year, just destructive groundhogs.
Hope your van switch goes easily enough. You have lots to look forward to, lucky!
Det, in my previous life I cared for GSW victims & stabbing victims & I can tell you right now, without a doubt I would rather be shot!! Stabbings are way too up close & personal & messy
Hope today’s photoshoot goes well despite the heat. Guess you’re getting used to it now?
Chick moving day has been delayed a little bit because YB decided we need add a wall inside the coop that the snakes can’t penetrate. I appreciate that because we’ve had so many snakes in there this summer & I can’t stand the things, ugh!
PQ, won’t the boss be surprised when his butt hits the door? Haha!! He needs to get his act together, that’s for sure!
Hope you found the garden in good shape today. Take care of yourself :hug:
Hello to Pauly, Pie & Cyn.
Have a nice night all!